① 所有交通工具的英文單詞
bus 公共汽車
driver 汽車司機
double decker bus 雙層公共汽車
coach, motor coach, bus 大客車
taxi, taxicab 計程汽車, 出租汽車
trolleybus 無軌電車
tramcar, streetcar 電車, 有軌電車
underground, tube, subway 地鐵
stop 停車站
taxi rank, taxi stand 計程汽車車站, 出租汽車總站
taxi driver, cab driver 計程車司機
conctor 售票員
inspector 檢查員, 稽查員
ride 乘車
minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低車費
railway 鐵路 (美作:railroad)
track 軌道
train 火車
railway system, railway net-work 鐵路系統
express train 特別快車
fast train 快車
through train 直達快車
stopping train, slow train 慢車
excursion train 游覽列車
commuter train, suburban train 市郊火車
railcar 軌道車
coach, carriage 車廂
sleeping car, sleeper 卧車
dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐車
sleeper with couchettes 雙層卧鋪車
berth, bunk 鋪位
up train 上行車
down train 下行車
luggage van, baggage car 行李車
mail car 郵政車
station, railway station 車站
station hall 車站大廳
booking office, ticket office 售票處
ticket-collector, gateman 收票員
platform 月台, 站台
platform ticket 站台票
buffet 小賣部
waiting room 候車室
platform bridge 天橋
left-luggage office 行李暫存處
platform-ticket 驗票門
terminal, terminus 終點站
coach, passenger train 客車
car attendant, train attendant 列車員
guard, conctor 列車長
rack, baggage rack 行李架
left-luggage office 行李房 (美作:checkroom)
registration 登記
timetable 時刻表
change, transfer 換乘
connection 公鐵交接處
ticket inspector 驗票員
porter 搬運工人
to change trains at... 在(某地)換車
the train is e at... 在(某時)到達
to break the journey 中途下車
boat, ship 船
(passenger) liner 郵輪, 客輪
sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船
yacht 遊船
(ocean) liner 遠洋班輪
packet boat 定期客船, 班輪
cabin 船艙
hovercraft 氣墊船
life buoy 救生圈
lifeboat 救生艇
life jacket 救生衣
berth, cabin, stateroom 客艙
first-class stateroom (cabin) 頭等艙
second-class stateroom (cabin) 二等艙
steerage, third-class 三等艙
steerage 統艙
gang-plank 跳板
crossing 橫渡
cruise 游弋
to embark, to ship 乘船
to land 抵岸, to sail at a speed of 20 knots, 航速為20節
to transship 換船
to disembark 上岸
to board a ship; to embark; to go aboard 上船
to disembark from a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船
on board a ship, aboard 在船上
to stop over at... 中途在…停留
civil aviation 民用航空
plane, aircraft, airplane 飛機
airliner 班機
jet, supersonic plane 噴氣機
airliner, passenger aircraft 客機
medium-haul aircraft 中程飛機
long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 遠程飛機
propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋槳飛機
jet (aircraft) 噴氣飛機
turbofan jet 渦輪風扇飛機
turboprop 渦輪螺旋槳飛機
turbojet 渦輪噴氣飛機
by air, by plane 乘飛機
airline 航空線
passenger cabin 客艙
tourist class 普通艙, 經濟艙
first class 一等艙
waiting list 登機票名單
customs formalities 報關單
boarding check 登機牌
airport 航空港
air terminal 航空集散站
tarmac 停機坪
air hostess, stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘務員
steward 乘務員
aircraft crew, air crew 機組, 機務人員
pilot 駕駛員, 機長
takeoff 起飛
landing 著陸
to board a plane, get into a plane 上飛機
to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飛機
non-stop flight to 飛往, 直飛
in transit 運送中的
air pocket 氣潭, 氣阱
② 雜貨鋪的英文怎麼寫
③ 雜貨店翻譯英文
雜貨店 Grocery store
④ 英語裡面 「貨車」 怎麼說的啊!
goods trainn.貨物列車
freight trainn.貨運車
goods van有蓋貨車
freight carn.運貨車廂
全部truckgoods trainfreight traingoods vanfreight car
Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road.
