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發布時間: 2021-03-16 18:51:25

① 適合初三學生聽的英語對話


這個方法高考時也用的 我們就這樣

② 初中中考英語口語情景對話技巧


l 輸入考號信息後就將鍵盤推入,不要摸鍵盤,以免意外退出。

l 考試過程中不要摸耳麥,不要把手放在耳麥上,以免震動影響成績。

l 在播聽力前有5秒鍾的讀題目時間,要充分利用這段時間看題目。

l 朗讀時語速不要過快,當其他人讀完你自己還沒有讀完時,不要害怕,要讀到結束,因為完整性佔70%。

l 朗讀時為避免讀錯到另一排,可以用手指指著屏幕讀。

l 口語部分的「朗讀短文」題有1分鍾的時間准備(可試讀兩遍),1分半時間答題,所以正式讀不能快,控制在大約60秒左右的范圍;「話題簡述」題有2分鍾時間准備(可試2、3遍),1分半時間答題(一般學生40秒可以答完,不要快於這個速度)。

l 每一個學生都要開口朗讀,不要緊張。說話題簡述時一定要看中文,不要只顧背,以防部分信息改動,如:「南」變「北」,「白」變「黑」。

l 口語考試部分千萬不要搶答。口語考試時,考生一定要在聽到「開始錄音」的「嘀」的提示、看到麥克風圖標和錄音進度條後,再開始答題。如果搶答,提示音前考生所說的部分則不會被錄音,從而影響考試分數。

l 學會看波形圖調整音量。在測試耳麥設備時,考生要學會看屏幕上顯示的波形圖,根據波形圖調整自己的音量大小。如果波形圖中出現紅色的波紋,這時考生可以適當放低自己的音量;如果波形圖中不出現綠色的波紋而是呈小圓點或波紋很弱,考生則需要提高自己的音量。無波紋要舉手匯報監考老師。

l 聽力答題時,如果發現讀題的聲音不大,自己聽得不太清楚,可以依個人需要在考試屏幕界面上調節耳機放音音量。調音的位置在屏幕的左下角,考生只要用滑鼠拖動即可。

l 考試時,同一時段使用同一組試卷,奇數座位用A卷,偶數座位用B卷。同為A卷(或同為B卷)的考生,看到的題目是隨機處理的,包括題目順序、聽到的語音、選項順序等都有不同。

l 聽力題中,學生既可以在該題目出現的這個頁面時間內修改,也可以在所有聽力題結束後的1分鍾修改時間內修改;如序號呈黃色,說明該題未作答。口語題目中,學生可以即時修改自己的錯誤。

l 讀錯可重讀修改,系統默認最後一次的讀音。如果重讀頻率過高,則會影響流利性得分。

l 讀的時候如讀錯一個音節沒有關系,不要因此而緊張。

l 「話題簡述」部分如果已經回答完畢,但是考生對其中的一兩句話不滿意,可補讀這一兩句話,對成績無影響。

l 呼吸、咳嗽聲或其它偶爾發出的聲音不會影響成績。考生在答題之後的剩餘錄音時間里靜靜等待,不要隨意發出聲響,否則會影響成績。

l 答題完畢後,不需要任何操作,答案會自動上傳。

l 每人帶筆去考場,便於聽力時做適當記錄,或者用於寫話題草稿。

③ 初三中考英語聽力情景反應常見的短語及回答


④ 英語考試中,選擇題中,常出的情景對話題

5.不同意對方的觀點(觀點是play computergames)
Hi Tom!
Hi Cathy! What are you doing here?
I come to visit my tutor Bettina, and you?
I am living here!
Oh, what a coincidence!
Yeah, would you like a cup of coffee?
I would love to, but I have an appointment with Bettina.
Well, you can come to my house later, if you like.
That would be great!
Ok, see you later!
See you later!

Hi Tom, how are you doing?
Tired. I am preparing for my English test. I hate it.
Oh that's too bad. Why do you hate studying English?
I just cannot remember so many new words.
I can not too. Oh I have an idea!
What's that?
I can give you a dictation and you give me the dictation later so that we can help each other and enjoy the process of study!
Sounds great!
Ok lets start now!

Hi Tom, what are you doing here?
Hi Cathy, I am searching the newest disk of Celine Dion.
Me too!
Oh you like her as well?
Of cause! Her voice is fantastic. No one could resist!
I totally agree.
Which song do you like the most?
A lot. My heart will go on is one of them.
Yes I love that one too.
Oh here is the disk you are looking for, I guess.
Yes, perfect! Thank you very much!
You are welcome.

