㈠ @用英語怎麼讀
㈡ 修汽車的英文怎麼說
汽車維護Vehicle maintenance
汽車修理Vehicle repair
汽車維修制度System of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車維修性Maintainability of vehicle
汽車技術狀況Technical Condition of Vehicle
汽車完好技術狀況Good condition of vehicle
汽車不良狀況Bad condition of vehicle
汽車工作能力Working ability of vehicle
汽車技術狀況參數Parameters for technical condition of vehicle
汽車極限技術狀況Limiting condition of vehicle
汽車技術狀況變化規律Regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle
運行缺陷Operational defect
製造缺陷Manufacturing defect
設計缺陷Design defect
事故性缺陷Accidental defect
汽車耗損Vehicle wear-out
汽車零件磨損Wear of vehicle part
磨損過程Wear process
正常磨損Normal wear
極限磨損Limiting wear
允許磨損Permissible wear
磨損率Wear rate
機械磨損Mechanical wear
化學損耗Chemical wear
熱磨損Thermic wear
疲勞磨損Fatigue wear
腐蝕性磨損Corrosion wear
故障磨損Failure wear
疲勞 Fatigue
汽車故障Vehicle failure
完全故障Complete failure
局部故障Partial failure
致命故障Critical failure
嚴重故障Major failure
一般故障Minor failure
汽車故障現象Symptom of vehicle failure
搶氣Mixture robbery
嗆油Fuel fouling
飛車Run way
工作粗暴Rough running
回火Back fire
自燃現象Dieseling (after run)
火花(點火)爆燃Spark knock
燃料爆燃Fuel knock (gas knock)
過度停頓Flat spot
調速器工作不勻Governor hunting
濾清器阻塞Clogged filter
(氣缸)上油Oil pumping
(柴油噴射系)滲漏滴油After dripping
(燃料系)氣阻Vapor lock
結膠Gum deposit
拉缸Cylinder score
咬缸Cylinder sticking
軸頸擦傷Journal score
拉瓦Bearing score
化油器結冰Carburetor icing
活塞敲缸Piston knock (piston slap)
活塞裙部擠扁Collapse of piston skirt
氣門挺桿發響Tappet noise (valve knock)
氣門彈簧顫動Valve spring surge
(蓄電池)過度放電Over discharge
(火花塞)鉛沉積Lead fouling
(火花塞)積碳Carbon fouling
真空提前失效Defective vacuum advance
高壓線跳火錯亂Secondary wire crossfiring
轉向反沖Steering kickback
離合器炸裂Clutch explosion
制動踏板發軟Spongy brake pedal
制動踏板費力Hard pedal
制動器發響Noisy brake
制動踏板過低Low brake pedal
制動盤擺動Disc runout
制動失效Brake fade
減振器失效Defective shock absorber
輪胎燒耗Burn rubber
輪胎急速磨耗Peel rubber
漂滑效應Hydro-planning (aqua-planning)
(由於緊急制動)緊急滑行Impending skid
異響Abnormal knocking
失控Out of control
乏力Lack of power
污染超限Illegal exhaust and noise
費油Excessive consumption of fuel and oil
故障率Failure rate
平均故障率的觀察值Observed mean failure rate
故障樹型分析法Fault tree analysis
汽車維護類別Class of vehicle maintenance
定期維護Periodic maintenance
季節性維護Seasonal maintenance
技術保養Technical service
保養周期Service cycle
保養里程Mileage between services
每日保養Daily service
冬季保養Winter check-up
夏季保養Summer check-up
走合維護Running-in maintenance
汽車修理類別Class of vehicle repair
汽車大修Major repair of vehicle
汽車中修Medium repair of vehicle
汽車小修Current repair of vehicle
總成修理Unit repair
零件修理Parts repair
計劃修理Scheled repair
定期修理Regulating repair
視情修理Repair on technical condition
非計劃修理Unscheled repair
修理里程Mileage between repair
單獨修理Indivial repair
汽車報廢Motor vehicle liquidation
汽車維護工藝Technology of Vehicle Maintenance
汽車維護作業Operation of vehicle maintenance
汽車維護工藝過程Technological process of vehicle maintenance
汽車修理工藝Technology of vehicle repair
汽車修理工藝過程Technological process of vehicle repair
技術檢驗Technical checking
零件檢驗分類Inspection and classification of parts
冷磨合Cold running-in
熱磨合Hot running-in
修理尺寸Repair size
走(磨)合期Running-in period
走(磨)合過程Running-in process
走(磨)合工況Running-in conditions
㈢ 英語翻譯(英語專業請進!)