The roads were cluttered with cars and vans.
Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.
貨車[huò chē]
(1) [wagon]∶通常無頂蓋的重型四輪車,主要用於運輸體積大的商品,現今常由機動車(如拖拉機)來拖動
(2) [van;freight train]
(3) 廂式載貨汽車
⑤ 運輸的英文是什麼(動詞)
長途運輸英語是,line-haul, 長途運輸,版 short distance transport, 短途運輸,railway transportation, 鐵路運輸,transportation costs,運費,sea transport.海運,air transport,空運權。
⑥ 英語單詞「商店」怎麼寫
There, shop after shop, meant to lure the tourist,provided colorful commentaries on the culture of my ancestors.在那裡,商店一家挨著一家,裝潢得光艷奪目,以吸引遊客,對我祖先的文化做出了絢麗的闡釋。
The shop carries suits, coats, shirts, and miscellaneous accessories.這家商店擺放著套裝、大衣、襯衣和一些各色的小飾品。
Self-contained, fully serviced apartments in Kensington- close to park, shops, buses and subways.肯辛頓市內設施和服務齊全的獨立公寓,附近有公園、商店、公共汽車站和地鐵。
Require tobacco-specific licences for manufacturers, exporters, importers, wholesalers, transporters, warehouses and retailers.要求為製造商、出口商、進口商、批發商、運輸商、商店和零售商辦理專門的煙草執照。
"boutique:a small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example."小商店:一種小零售店,專賣禮品、時裝、配件或食品。
The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandize. 商店櫥窗里擺滿了外國商品。
"The ticket-hall, which is just below street-level, is a vast circular hall with showcases, hired by various stores, let into the walls "車站的售票廳就建在路面之下,這是一個寬敞的圓形大廳,裡面有許多嵌進牆壁的展品陳列櫥窗,出租給各種商店
A highly reputable firm,shop,accountant有名氣的公司、商店、會計.
Regular customer or client (at a shop,pub,etc )(商店、酒館等的)老主顧,常客
"From coffee houses to local shops, from florists to garages, the tiny books are sold everywhere in the US."迷你書的銷售遍及美國。咖啡館,小商店,售花亭,修車場,迷你書的倩影隨處可見。
⑦ 商務電話英語和物流英語,一些常用語句或單詞片語
請問你找誰? Who would you like to speak to?
請問你找誰? May I help you?
他不在辦公室 He is not in the office!
他今天休息,不上班 = He is off today, so he won't be in the office.
你可以打他的手機 = You can call him by his cellphone.
現在是午休時間,他不在辦公室 = It is lunch break at the moment, he is not in the office.
他1點半上班,到時再打他電話。= He will be back at one-thirty, please call back later.
他出去了,一小時後回來。 = He is out, he will be back in an hour.
我不太會說英語,很抱歉。 = I don't speak much English, I'm sorry.
他還未到,5分鍾後可以找到他。 = He is not here yet, but he will be back in five minutes.
他正過來,請稍等 = He is coming, please wait.
1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.
4.Logistics is a unique global 「pipeline」.
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.
8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, proction logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics.
9.Logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in instrial proction..
10.Logistics is unique, and it never stops!
11.Logistics performance is happening around the globe, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks a year.
12.Logistics is concerned with getting procts and services where they are needed and when they are desired.
13.Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.
14.Logistics is a hot topic in China。
15.The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost.
16.It is important that persons involved in day-to-day logistics work have a basic understanding of logistics.
17.Logistics must be managed as a core competency.
18.Logistics competency directly depends on a firm』s strategic positioning.
19.Logistics service is a balance of service priority and cost.
20.A lot of books on logistics, either in Chinese or in English, were published in 2002.
21.There is great room for logistics development in China.
22.I wish to make logistics my lifetime career.
23.ABC classification is quite useful in inventory control.
24.The JIT proction system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago.
