⑴ 化學的英語單詞怎麼讀
英[ˈkemɪstri] 美[ˈkɛmɪstri]
⑵ 一些常見的化學英語單詞
⑶ 化學的英語單詞是什麼
⑷ 化學專業英語單詞翻譯
2 化學在線(ChemOnline)
化工引擎網答 能搜索到的物質性質以及各種化學化工術語都有大幅度的提高,而且顯示的性質也非常全面,結構式圖片也較全。當然還沒做到收盡各種化學品,但在在現在的各種網路詞典里算是很全的了,大家不妨把它做為一個網上工具。
⑸ metallic character 化學英語怎麼翻譯
Lesson 2 Metallic Character 金屬性
Metals are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if supplied with energy: M→M++e. 金屬具有電正性,即在具有足夠能量的情況下,趨向於失去電子:M→M++e。
The stronger this tendency, the more electropositive and more metallic an element is. 失電子的趨勢越強,元素的電正性與金屬性就越強。
The tendency to loss electrons depends on the ionization energy.失電子能力與電離能緊密相關。電離能的大小決定了原子的失電子能力。
Since it is easier to remove an electron from a large atom than from a small one, metallic character increases as we descend the groups in the periodic table. 由於半徑較大的原子比半徑較小的原子更容易失去電子,因此周期表中同一族從上到下金屬性依次增強。
Thus in Group lV, carbon is a nonmetal, gerrnanium shows some metallic properties, and tin and lead are metals. 如第IV主族,碳是非金屬元素,鍺只表現出一定的金屬性,而錫與鉛則是金屬。
Similarly metallic character decreases from left to right across the periodic table because atomic size decreases and ionization energy increases. 與此類似,由於原子半徑遞減及電離能增加,同一周期從左至右元素金屬性依次減弱。
Thus sodium and magnesium are more metallic than silicon, which in turn, is more metallic than chlorine. 比如,鈉和鎂的金屬性比硅強,依此類推硅的金屬性比氯強。
The most electropositive elements are found in the lower left of the periodic table and the most nonmetallic in the top right.電正性最強的元素出現在周期表的左下角,而非金屬性最強的元素則出現在周期表的右上角。
Electropositivity is really the converse of electronegativity, but it is convenient to retain the concept of electropositivity when describing metals.電正性的概念與電負性正好相反,用電正性的概念來描述金屬性質時更加方便。電正性的概念與電負性正好相反,電正性相對電負性而言,用來描述金屬性質更加方便。
Strongly electropositive elements give ionic compounds. 電正性強的金屬生成離子化合物。
Metallic oxides and hydroxides are basic since they ionize, and give hydroxyl ions: 由於金屬氧化物與金屬氫氧化物電離後會產生氫氧根,因此它們都呈鹼性:NaOH→Na++OH- CaO +H2O→Ca++20H-
Oxides, which are insoluble in water, are regarded as basic if they react with acids to form salts. 由於不溶於水的金屬氧化物可與酸反應生成鹽,因此也呈鹼性。不溶於水且能與酸反應生成鹽的金屬氧化物也呈鹼性。由於金屬氧化物與金屬氫氧化物電離後會產生氫氧根,因此它們都呈鹼性:
NaOH→Na++OH- CaO +H2O→Ca++20H-,不溶於水且能與酸反應生成鹽的金屬氧化物也呈鹼性。
Thus in the main groups of the periodic table, basic properties increase on descending a group because the elements become more electropositive and more ionic. 周期表主族元素中從上到下,由於元素的電正性與離子化程度逐漸增加,因此鹼性也隨之遞增。
However, this generalization does not hold for the d block, and particularly for the central groups of transition elements (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni) where basicity and the ability to form simple ions decreases on descending the group.不過這個規律不適用於d區元素,尤其不適用於中間族的過渡元素(Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni),因為它們的鹼性與生成簡單離子的能力在族中從上而下遞減。
The degree of electropositivity is shown in a variety of ways. 電正性的強弱可用多種方法來表徵。
Strongly electropositive elements react with water and acids. They form strongly basic oxides and hydroxides, and they react with oxyacids to give stable salts such as carbonates, nitrates and sulphates. 電正性強的元素可與水和酸反應。它們可生成鹼性氧化物和氫氧化物,與含氧酸反應則生成碳酸鹽、硝酸鹽和硫酸鹽等穩定鹽。
Weakly electropositive elements are unaffected by water and are much less readily attacked by acids. Their oxides are frequently amphoteric, and react with both acids and alkalis. They are not basic enough to form stable carbonates.電正性弱的元素與水不發生反應,與酸的反應能力也不強,其氧化物通常是兩性的,既可與酸反應也可與鹼反應,其鹼性較弱,無法生成穩定的碳酸鹽。
The electropositive nature of a metal is also shown in the degree of hydration of the ions. 金屬的電正性也可用金屬離子的水合度來體現。
In the change: M+ to[(H2O)n→M] the positive charge becomes spread over the whole complex ion. 在M+ 生成[(H2O)n→M]的過程中,正電荷分布在整個絡合離子中。
Since the charge is no longer localized on the metal, this is almost the same as the change M+→M. 由於正電荷不再是僅分布於金屬離子中,因此這個變化過程與M+→M相似。
Strongly electropositive metals have a great tendency to the opposite change: M→M+, so that they are not readily hydrated. The less electropositive the metal, the weaker the tendency M→M+ and the stronger the degree of hydration. 電正性越強,元素發生逆方向反應(M→M+)的趨勢越大,就越不容易水合。且電正性越弱,這種趨勢就越小,因而水合程度就越強。
Thus the elements in Group II are more heavily hydrated than those in Group I , and the degree of hydration decreases down a group, e.g. MgCl2.6H20 and BaC12.2H2O. 因此第II族中元素的水合程度要比第I族中的強,且水合程度從上到下遞減,如從MgCl2.6H20 到 BaC12.2H2O。
Salts of strongly electropositive metals have little tendency to hydrolyze and form oxysalts. Since the size of the metal ion is large it has little tendency to form complexes. 由於電正性強的金屬其離子半徑大,因此很難生成絡合物,也基本上不會水解生成含氧酸鹽。
On the other hand, salts of weakly electropositive elements hydrolyze and may form oxysalts. Because they are smaller, the metal ions have a greater tendency to form complexes相反,電正性弱的金屬其離子半徑小,金屬離子容易生成絡合物,因此此類金屬易水解生成含氧酸鹽。
⑹ 化學的英語怎麼說
美 [ˈkɛməstri]
⑺ 化學英語單詞怎麼讀
化學英語單詞是chemistry,音標是英 [ˈkemɪstri]美 [ˈkɛmɪstri] 。
1.The OxfordChemistryPrimers aim to cover important topics in organicchemistry.
2.He is more highly ecated, with a PhD inChemistry.
3.I wasn't too keen on physics andchemistry.
4. He completed his BSc inchemistryin 1934.
5. He taughtchemistryat a leading independent school.