『壹』 你從《海賊王》里,學到了什麼
『貳』 海賊王用英語怎麼說
海賊呢是 sea robber
ONE PIECE(海賊王的標題)是 整體的,單片的意思
pirate是 海盜, 盜印者, 盜版者, 侵犯專利權者的意思
『叄』 海賊王里的每個人的英文名是
1、蒙奇··路飛(Monkey D. Luffy)
蒙奇·D·路飛(モンキー・D・ルフィ),外號「草帽」路飛,草帽海賊團、草帽大船團船長,極惡的世代之一。橡膠果實能力者,夢想是找到傳說中的One Piece,成為海賊王。路飛性格積極樂觀,愛憎分明,而且十分重視夥伴,不甘屈居於他人之下,對任何危險的事物都超感興趣。和其他傳統的海賊所不同的是,他並不會為了追求財富而殺戮,而是享受著身為海賊的冒險和自由。
2、羅羅諾亞·索隆(Roronoa Zoro)
羅羅諾亞·索隆(ロロノア・ゾロ),「草帽一夥」的戰斗員,人稱「海賊獵人索隆」,是使用三把刀戰斗的三刀流劍士。索隆出生於東海的霜月村,立志成為世界第一大劍豪。之後加入「草帽一夥」 ,隨著「草帽一夥」以成為世界第一大劍豪的目標旅行。
3、文斯莫克·山治(Vinsmoke Sanji)
6、女帝波雅·漢庫克(Boa Hancock)
波雅·漢庫克(ボア・ハンコック),海賊女帝。同時也是九蛇海賊團的現任船長。官方設定的海賊王世界中的三大頂級絕世美女之一 ,因被世人更為熟知而被稱為「世界第一美女」。擁有霸王色霸氣、見聞色霸氣、武裝色霸氣。直到遇到蒙奇·D·路飛,愛上路飛之後,幫助路飛成功前往推進城。
8、愛德華·紐蓋特(Edward Newgate)
9、波特卡斯·D·艾斯(Portgas·D· Ace)
『肆』 海賊王英語ONE PIECE的直譯是什麼意思啊
ONE pIECE的直譯是一塊的意思,它象徵著一段偉大的歷程,即尋寶之路,這里有太多的艱難等待內著他們,從中我們能容學到許多的東西,勇氣,信心,樂觀,頑強...
【O】vercome myself——克服自己
【N】avigate the reticent companion——航行中無言的同伴
【E】ager for the historical fact——渴望歷史的真相
【P】ursue the most of dream——追尋世上最大的夢想
【I】nsist on promise——堅持承諾
【E】ntertain a belief——懷抱信念
【C】onfront the life——面對人生
【E】mbrace emotion——擁抱情感
『伍』 海賊王這個英文單詞怎麼拼寫.麻煩告訴下..
就是One Piece 有關ONE PIECE含義(來自漫迷) [O]vercome myself——克服自己 [N]avigate the reticent companion——航行中無版言的同伴 [E]ager for the historical fact——渴望歷史的真相權 [P]ursue the most of dream——追尋世上最大的夢想 [I]nsist on promise——堅持承諾 [E]ntertain a belief——懷抱信念 [C]onfront the life——面對人生 [E]mbrace emotion——擁抱情感
『陸』 我們可以從海賊王中學到什麼
友情 夢想 熱血羈絆 樂觀
『柒』 海賊王英語資料
One Piece (ワンピース, Wan Pīsu?) is a Japanese shōnen manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, that has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since August 4, 1997. The indivial chapters are being published in tankōbon volumes by Shueisha, with the first released on December 24, 1997 and 50 volumes released as of June 2008. One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a 17 year old boy, who gained supernatural abilities by eating a magical fruit, and his ragtag crew of heroic pirates, named the Straw Hats. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece and thereby become the next Pirate King. When creating the series, Oda was heavily influenced by the manga Dragon Ball.
One Piece is licensed for an English language release in North America by Viz Media. The indivial chapters are being serialized in Viz's Shonen Jump manga anthology and being published in tankōbon volumes. In the United Kingdom, the series is being released by Gollancz Manga. Madman Entertainment is releasing the series in Australia and New Zealand.
The series was adapted into an original video animation (OVA) proced in 1998 by Proction I.G. It was later adapted into a full anime series by Toei Animation that premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on October 20, 1999. As of August 31, 2008, 368 episodes of the series have aired. The anime series was licensed for a heavily edited English bbed broadcast in North America by 4Kids Entertainment. It has since been licensed for a full Region 1 DVD release and broadcast by Funimation Entertainment. In addition to the anime series and OVA, One Piece has been adapted into nine feature films by Toei and multiple video games based on the series have been released.
With over 140 million copies sold, One Piece is the third highest selling manga in the history of Weekly Shōnen Jump. It is considered their most acclaimed and all-time third-best-selling title in Japan.
Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ, Monkī D. Rufi?): The main character, a 17 year old boy.[1] He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is portrayed as carefree and sometimes air-headed. He generally has a huge appetite, for meat in particular. By accidentally eating a Devil Fruit, a fruit that grants special abilities to those who eat them, his body gained the properties of rubber. Luffy's dream is to become the Pirate King. Luffy is voiced by Urara Takano in the original video animation (OVA) and by Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, he is voiced by Bella Hudson for 4Kids, by Chuck Powers for Odex and by Colleen Clinkenbeard for Funimation.
Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ, Roronoa Zoro?): The first to join the crew. He is 19 years old[1][2] and a skilled swordsman, who uses up to three swords at once, clutching the third into his mouth. He is extremely poor at understanding geographical directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink. His goal is to become the greatest swordsman in the world. Zoro is voiced by Wataru Takagi in the OVA and by Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, he is voiced by Marc Diraison for 4Kids, by Brian Zimmerman for Odex and by Christopher Sabat for Funimation.
Nami (ナミ, Nami?): The crew's 18 year old[1] navigator and the second to join. Her navigation skills are excellent and she has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather through sheer intuition. She is also an excellent thief and pickpocket. Her dream is to draw a complete map of the world. Nami is voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi in the OVA and by Akemi Okamura in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, she is voiced by Kerry Williams for 4Kids, by Alison Lestor for Odex and by Luci Christian for Funimation.
Usopp (ウソップ, Usoppu?): The crew's 17 year old[1] marksman and the third to join. He is a chronic liar, talented inventor and has notable artistic talent, shown in his painting of the Straw Hat's Jolly Roger and crafting of detailed snow sculptures. Usopp's dream is to become a "brave warrior of the sea". Usopp is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, he is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kids, by Jamie Meldrum and Chuck Powers for Odex and by Sonny Strait for Funimation.
Sanji (サンジ, Sanji?): The crew's 19 year old[2] chain-smoking chef and the fourth to join. He knows how it feels to starve from first hand experience. Therefore he will never refuse someone a meal and becomes easily agitated when food is wasted. He is obsessed with women and has a strong sense of chivalry. He will never harm a woman, no matter what. His dream is to find the All Blue, a legendary sea, containing every kind of fish in the world. Sanji is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, he is voiced by David Moo for 4Kids, by Joe Murray and Paul Pistore for Odex and by Eric Vale for Funimation.
Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー, Tonī Tonī Choppā?): The crew's 15 year old[3] doctor and the fifth to join. He is a blue-nosed reindeer, who gained human properties by eating a Devil Fruit. He is capable of conversing with humans and animals alike. He is also very naïve and has a tendency to believe anything told to him. His dream is to create a cure for all the world's diseases. Chopper is voiced by Ikue Otani in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, he is voiced by Lisa Ortiz for 4Kids, by Emlyn Morinelli for Odex and by Brina Palencia for Funimation.
Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin?): The crew's 28 year old[4] archaeologist and the sixth to join. She ate a Devil Fruit and gained the ability to create copies of any part of her body on surfaces in her proximity. She is extremely intelligent, having taught herself archaeology at a very young age. Her dream is to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph, an ancient stone telling a long lost part of history. Robin is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English bs, she is voiced by Veronica Taylor for 4Kids, by Natasha Malinsky for Odex and by Stephanie Young for Funimation.
Franky (フランキー, Furankī?): The crew's 34 year old[5] shipwright and seventh to join. He is a cola-powered cyborg. His artificial body grants him incredible strength, as well as making him practically invulnerable to most frontal attacks. It is equipped with countless weapons. Nevertheless, Franky is very sensitive and like Chopper has trouble hiding his emotions. His dream is to build a dream ship and sail it around the world, something he is now doing aboard the Thousand Sunny. Franky is voiced by Kazuki Yao in the Japanese version of the anime and by Patrick Seitz in Funimation's English b.
Brook (ブルック, Burukku?): The crew's 88 year old[6] musician and eighth to join. He is a living skeleton, resurrected by means of a Devil Fruit. He has a strange personality, being a combination of a gentlemanly persona and a perverted, crude sort. He speaks in a dignified, ecated manner at most times, while having amazingly bad manners. His goal is to circle the Grand Line and return to Reverse Mountain, fulfilling a 50 year old promise. Brook is voiced by Chō in the Japanese version of the anime. He has yet to appear in any English b.
『捌』 海賊王英語名詞!!!!
one piece, water seven
all blue(藍海), Ennis Lobby
east blue(東海), west blue(西海) ,south blue(南海) ,north blue(北海)
puffing Tom(海列車冒煙湯姆號)內, Red line(赤色大陸), Grand Line(偉大航容路), Calm Belt(無風帶)
skypiea(空島), tone dial(音貝), breath dial(風貝),
lamp dial(燈貝), flavor dial(香貝), vision dial(映像貝,)thousand sunny(萬里陽光號)
『玖』 有關海賊王的英語
One Piece
Overcome myself——克服自己
Navigate the reticent companion——航行中無言的同伴
Eager for the historical fact——渴望歷史的真相
Pursue the most of dream——追尋世上版最大的夢想
Insist on promise——堅持承諾權
Entertain a belief——懷抱信念
Confront the life——面對人生
Embrace emotion——擁抱情感
草帽海賊團--Straw Hat Pirates Gang
航海士--Navigation Cartographer
橡膠人--Rubber man
橡膠果實--Rubber pill
人造人--Robot (你說的是福蘭奇吧?呵呵)
『拾』 海賊王英語怎麼說