你已經知道我的全名叫EVGENIJA KHLEBUTINA。我今年25歲,也不算很年輕了吧?我的生日是9月23號。我身高1米68(5英尺6英寸),體重51公斤(大概120磅吧,我不太確定用磅來計重到底是多少,但是我確實不胖)。
㈣ 大學成績單英文翻譯,績點,學分績點(不是平均),輔修,主修,怎麼翻譯,多謝了
績點 :GPA ( grade point average )
學分抄績點(不是平均) credit accumulation point(not average credit accumulation point)
㈤ 等級的英文怎麼說
音標:英 ['lev(ə)l] 美 ['lɛvl]
n. 水平;標准;等級;水平面
adj. 水平的;平坦的;同高的
vi. 瞄準;拉平;變得平坦
vt. 使同等;對准;弄平
n. (Level)人名;(法)勒韋爾
level of …的水平;…的等級
high level 高層;高電平
basic level 基本水平
on the level 誠實的;可靠的;坦率地;老實說
management level 管理水平;管理[層]級
1、Her weight went down to a satisfactory level.
2、I brought her proficiency up to the required level.
3、This shortsighted policy will level down university standards.
4、The standard of your work has fallen from the level we expect from you.
5、If he got back to the level that you and I communicate at, it would be enough.
㈥ 請英語高手幫我翻譯一下 不勝感激
The design of the sewage from the main proction process rinse water proction equipment, workshops ground water irrigation. The wastewater to the high concentration of organic wastewater, sewage biodegradability general. Removal of the contaminated material general to ensure that water quality at the same time, a reasonable balance between economic and operational management of the scientific, and consider wastewater standards. Sewage Treatment Process : UASB anaerobic tower, biological oxidation, precipitation and filtration. Sludge treatment and disposal of used filter Van rections after progressed. Gate resie and sludge treatment and disposal : artificial grid gate slag using artificial periodic cleaning, and in conjunction with other garbage disposal progressed. UASB anaerobic tower, two settling tank sludge into sludge pond, concentrated filtration dehydration, dry sludge progressed. Dealing mainly with the full use of existing structures pools, such as the regulation of tanks, sludge tanks, intermediate pools, additional biological oxidation pond Shen two pools, which mainly deals with the structure to take the floor-half. Major processing equipment and room-to take the floor and make a building on the ground decorative landscaping, to the park and building style. Blower through the noise gate, slag and sludge dewatering progressed, and other measures to eliminate secondary pollution, The entire operation will not affect the existing environment, which greatly improved the water quality. The station design consists of sewage treatment and sludge treatment and disposal of two parts. In sewage treatment, according to water, water quality changes, combined sewage own unique circumstances, mature technology, economic rationality, Operation flexible, easy management, stability of the treatment program. In the sludge treatment and disposal, sewage treatment sludge from the process, there should be stability, prevention of environmental pollution secondary; and proper consideration of the final disposal of sludge. Sewage treatment technologies are summarized below : 1. Trash wastewater facilities (the pharmaceutical wastewater) contains all kinds of floating material, need to be installed grid interception. To prevent follow-up to plug the pump or processing equipment; Avoiding the follow-up pool with precipitation increasing number of repair. Artificial grid with low cost, grid interception gate Jardine artificial cleaned regularly. 2, the regulation of water quality e to emissions of sewage water quality is very uneven, causing water from sewage water, water fluctuations, and Therefore, only large enough capacity to regulate access to biological treatment so that the quality of water stability it must have uniform regulation pool, the balance of quantity and quality, rece follow-up structures to deal with the impact load. 3, biological treatment of sewage pond after regulation after regulation uniform, using anaerobic biological treatment and aerobic biological treatment of the most economical technology, biological process : through domestication and cultivation advantages of having a microbial groups, Growth in the use of the surrounding environment of nutrients in the water that is contaminated substances metabolism, Degradation of pollutants reached, the purpose of purifying water. Biological Process biological growth by the state, is activated sludge, biofilm. Activated Sludge Process biological bacteria in the form micelles suspended in the water through aeration sewage mixed decomposition of pollutants. Activated Sludge Process according to