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發布時間: 2021-03-03 12:48:42

㈠ 英語常用8000詞彙表(整理列印版)

wht the hll

㈡ 所有英語單詞


㈢ 保險相關專業英語

kind of insurance;approval document

保險業常用英語詞彙總結(Insurance Glossary)
I"m looking for insurance from your company.


Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People" Insurance Company of China.


After loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.


When should I go and have the tea insured?


All right. Let"s leave insurance now.


I have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance.


I must say that you"ve corrected my ideas about the insurance.


This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance.


The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover.


The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us.


The extent of insurance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risk clause.


Please fill in the application form.


What risks is the People"s Insurance Company of China able to cover?


What risks should be covered?


What kind of insurance are you able to provide for my consignment?


It"s better for you to can the leaflet, and then make a decision.


These kinds of risks suit your consignment.


May I ask what exactly insurance covers according to your usual C.I.F terms?


It "s important for you to read the "fine print" in any insurance policy so that you know what kind of coverage you are buying.


what is the insurance premium?


The premium is to be calculated in this way.


The total premium is 800 U.S. dollars.


The cover paid for will vary according to the type of goods and the circumstances.


The rates quoted by us are very moderate. Of course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.


According to co-insurance clauses, the insured person must pay usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered.


The insurance rate for such kink of risk will vary according to the kind.


Insurance brokers will quote rates for all types of cargo and risks.


Can you give me an insurance rate?


Could you find out the premium rate for porcelain?


You should study not only the benefits but also the terms and limitations of an insurance agreement that appears best suited to your needs.


Words and Phrases

insure 保險;投保;保證

insurance 保險;保險費;保險金額

underwriters 保險商(指專保水險的保險商)保險承運人

insurance company 保險公司

insurer 保險人

insurance broker 保險經紀人

insurance underwriter 保險承保人

insurance applicant 投保人

insurant, the insured 被保險人,受保人

to cover (effect,arrange,take out) insurance 投保

insurance coverage;risks covered 保險范圍

insurance slip 投保單

insured amount 保險金額

insurance against risk 保險

insurance clause 保險條款

insurance instruction 投保通知

insurance business 保險企業

insurance conditions 保險條件

PICC (People"s Insurance Company of China) 中國人民保險公司

risk insured, risk covered 承保險項

risk 險別

to provide the insurance 為...提供保險

leaflet 說明書

fine print 細則

insurance expense 保險費

premium rate 保險費率

premium 保險費

insurance rate 保險費率表

insurance proceeds 保險金(保險收入)

㈣ 如何用英語表達保險業中的一些詞彙


insure 保險;投保;保證
insurance 保險;保險費;保險金額
underwriters 保險商(指專保水險的保險商)保險承運人
insurance company 保險公司
insurer 保險人
insurance broker 保險經紀人
insurance underwriter 保險承保人
insurance applicant 投保人
insurant, the insured 被保險人,受保人
to cover (effect,arrange,take out) insurance 投保
insurance coverage;risks covered 保險范圍
insurance slip 投保單
insured amount 保險金額
insurance against risk 保險
insurance clause 保險條款
insurance instruction 投保通知
insurance business 保險企業
insurance conditions 保險條件
PICC (People』s Insurance Company of China) 中國人民保險公司
risk insured, risk covered 承保險項
risk 險別
to provide the insurance 為...提供保險
leaflet 說明書
fine print 細則
insurance expense 保險費
premium rate 保險費率
premium 保險費
insurance rate 保險費率表
insurance proceeds 保險金(保險收入)
insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安險(單獨海損不賠)
insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 綜合險,應保一切險
risk of breakage 破碎險
risk of clashing 碰損險
risk of rust 生銹險
risk of hook damage 鉤損險
risk of contamination (tainting) 污染險
insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全損險
risk of deterioration 變質險
risk of packing breakage 包裝破裂險
risk of inherent vice 內在缺陷險
risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然損耗險
risk of spontaneous combustion 自然險
risk of contingent import ty 進口關稅險
insurance against war risk 戰爭險
Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空運輸戰爭險
overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陸上運輸戰爭險
insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罷工,暴動,民變險
insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加險
risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盜竊提貨不著險
risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋險
risk of leakage 滲漏險
risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量險
risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受熱險
risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 惡味險,變味險
risk of mould 發霉險
on deck risk 艙面險
ocean marine cargo insurance clauses 海洋運輸貨物保險條款
transportation insurance 運輸保險
overland transportation insurance, land transit insurance 陸上運輸保險
insurance against air risk, air transportation insurance 航空運輸保險
parcel post insurance 郵包運輸保險
ocean marine cargo insurance, marine insurance 水險(海運貨物保險)
All Risks 一切險
average 海損
Particular Average (P.A) 單獨海損
General Average (G.A) 共同海損
Marine Losses 海損
partial loss 部分損失
total loss 全部損失
health insurance 疾病保險,健康保險
sickness insurance 疾病保險
insurance for medical care 醫療保險
"major medical" insurance policy 巨額醫葯費保險
insurance ring a period of illness 疾病保險
life insurance 人壽保險
endowment insurance 養老保險
insurance on last survivor 長壽保險
to purchase health insurance 購買健康保險
to have a health insurance policy 購買健康保險
Additional Words and Phrases
policy-holder 保險客戶

