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發布時間: 2021-03-04 06:55:41

❶ 英語學習師生座談會發言稿

目的:除了漢語,英語是世界上最通用的語言,也是聯合國的語言之一,在改革開放的今天版,要跟上國際形勢,就要權學好英語,作為學生,要考大學,也必須學好英語,英語在日常生活和將來的工作中也常用,等等。方法:二習: 預習、復習
六多 what you』ve learned in time.Listen to the tapes as often as possible. (多聽)
Talk more both in class and after class. (多說)
Read more different materials.(多讀)
Write as often as possible. (多寫)
Turn to your teacher and classmates for advice and help. (多問)
Cooperate with your partner and team members. (多合作)

❷ 交流英語中要討論的主題是debate workshop,

辯論培訓營 辯論協會

❸ 英語作文李華應邀參加學校組織的英語學習師生座談會

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!
I'm very honoured to be here today, sharing some of my thoughts about English study.
I always believe it is very important for us to learn English because as we all know, it is the most widely used language in the world. We can see English words at most places of the city. Ther is no doubt that we will have to read, understand, write, and even speak the language after leaving school in daily work.
As for the methods of learning English, I think our mother tongue--Chinese can offer much help. I have found that if you have a profound knoledge of Chinese, you can understand another language more smoothly. Also, daily usage of English is obviously the most effective way of learning.
I like English, so I am also interested in learning something different from that I can get in school. I buy English magazines monthly, where I have got various information about the world, such as political conditions, sports news, and music news. It helps me a lot in English learning in school and I 'm confident that I can not only get high scores on the examination papers but also I can communicate with people.

❹ 適合中小學學生說的英語角活動主題


❺ 我校將要在下周五下午組織一次「英語學習師生座談會」,請你根據下表所提示的信息,用英語寫一篇發言稿,

Dear teachers and schoolmates, it』s a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you. I』m interested in English, and hope to be an interpreter in the future. Naturally it』s very important for me to learn English well. As everybody knows, vocabulary is an important part of language, just like bricks in a building. I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible. After class, I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio. Besides, I』ve learned a lot from the Internet and other sources.
Now, I』d like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school. Firstly, we should be given more opportunities to use what we』ve learned in order to have a better grasp of it. Secondly, I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them. Finally, I suggest we have more English activities, such as English contests and festivals.
Thank you for listening.

❻ 假設你應邀參加學校組織的英語學習師生座談會,用英語寫一篇發言稿,介紹自己英語學習的方法,並對學校的英

句子比單詞重要 中國人學英語,最常用的方法是背單詞,甚至有人以能背出一本詞典為榮,但是詞典上的解釋是死的,語言的運用卻是活的,機械的理解會造成很大的誤解。詞典不是最重要的,關鍵在於語境。可以說,單詞沒有多少實際運用的價值,機械記憶的單詞量再大,也不會真正提高你的外語水平。要養成背誦句子的好習慣,因為句子中既包含了發音規則,又有語法內容,還能表明某個詞在具體語言環境中的特定含義。 不要學「古董英語」。任何語言都是活的,每天都會發展,學習陳舊的語言毫無新鮮感,而且基本無處可用。不鮮活、不入時、不風趣幽默的語言不是我們要學的語言,多讀外文報紙、多看原版影視作品才會有助於補充新詞彙。 很多人以為,把單詞拆成一個個字母背熟就可以正確地拼寫出來,其實,科學的方法是把讀音、拼寫和用法融為一體,同步進行,眼口手腦並用,並把它應用到句子裡面去理解。 聽不懂也要聽 練習聽力時,許多人抱怨聽不懂,因而喪失了聽的樂趣,往往半途而廢。其實,即使聽不懂也是一種學習,只不過你自己覺察不到而已。雖然暫時聽不懂,但你的耳膜已經開始嘗試著適應一種新的語言發音,你的大腦在調整頻率,准備接受一種新的信息代碼,這本身就是一次飛躍。 所以切記:聽不懂時,你也在進步。 敢於開口學英語很重要的一點是用來和他人交流,但開口難也是中國人學英語的一大特點。 問題出在以下幾點: 一是有些人把是否看懂當成學習的標准。拿到一本口語教材,翻開幾頁一看,都看懂了,就認為太簡單了,對自己不合適。其實,練習口語的教材,內容肯定不會難,否則沒法操練。看懂不等於會說,把這些你已經學會的東西流利地表達出來,才是口語教材最主要的目標。 二是千萬不要用漢字來記英語發音。學習一門外語如果發音不過關,始終不會真正掌握一門外語,而且最大的害處是不利於培養對外語的興趣,影響下一步學習。現在有人把用漢語發音標注英語,比如把「goodbye」記作「古得拜」,甚至把這種做法作為成果出版,這樣做肯定後患無窮。 不敢開口的第三點是怕語法有錯。沒有具體問題,一般不要去讀語法書。超前學習語法,會使你如墜雲里霧里,喪失學習外語的樂趣和信心。 而且,語法好比游泳理論,對於沒有下過水的人來說,游泳理論是用處不大的。同樣,對於語言實踐不夠豐富的初學者,直接學習語法的用處不是很大。所以,一定要結合語言實踐來理解語法,語法是學會語言後的一種理論思考。學語言不存在對錯,只要能說出來,意思讓人家明白就可以了,不用費盡心機考慮用什麼句型,只要能選准一個單詞就行。 學口語最好的辦法,不是做習題,不是背誦,也不是看語法書,而是反復高聲朗讀課文,這種做法的目的是培養自己的語感,只有具備了語感,才能在做習題時不假思索、下意識地寫出正確答案。而且,當你熟練朗讀幾十篇課文後,很多常用句子會不自覺地脫口而出,所謂的「用外語思維階段」就會悄然而至。 「盯住」一套教材 現在市場上學英語的材料鋪天蓋地,這給了大家更多的選擇餘地,但處理不好也會帶來不良後果———今天用這個教材、明天換另一種,學習便失去了系統性。正確的做法是選中一套教材,以它為主,其餘材料都作為補充。 還有,目前市面上不少考試材料都以「真題」為賣點,不少考生把希望寄託於做「真題」上,以為這樣就能通過考試。其實,很多正規的考試取材十分廣泛,經過了嚴格的難度論證,使用過的材料絕不可能二度使用。

❼ 手裡有師資有場地,想舉辦一場英語講座,什麼主題或什麼方式才能吸引想學英語的人來聽呢

1.最最簡單的 英語角, 這個已經基本為所有學英語的人接受了,但是要長期辦

❽ 英語交流主題

What would you do to impove your English/business skill?

How can a private enterprise be a large-scaled one?

What you think of teamwork?

What is the key factor to success?

What is your daily job?

What is your greatest honor?

What is your plan of your future?

❾ 英語文章《英語學習師生座談會》

you have the condition to go to study abroad,you need to learn English for comnunication with foreigners,especially in some English Speaking countries. You learn English for you want to take jobs referring to English translation or interpretion for others.

The most important thing is that you are really interested in English and are willing to make efforts on English study. And this only can make sure your learning effect.


Recommendations on the teaching of English. 1 to provide more opportunities to use English in order to better master the English language.


Recommended interesting English teacher and more newspapers and magazines. For reading.


Organized an English-rich activities. Such as the English competition, the English party. To improve the standard of English,


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