their mode of operation are : general aeration tanks, oxidation ditch, SBR, anoxic - oxic, A/A/O. mainly used in large-scale sewage treatment plant. SBR addition, the provision required sludge return pump, more equipment, the SBR, Small sewage treatment works are also used, but SBR design loads smaller, 0.1kgBOD5/m3?d generally, the application covers a large area, as Decanter needs greater depth of the pond, Meanwhile more control equipment, once the equipment malfunctions or changes in operating parameters, have to run the whole adjustment process. Meanwhile small sewage treatment using activated sludge process, prone to sludge bulking sludge caused the loss, processing pools of sludge concentration is not assured, thus affecting the result. A design principle, the design of the program to strictly enforce the state environmental protection requirements, Sewage treatment must ensure that the effluent quality indicators discharge standards. 2, a simple, mature, stable and practical, economical and reasonable treatment process to ensure that the effect of treatment, savings and investment, operation and management costs. 3, equipment selection balance between general and advanced, reliable operation, high efficiency, easy management, repair and maintenance amount. affordable. 4, the system flexible, easy management, maintenance simple, as far as possible automation of operation, and rece labor intensity operation. 5, aesthetic design, rational layout, and existing facilities to consider harmonization. 6, and set up the necessary monitoring instruments, and improve operational control of the degree of automation. 7, taking measures to rece the impact on the surrounding environment, the reasonable control of noise, odors and proper treatment and disposal of solid waste, prevent secondary pollution. Finally the water should reach the People's Republic of China "effluent discharge standards" (GB8978-1996) 2 standards.
㈦ 各位英語高手幫幫忙!急!
Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague?
Britain is facing a sharp rise in its rat population as growing numbers of people leave fast food scraps in the street, an environment group warned. Keep Britain Tidy said the rodents were abandoning their traditional haunts underground and were roaming the streets, enticed by discarded remnants of burgers, pizzas and crisps. "The rat population is on the rise and soon it'll be as common to see a rodent on our street as it is to see a dog or a cat," said group Director, Sue Nelson. The practice of mping fast food litter and scraps on the street rather than in the trash - with young men the worst offenders - was behind the rise. According to the National Rodent Survey in 2001, Britain's rat population has grown by nearly one quarter since 1998 and is now estimated at 60 million, two million more than the human population. On average a rat can give birth every 24-28 days and just a single pair of rats can proce a colony of 2,000 a year. Around 200 Britons a year contract Weil's Disease - an infection which can lead to kidney or liver failure and eventually death and which is carried in rat's urine. To highlight the issue, Keep Britain Tidy launched a cinema advert entitled "How close do you want them to get?" The ad culminates in a shocking image of a young woman sleeping in a bed of rats - echoing the nightmare scenario from James Herbert's classic horror tale The Rats, in which mutant rodents begin to prey on humans.
100-Year-Old Rewards Doctor
Israel Haimowitz made a deal with his doctor 15 years ago - get me to 100 and I'll buy you a European vacation. On Sept 5, 2002, Haimowitz is celebrating his 100th birthday. And Dr. Robert Drimmer and his wife are looking forward to a trip to London next summer. "I hate to take his money," Drimmer said, but Haimowitz "would be mad if I didn't go." Haimowitz, a retired furniture salesman, said it's the least he can do. The native of Brooklyn, N.Y., is in good health, complaining only occasionally of fatigue. He moved to Florida 16 years ago. "To get a doctor down here that's considerate of his patients is difficult," Haimowitz said. He credits his longevity and health to drinking two ounces of cognac daily, along with eating five Danish butter cookies. Haimowitz, who just renewed his driver's license, said he plans to stick around awhile. "When I don't feel good, I don't want to be here. But when I feel as I do now, I want to live to 120," he said.
