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發布時間: 2021-03-05 18:10:38

A. 北京英語培訓學校市場報告的雅思


B. 英語課堂報告

there are lots of people speaking english and lots of knowledge are spread in english.
english is the tool which i can use to communicate with foreigner people
english is the bridge connecting the outside world

C. 英語課堂報告 class report

English class report//by Zhao Weizeng2007年03月16日 星期五 19:10 Hello,everyone!

Today,I stand here just want to introce my hometown----the hometown of vegetables Shouguang,she faces the Bohai,and is famous for her vegetables!

Now let's see the location of Shouguang. click

There is no famous mountain or river in Shouguang,but the people of shouguang creat an unbelieveable miracle to show Shouguang to the world!Every year,We hold a magnificent meeting--theChina (Shouguang) International Vegetable Sci-Tec Fair in Luocheng town!And the 8th meeting will be hold from Apr.20 to May.20,and my hometown will be the focus of the world!All of this,we all thanks the father of Shouguan vegetabes Wang Leyi who created the vegetable greenhouse in the norst of China first, and make it to be a possible to eat the fresh vegetables whenever you want!

And now, let me to lead you to look at some pictures about the meeting! click

Then I want to show you some beautiful places in Shouguang which we ,instead of the heaven, creat by our own hands .

The mihe river is the mother river in Shouguang,and my high school-xiandai high shool lies by it!The school likes a jewel inlays on a streamer! pictures

Now let's see some pictures about the Shouguang beauties!


As a Shouguang people,I love my hometown,it's a great city with great exprience of development!We will never forget the moment that Chairman Hu went to Shouguang!


That's all! Thank you!

D. 跪求英語培訓機構實習報告一份

一、 實習目的
二、 實習時間
三、 實習地點
四、 實習單位和部門,實習單位的生產(經營)工作情況、管理情況及對員工的要求
五、 實習內容:實習的項目、程序、方法、計算成果及示意圖,按實習順序逐項編寫;
六、 實習總結: 實習中運用所學知識分析解決問題的情況,實習的心得體會,意見和建議

E. 關於學習英語的實用性的調查報告該怎麼寫啊


F. 英語報告格式及內容

比如people don not 一定不能寫成people don't


-w- 其實我也很討厭寫報告呢,但是發現論文更討厭呢~

G. 求500字英語學習報告一篇


Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Every day we drink 165 million cups of the stuff and each year around 144 thousand tons of tea are imported.

Tea in Britain is traditionally brewed in a warmed china teapot, adding one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot. Most Britons like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot of milk.

Tea and afternoon tea have played important roles in our culture over the years and still do today. To help you discover how we celebrate these great British traditions you can do no better than get hold of a of the new guide to Britain's many tea shops and tea rooms, AA Britain's Best Afternoon Tea.

The guide features a wide range of inspected establishments from the best local tea shops to grand hotels throughout England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the Channel Islands. Most of the places featured are members of the Tea Guild (www.tea.co.uk/index.php?pgId=29), which is part of the Tea Council (www.tea.co.uk/index.php?pgId=24).

The guide is packed with useful information including whether or not you can eat outside, whether there is a pianist, if they serve their own blend of tea, if dogs and children are welcome, and whether smoking is permitted. Naturally, this useful guide also features details on the variety of teas and food available.

It will provide you with a perfect handbook to discovering the very best venues, with an emphasis on quality.