extra premium 額外保險費

additional premium 附加保險費

insurance law 保險法

insurance act 保險條例

insurance instry? 保險業

insurance division 保險部

insurance treaty 保險合同

cover note 保險證明書

guarantee of insurance 保險擔保書

premium rebate 保險費回扣

insurance claim 保險索賠

ceding, retrocession(for reinsurance) 分保

reinsurance 分保(再保險)

ceding(insurance)company 分保公司

co-insurance company 共同保險公司

insurance document 保險單據

certificate of insurance 保險憑證

increasing coverage, extending coverage 加保

renewing coverage 續保

insurance commission 保險傭金

social insurance 社會保險

personal property insurance 個人財產保險

nsurance of contents 家庭財產保險

㈤ 最專業的金融英文詞彙都包括了哪些

ABS Accelerated depreciation Acceptor Accommodation paper Accounts payable Accounts receivable Accredited Investors
資產擔保證券(Asset Backed Securities 的英文縮寫) 加速折舊 承兌人;受票人;接受人 融通票據;擔保借據 應付帳款 應收帳款 合資格投資者;受信投資人 指符合美國證券交易委員(SEC)條例,可參與一般美國非公開(私募)發行的部份機構和高 凈值個人投資者。 自然增長值 本金增值 適用於多種工具,指名義本金在工具(如上限合約、上下限合約、掉期和互換期權)的 期限內連續增長。 應計制;權責發生制 應計利息 美國商品交易所 酸性測驗比率;速動比率 收購 全面一致;全盤的 一致行動;合謀 活動資產;有收益資產 活動資本 現貨市場 現貨價 實際可用年期 精算師;保險統計專家 亞洲開發銀行 (Asian Development Bank 的英文縮寫) 美國存股證;美國預托收據;美國存托憑證 (參見 American Depository Receipt 欄 目) 美國存托股份 (American Depository Share 的英文縮寫) 從價;按值 從價印花稅 審裁員 調息按揭 認可值 墊款 關聯公司;聯營公司
Accredit value Accrediting
Accrual basis Accrued interest ACE Acid Test Ratio Acquisition Across the board Acting in concert Active assets Active capital Actual market Actual price Actual useful life Actuary ADB ADR ADS Ad valorem Ad valorem stamp ty Adjudicator Adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) Admitted value Advance Affiliated company
After date After-hours dealing After-market
發票後,出票後 收市後交易 後市 [股市] 指某隻新發行股票在定價和配置後的交易市場。市場參與者關注的是緊隨的後市 情況,即頭幾個交易日。有人把後市定義為股價穩定期,即發行結束後的 30 天。也有人 認為後市應指穩定期過後的交易市況。然而,較為普遍的是把這段時期視為二級市場。 稅後盈利/利潤 午市(股市) 年齡撫養比率 代理戶口;代客戶買賣戶口 帳齡分析 周年大會 (Annual General Meeting 的英文縮寫) 協議;協定 訊息提示 整批委託 分配;配置 獲配發人 配股 備抵(會計) 阿爾法;預期市場可得收益水平 另類投資 美國商會 美國商品交易所 美國存股證;美國預托收據;美國存托憑證 [股市] 指由負責保管所存托外國股票的存托銀行所發行一種表明持有人擁有多少外國股 票(即存托股份)的收據。ADR 一般以美元計價和進行交易,及被視為美國證券。對很多 美國投資者而言,買賣 ADR 比買賣 ADR 所代表的股票更加方便、更流動、成本較低和 容易。大部份預托收據為 ADR;但也可以指全球預托收(GDR) ,歐洲預托收據(EDR) 或國際預托收據(IDR) 。從法律和行政立場而言,所有預托收據具有同樣的意義。 美國存托股份 美國證券交易所 美式期權 美式期權的持有人有權在期權期限內的任何時候執行期權,包括到期前和到期日。 美國證券交易所 可攤銷的無形資產 攤銷 阿姆斯特丹證券交易所
After-tax profits Afternoon session Age dependency (ratio) Agency account Aging analysis of accounts AGM Agreement Alert message All-or-none order Allocation Allottee Allotment Allowance Alpha (Market Alpha) Alternative investment American Chamber of Commerce American Commodities Exchange American Depository Receipt