25.Just-in-time (JIT) techniques are sometimes referred to as just-in-time proction,just-in-time purchasing and just-in-time delivery.
26.The key to JIT operations is that the demand for components and materials depends on the finalized proction schele.
27.There are five basic modes of transportation. They are water transport, rail transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport.
28.Transportation is a vital component in the design and management of logistics systems.
29.If you keep an overstock of the inventory, expenses will incur not only in warehousing, but also in many other aspects, such as the capital cost and interest accruing to it, taxes, insurance and obsolescence cost.
30.Packing can be divided into instrial packaging and consumer packaging.
31.Packaging about protect the goods against damages ring handling, storing and transportation.
32.Due to improper packing, the goods are terribly damaged.
33.Things like plastic, steel and glass can be recycled to rece proction cost so that natural resources are saved.
34.Both buyers and suppliers can benefit a lot from the rection in the number of suppliers.
35.Just-in-time strategy ensures that while minimizing inventory levels, materials are made available for proction.
36.The goal of just-in-time purchasing is zero inventory.
37.Information is crucial to the performance of a supply chain.
38.Setting inventory levels requires downstream information from customers on demand, upstream information from suppliers on availability and information on current inventory levels.
39.The idea of supply chain management was first put forward in the 1980s.
40.Supply chain management means the design, planning and control of the information flow, material flow and cash flow with a view to strengthening competitiveness.
41.Maritime shipping is an important link in international logistics service.
42.There are two types of shipping markets: the liner market and the tramp market.
43.A Container Load Plan is of five copies, each of which is to be given respectively to the terminal, the carrier, the shipping agent, the shipper and the party that stuffs the container.
44.After the cargo is stuffed into a container, it is handed to the container yard (CY) to be loaded on board according to the stowage plan.
45.A container terminal connects sea and land, transferring containers to and from ships. It is capable of handling containers more quickly, economically, accurately and in greater volumes than conventional ports.
46.Information is a key to the success of logistics.
47.Warehousing is not a new business, but it has gained new functions in modern logistics.
48.Inventory control can effectively rece logistics cost.
49.Packing and sorting are two activities in logistics.
50.A supply chain is defined as a network composed of factories, suppliers, retailers and so on that supply each other with raw materials, components, procts and service.
⑧ 各種車的英語怎麼寫
limousine 豪華轎車
drophead 活動車篷汽車 (美作:convertible)
racing car 賽車
saloon 轎車 (美作:sedan)
roadster 敞蓬車
notchback 客貨兩用車
four-wheel drive 四輪驅動
front-wheel drive 前輪驅動
trailer 拖車
station wagon 小旅行車
truck 卡車
compact car 小型汽車
light-van 小型貨車
garbage truck 垃圾車
automobile carrier 貨運卡車wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爺車
fire engine 消防車
tractor 牽引車
ambulance 救護車
taxi 計程車, 計程車
trailer truck 拖車
sports car 跑車
formula car 方程式賽車, 方程式汽車
mail car 郵政車
jeep 吉普車
bloodmobile 捐血車 血漿車
bumper car 碰碰汽車
camper 露營車
police car 警車
wrecker 清障車
ambulance急救車 trailer 拖車truck 卡車 貨車car 小型汽車fire engine 消防車tractor 牽引車ambulance 救護車taxi 計程車, 計程車jeep 吉普車 police car 警車train 火車plane 飛機rooter挖土機 轎車:car自行車:bike公交車:bus火車:trainSUV = Sports Utility Vehicle = 越野車Sedan = 轎車mini van = 旅行車truck = 卡車container truck = 貨櫃車towing truck = 拖車RV = Recreation Vehicle = 休閑車bus = 公共汽車taxi = 出租汽車bicycle = bike = 自行車摩托車
⑨ 雜貨鋪用英文怎麼讀
variety shop;源variety store;general store;varienty shop;varienty store更多釋義>>
雜貨鋪Grocery store;variety shop;general store
小熊雜貨鋪Bear Store
⑩ 食品雜貨 用英語怎麼說啊