People Born in Autumn Live Longer
People born in the autumn live longer than those born in the spring and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist. Using census data for more than one million people in Austria, Denmark and Australia, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in the northern German town of Rostock found the month of birth was related to life expectancy over the age of 50. Seasonal differences in what mothers ate ring pregnancy, and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the health of a new-born baby and could influence its life expectancy in older age. "A mother giving birth in spring spends the last phase of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat less vitamins than in summer," said Gabriele Doblhammer, one of a team of scientists who carried out the research. "When she stops breast-feeding and starts giving her baby normal food, it's in the hot weeks of summer when babies are prone to infections of the digestive system." In Austria, alts born in autumn (October-December) lived about seven months longer than those born in spring (April-June), and in Denmark alts with birthdays in autumn outlived those born in spring by about four months. In the southern hemisphere, the picture was similar. Alts born in the Australian autumn - the European spring - lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring. The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data. Although nutrition at all times of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists, Doblhammer said.
Love Means Sharing the Same Diseases
Married couples share more than their homes, cars and finances - they are also likely to have some of the same diseases, experts say. If a spouse suffers from asthma, depression, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure or raised cholesterol levels, the chances are their partner will be afflicted with the same illness. "Partners of people with specific diseases are at increased risk of the disease themselves - at least 70 percent increased risk for asthma, depression and peptic ulcer disease," Julia Hippisley Cox of the University of Nottingham in northern England said. Cox and her team said the most likely reason for the shared diseases was environment. Married couples usually eat the same foods, are exposed to the same allergens and often have similar exercise patterns, all of which contribute to ailments such as allergies, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol. The scientists studied the medical history of 8,000 married couples, aged 30 to 74. "The findings could have implications for targeting screening or disease prevention measures at partners of participants with one of these diseases," Cox added.
Paris Invents New Love Messages
Declarations of undying devotion will flash across Paris's municipal bulletin boards every 20 seconds next month as the French capital invents a new way to say "I love you" on Valentine's Day. Bertrand Delanoe, the left-wing mayor known for his innovative city festivals, said the electronic boards would carry the best short love letters on February 14 - Valentine's Day - and throughout that weekend, adding that they would "help Parisians tell each other 'I love you'". He urged Parisians to send in their messages with a note indicating which neighbourhood they wanted them to be posted in. A special committee would pick out the best ones to display. The illuminated boards, which normally announce everything from city festivals to traffic warnings, stand at key squares and intersections all around the French capital.
Romance Blooms in Cozy Corners of Cinemas
Lovers have it tough in India's teeming financial capital, but some of the city's cinemas are playing Cupid to couples longing for time away from prying eyes. For the first time in Bombay, three upmarket cinemas have each set aside a dozen seats, called "Close-Up Corners," for couples wishing to watch a film together. The seats - priced the same as other cinema seats - are bigger and designed for two people with no arm rests between them. In conservative India, where public displays of affection are frowned upon, young men and women rarely dare to even hold hands for fear of censure or getting a "bad name." "This is the ideal place for couples to spend time together," said Hameed Shaikh, general manager of a suburban cinema, adding the "corners" were proving popular with college students. "This is a progressive step. We can't have culture cops dictating how we should behave," said 21-year-old college student P. Vijay outside a movie hall. "It's stupid to be prudish. This should be extended to more theaters in Bombay." Kamal Sharma, manager of another movie hall, said the romantic corners were a big hit even with married couples who often live in cramped, one-room homes that offer little privacy.
