❶ 英語翻譯::以後如果不能及時回復你的郵件,請不要生氣哦,
If I can't answer your e-mail in time later, please don't be angry with me.
❷ 不能及時回復留言用英語這么說可以嗎 I can't reply to a message in time. 在線等
in time 是准時不是及時的意思,應該改用on time或promptly
I may not be able to reply to a message promptly.
❸ 發郵件'無法在第一時間回復你'用英語怎麼表達
I can't reply to you at the earliest time.
❹ 外貿英語沒有及時回復客戶郵件怎樣道歉
❺ 英語翻譯::以後如果不能及時回復你的郵件,請不要生氣哦,
If I can't answer your e-mail in time later,please don't be angry with me.
❻ 英語郵件中,比如說。有封郵件遲了,或者說沒有及時回復,或者沒有及時更新 該怎麼說呢
I feel so sorry not reply you immediately. / Sorry for my late reply.可以加一句理由回,答Because I was just back to office today.
❼ 英語翻譯,抱歉由於今天在其他客戶這里,沒能及時回復你的郵件。謝謝!
Sorry about today the other customer was here, I didn't reply email to you on time.
❽ 抱歉我沒能及時回復您一周前給我發的郵件用英語定語從句怎麼說
Sorry not to answer your email in time, which you sent me a week ago.
❾ 用英語怎麼對沒有及時回郵件表示歉意
Sorry for my late response,but I really want to tell you more valueable information.Now I will tell you that.......
❿ 不能及時回復留言用英語這么說可以嗎
在英抄語當中,一般比較少用否襲定的句式。比如你所說的「」不能及時回復留言「,如果是私人回答,例如在郵件當中的設置,或者回答朋友的,你可這么說 I can't reply right now. 但是如果是作為公眾設置的話,用「稍後回復您的留言」會比較好,I will reply to you shortly\ later.