H. 尋求一份英語專業在英語培訓機構實習報告

你也知道想這樣東西找到現成的是很難的,找到也未必適合你<br> 這是範文<br> <br> <br> 這學期是我任教的第一學期,我擔任初一級七班,八班的英語教學。由於教學經驗頗淺。因此,我對教學工作不敢怠慢,認真學習,深入研究教法,虛心向前輩學習。經過一個學期的努力,獲取了很多寶貴的教學經驗。以下是我在本學期的教學情況。<br> <br> 教學就是教與學,兩者是相互聯系,不可分割的,有教者就必然有學者。學生是被教的主體。因此,了解和分析學生情況,有針對地教對教學成功與否至關重要。最初接觸教學的時候,我還不懂得了解學生對教學的重要性,只是專心研究書本,教材,想方設法令課堂生動,學生易接受。但一開始我就碰了釘子。在講授第一課的時候,我按照自己的教學設計,上了一堂自認為明白易懂而又不死板的課,認為教學效果如期理想,怎知小測出來才知道不如人意。後來聽同學們反應,才知道我講的口語大部分同學聽不懂,而教學的部分內容同學們以前從來未接觸過。從而可知,我在上課前根本沒有了解清楚學生的實際情況:<br> <br> 一方面,農村的學生英語聽,說的能力相對較弱,授課採用較深的全英教學,同學們還不能適應。另一方面,七班的同學比較活躍,上課氣氛積極,但中等生占較大多數,尖子生相對較少。因此,講得太深,沒有照顧到整體,而八班的同學比較沉靜,學習欠積極性,雖然優良生比例大,但中下層面而也廣,我備課時也沒有注意到這點,因此教學效果不如理想。從此可以看出,了解及分析學生實際情況,實事求是,具體問題具體分析,做到因材施教,對授課效果有直接影響。這就是教育學中提到的「備教法的同時要備學生」。這一理論在我的教學實踐中得到了驗證。<br> <br> 教學中,備課是一個必不可少,十分重要的環節,備學生,又要備教法。備課不充分或者備得不好,會嚴重影響課堂氣氛和積極性,曾有一位前輩對我說:「備課備不好,倒不如不上課,否則就是白費心機。」我明白到備課的重要性,因此,每天我都花費大量的時間在備課之上,認認真真鑽研教材和教法,不滿意就不收工。雖然辛苦,但事實證明是值得的。<br> <br> 一堂准備充分的課,會令學生和老師都獲益不淺。例如我在教授Unit 3 . Lesson 9 的時候,這課的主題是「如何詢問和回答時間」,教學難度比較大。如果照本宣科地講授,學生會感到困難和沉悶。為了上好這堂課,我認真研究了課文,找出了重點,難點,准備有針對性地講。為了令教學生動,不沉悶,我還為此准備了大量的教具,授課時就胸有成竹了。當講到「half」的時候,我拿出准備好的圓卡紙,把它剪成一半,告訴學生這是圓的一半,也就是half。講到」quarter」時,又把半圓剪成一半,那麼剩下來的就是圓的四分之一,也就是」quarter」了。這樣學生就形象地明白了這兩個單詞。而講到如何表達時間時,我用了一個用紅卡紙做的大鍾,同學們一開始就被它吸引住了,顯得頗有積極性。用實物讓學生練習」What』s the time? It』s……」的句型,學生特別用功,教學效果十分理想。相反,我沒有認真備課的時候,課堂氣氛沉悶,教學效果不好,與此相比可見,認真備課對教學十分重要。特別是對英語這門學生不甚熟悉並感到困難的外語來說至關重要。<br> <br> 備課充分,能調動學生的積極性,上課效果就好。但同時又要有駕馭課堂的能力,因為學生在課堂上的一舉一動都會直接影響課堂教學。因此上課一定要設法令學生投入,不讓其分心,這就很講究方法了。上課內容豐富,現實。教態自然,講課生動,難易適中照顧全部,就自然能夠吸引住學生。所以,老師每天都要有充足的精神,讓學生感受到一種自然氣氛。這樣,授課就事半功倍。回看自己的授課,我感到有點愧疚,因為有時我並不能很好地做到這點。當學生在課堂上無心向學,違反紀律時,我的情緒就受到影響,並且把這帶到教學中,讓原本正常的講課受到沖擊,發揮不到應有的水平,以致影響教學效果。我以後必須努力克服,研究方法,採取有利方法解決當中困難。<br> <br> 英語是一門外語,對學生而言,既生疏又困難,在這樣一種大環境之下,要教好英語,就要讓學生喜愛英語,讓他們對英語產生興趣。否則學生對這門學科產生畏難情緒,不原學,也無法學下去。為此,我採取了一些方法,就是幫助班上的同學改英文名,盡量多講一些關於英美國家的文化,生活故事,近來更幫部分同學交上了」penfriend in America」,讓他們更了解英語,更喜歡學習英語。因為只有英語水平提高,他們才能達到交異國筆友的目的,同時也可以提高同學們的英語寫作能力,對成績優秀的同學很有好處。<br> <br> 因為英語的特殊情況,學生在不斷學習中,會出現好差分化現象,差生面擴大,會嚴重影響班內的學習風氣。因此,絕對不能忽視。為此,我制定了具體的計劃和目標。對這部分同學進行有計劃的輔導。例如在七班,我把這批同學分為三個組。第一組是有能力提高,但平時懶動腦筋不學的同學,對這些同學,我採取集體輔導,給他們分配固定任務,不讓他們有偷懶的機會,讓他們發揮應有水平; 第二組是肯學,但由於能力不強的同學。對這部分同學要適當引導,耐心教導,慢慢提高他們的成績,不能操之過急,且要多鼓勵。只要他們肯努力,成績有望搞提高;第三組是紀律鬆散,學習不認真,基礎又不好的同學。對這部分人要進行課余時間個別輔導。因為這部分同學需要一個安靜而又不受干擾的環境,才會立下心來學習。只要堅持輔導,這些同學基礎重新建立起來,以後授課的效果就會更好。<br> <br> 英語是語言。困此,除了課堂效果之外,還需要讓學生多讀,多講,多練。為此,在早讀時,我堅持下班了解早讀情況,發現問題及時糾正。課後發現學生作業問題也及時解決,及時講清楚,讓學生即時消化。另外,對部分不自覺的同學還採取強硬背誦等方式,提高他們的能力。<br> <br> 期中考和期末考是考察每位同學在本學期的學習成果,因此應該予以重視。考試前進行有系統的復習,考試後進行學科總結。從中段考試可以看出兩個班的平均水平相當,八班的差生面相對較大。所以在中段考後的時間里,我把力量主要集中在兩班的差生輔導上,特別是八班,以縮短差距。另外,還發現學生的綜合能力不夠強,所以以後的教學中要加強這方面的訓練。讓學生輕松學,容易掌握。而期考結果證明,適當輔導差生對班的整體發展有很大幫助。<br> <br> 經過一個學期的努力,期末考就是一種考驗。無論成績高低,都體現了我在這學期的教學成果。我明白到這並不是最重要的,重要的是在本學期後如何自我提高,如何共同提高兩班的英語水平。因此,無論怎樣辛苦,我都會繼續努力,多問,多想,多向前輩學習,爭取進步。<br> <br> 以上就是我在本學期的教學工作總結。由於經驗頗淺,許多地方存在不足,希望在未來的日子裡,能在各位領導老師,前輩的指導下,取得更好成績。