World's Greatest Job, Up for Grabs*
Calling all chocoholics. One of Britain's most exclusive grocery stores needs a new chocolate taster - and will pay 35,000 pounds ($54,400) a year for the successful candidate. Fortnum & Mason in London's Piccadilly - one of the capital's most prestigious addresses - is looking for a chocolate buyer to travel the world, taste as much chocolate as possible and select the best for its discerning customers. Daily Telegraph newspaper said the Fortnum's personnel director Cathy O'Neill has already been bombarded with applications after she advertised the post as the "best job in the world." But not all of those interested have the right qualifications. "We only advertised it a couple of days ago," O'Neill told Daily Telegraph. "But already we have had loads of people writing in saying they have absolutely no experience, or they work in the metal instry or something, but they love chocolate."
*up for grabs:俚語,意為可得的,易得的,任何人都可能取得的。
Firm Sold Out-of-Date Food as It Was 'Tasty'
Fine wines and cheese may improve with age, but Japanese consumers were probably shocked to find that one company executive thought Chinese spring rolls did too. That, at least, is what Reiko Yoshida, head of a small food firm in western Japan, told a news conference when asked to explain why her company sold frozen spring rolls and other procts that were well past their sell-by date1. "I was told that the procts were past their expiry date, but I gave the order to sell them after I tried them and found them tasty," a spokesman for the company, Shinsho, quoted Yoshida as telling a news conference. The company sold about 2,600 frozen spring rolls to stores even though some were nearly six months past their expiry date, the spokesman said. Yoshida accepted now that the company should have thrown the food away after the sell-by date passed and that it would take care from now on. The firm has voluntarily halted business in 21 of its 23 shops around the country for an indefinite period of time. Japanese consumer confidence in food procts has been shaken by several recent scandals, include cases of mislabeling.
Scarecrow Guards Jail Birds
A judge on an inspection visit to a Brazilian jail discovered a straw scarecrow dressed in police uniform on the watchtower "guarding" some 735 jail birds, police said. The judge removed the scarecrow, which had apparently been manning the watchtower for days, and took it to the court as evidence. Police opened an investigation. "It is considered a grave breach of security rules," a police spokesman said, adding that a prison guard or a police officer should have been on the tower at all times. The Taubate Provisional Detention Center for prisoners awaiting trial near Brazil's biggest city of Sao Paulo was opened at the end of 2001 and has already had one publicized escape via an underground tunnel. Brazil's prison system is plagued with break-outs and violent riots e to extreme overcrowding, lack of funds and poor pay for prison officers.
㈧ 一到12的英文單詞怎麼寫
1到12英語:one 、 、three、 four、 five、 six 、seven 、eight、 nine、 ten、 eleven 、twelve 。
1、1至10無規律可循: one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten;
2、11至19 :eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、 nineteen;
第1 first;第2 second;第3 third;第4 fourth;第5 fifth
第6 sixth;第7 seventh;第8 eighth;第9 ninth;第10 tenth
第11 eleventh;第12 twelfth;第13 thirteenth;第14 fourteenth;第15 fifteenth
第16 sixteenth;第17 seventeenth;第18 eighteenth;第19 nineteenth;第20 twentieth
第21 twenty-first;第22 twenty-second;第23 twenty-third;第24 twenty-fourth;第25 twenty-fifth
第26 twenty-sixth;第27 twenty-seventh;第28 twenty-eighth;第29 twenty-ninth;第30 thirtieth
㈨ 一年級 用英語怎麼說
一年級的英文短語是first grade.
1、Ifneed behecould .
AboutamonthagoIwas invitedto giveabrieftalktomynephew Gianni』sfirstgradeclass—nothing toodeep,mindyou,rathersimplyaboutwhatit』 asBelfast.
2、大概一個月前我受邀給我外甥女詹妮所在的一年級做一個簡短的講座,不要深奧的,請注意,相當地簡單,比如生活在一個陌生的地方會是什麼樣子? 就像貝爾法斯特。
num. (數詞)
adj. (形容詞)1)first用作形容詞一般修飾單數名詞,修飾有few或數詞修飾的復數名詞時是把復數名詞看作一個整體。first與基數詞連用時,一般置於基數詞前,但first引起的固定片語則應置於基數詞之後。
n. (名詞)