American Depository Share (ADS) American Stock Exchange American style option Amex Amortizable intangibles Amortization Amsterdam Stock Exchange
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 周年大會
Annualized Annual report Anticipatory breach Antimonopoly Act Antitrust APEC Appeals panel Appreciation Appropriation Arbitrage
年度化;按年計 年報;年度報告 預期違約 反壟斷法 反壟斷 亞太區經濟合作會議;亞太經合會 (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 的英文縮寫) 上訴委員會 [財產] 增值;漲價 撥款;經費;指撥金額 套利;套匯;套戥 指通過同時買賣兩種等同工具或證券,但買入價比賣出價低廉而獲得的保證或無風險利 潤。 仲裁 公平交易 欠款;積欠款項 公司章程;組織細則 東盟;東協;亞細安 (參見 Association of South East Asian Nations 欄目)
Arbitration Arm's length transaction Arrears Articles of Association ASEAN
Asian bank syndication market 亞洲銀團市場 Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian dollar bonds Asian tigers Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ask (asked) price Asset Allocation Asset Backed Securities Asset Management Asset stripping Asset swap 亞洲開發銀行 亞洲美元債券 [經濟]亞洲小龍,指發展迅速並取得成功的經濟體;亞洲四小龍包括韓國、台灣、香港 和新加坡。 亞太區經濟合作會議;亞太經合會 沽盤價;賣盤價 資產配置 資產擔保證券(簡稱「ABS」) 資產管理 資產剝離;拆賣資產 資產掉期;資產互換 一種由現金信用工具和掉期組成的一籃子工具,這種互換將非票面值工具(債券或貸 款)的現金流轉換為票面值(浮動利率)結構。資產掉期通常將固定利率債券轉換為票 面值浮動利率債券。但交叉貨幣資產掉期也十分常見,它們將現金流從一種貨幣轉換為 另一種貨幣。 轉讓方法;指定分配方法 東南亞國家聯盟(東盟);東南亞國家協會(東協);亞細安 ASEAN 目前有 10 個成員國,包括:菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國、汶萊、新加坡、印度尼 西亞、越南、緬甸、寮國和柬埔寨。 澳大利亞證券交易所 收市盤
Assignment method Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) ASX At-the-close order
At-the-money At-the-money option Auckland Stock Exchange Auction market Austerity measures Authorized capital Authorized fund Authorized representative Australian Options Market Australian Stock Exchange
平價 [期權]執行價格被設定為與基礎工具的現行市場價格相同。 平價期權;等價期權 奧克蘭證券交易所 競價市場 緊縮措施 法定股本;核准資本 認可基金 授權代表 澳大利亞期權交易所 澳大利亞證券交易所
Back-door listing Back-end load Back office Back to back FX agreement Balance of payments Balance of trade Balance sheet Balance sheet date Balloon maturity Balloon payment Bank, Banker, Banking Bank for International (BIS) Bankruptcy Base day Base rate Basel Capital Accord Basis Point (BP) Settlements
借殼上市 撤離費;後收費用 後勤辦公室 背靠背外匯協議 國際收支平衡;收支結余 貿易平衡 資產負債表 年結日 到期大額償還 期末大額償還 銀行;銀行家;銀行業 國際結算銀行
破產 基準日 基準利率 巴塞爾資本協議 基點;點子 一個基點等如一個百分點(%)的百分之一。 舉例:25 個基點=0.25% 基準掉期 一攬子貨幣 一攬子備兌證 熊市;股市行情看淡 空倉;空頭 瘋狂拋售

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