I. 英語調查報告(急)

Home Tutoring
Home Tutoring

I am glad to meet all of you here today. First, let me introce myself, my English name is Charles. The topic I will discuss is about home tutoring.

Nowadays, children in China often get help with schoolwork from parents, but many students today also get help from tutors. The numbers of tutors has increased greatly in the past ten years. A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have tutors.

People¢s attitude to home tutoring is different. Some think of it positively. They hold this opinion, because home tutoring can helps kids to get over difficulties by reviewing old knowledge and preparing new lessons. Some parents choose tutoring because they worry that their children can not learn enough in school or their children may want more difficult work than their school provide.

On the second hand, many parents, for different reasons, missed the chance of getting a good ecation, when their children meet with difficulties in study; home tutoring is the only solution. As home tutoring is usually one to one, He knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil clearly.

But every coin has two sides. Although the above view sounds reasonable, and others think of it negatively. From their point of view, home tutoring just can add a financial burden to parents and a heavy burden to children. Too much tutoring influences children normal study.

Secondly, it takes up so much of the pupil¢s time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment, which are essential for their physical and mental health. For another, some teachers, busy 「」 from one family to another, tend to neglect their teaching ties.

In my opinion, home tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages. Moderate tutoring can help children to improve their learning, especially for those who lack the ability to study by themselves, but excessive tutoring may make children too dependent to solve their problems. Therefore, it¢s advisable that we should seek help from tutors when it is necessary. Only in this way, our generation can be healthy brought up.

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