-Oh what a smoke!
-Yeah, Tom has been here for a while and he smoked.
-Isn't it forbidden to smoke in the dorm?
-Yes. I hate smoking too. We may place an NONE-SOMKE mark on our door so that others will not smoke here any more.
-Good Idea.
-I can not understand why those smokers smoke. Nothing good they can get from smoking.
-You are right. At least they can not enjoy smoking here and make us feel so bad.
-Not only feel bad, but also bad for our health!
-So let's make the mark right now.
-All right.

-Hi Tom, it is 12 PM now, can』t you just be quiet?
-I am playing a very interesting program. Would you like to join me?
-Absolutely not.
-If you play it, you will change your answer.
-Come on Tom, it is midnight now, and we have classes to take tomorrow.
-Just one minute. Why don't you understand playing game is much more fun than sleeping?
-I understand that, Tom. Otherwise you won't stay up so late. But you have to choose the right time.
-But we are so busy in taking those boring classes in the daytime.
-Then you spend the whole night in playing game? That's why you think the classes are boring. You can not concentrate on the lectures at all. You play too much.
-That's because these games are really fun.
-Yes. To play just for a while is fun. Playing too much means you are going to fail in the exams.
-All right, all right. I will go to bed right now.

-Hi Tom, what are you busy doing there?
-Preparing for my final math exam. I found these questions are too hard to answer.
-Good for you. You will get to know them very quickly.
-I hope so.
-Listen, it is Rose's birthday this Sunday. And I am preparing a surprise birthday party for her. Would you like to come that night?
-I hope I could. But you know, I will have the exam just on Monday!
-That's too bad. Can』t you have all these work done before Sunday?
-I guess not. But I will give it a try.
-All right. Hope to see you then.
-I'll call you before Sunday if I can make it.
-Ok, good luck with your exam!

⑤ 初中英語聽力常用對話有什麼(聽力第一題)


⑥ 英語聽力情景對話的經典題目


⑦ 英語口語期末考試情景對話

Reporter1:Allison. Reporter2:Celia. Student1:Benny.Student2:Kimberley.

Allison: Well here I am at the Brooklyn Academy of Dramatic Arts. We are asking different students here about their favourite forms of artistic entertainment. Pop or classical concerts? Art galleries or the theatre? The ballet or the opera? The first person I'm going to talk to is Benny Gross. Benny comes from New York and he's 20 years old and he's studying the piano. Benny, hello and welcome to our programme.

Benny: Hi, thanks.
Allison: So, first question Benny— you ever been to an art gallery?

Benny: Yes, lots of times.

Allison: And the ballet, have you ever been to the ballet?

Benny: Yes, a few times. It's all right, I quite like it.

Allison: And what about classical concerts?

Benny: Yes, of course, many many times.

Allison: Erm—next—have you ever been to an exhibition, Benny?

Benny: Oh, yes—I love going to photographic exhibitions.

Allison: Do you? Now, next question—what about a ... folk concert?

Benny: No, never. I think folk music is awful.

Allison: Ok. And the opera? Have you ever been to the opera?

Benny: Yes. Two or three times. It's a little difficult but I quite like it.

Allison: And a pop concert?

Benny: No, never.

Allison: And finally—have you ever been to the theatre?

Benny: Yes, once or twice, but I didn't like it much.

Allison: Ok Benny. Now the next thing is—which do you like best from this list of eight forms of artistic entertainment?

Benny: Well I like going to classical concerts best because I'm a musician, and I love classical music.

Allison: Ok and what next?

Benny: Erm let's see—next, art galleries I think. And then, exhibitions.

Allison: OK—art galleries, then exhibitions. Then? The theatre?

Benny: No, I don't think so, I don't really like the theatre.

Allison: The ballet? The opera? Which do you prefer of those two?

Benny: The opera.

Allison: So of the theatre and the ballet, which do you prefer?

Benny: Erm, the ballet I think because there's the music. I can always enjoy the music if I don't always like the dancing.

Allison: Right, well, thanks very much, Benny.

Benny: You're welcome.

Celia: Next guest is Kimberley Martins. What are you studying here, Kimberley?

Kimberley: Modern dance. I want to be a professional dancer when I leave.

Celia: OK, so here we go. First question—have you ever been to an art gallery?

Kimberley: Yes, lots of times.

Celia: And have you ever been to the ballet? Stupid question I think.

Kimberley: Yes, a bit. Of course I have. I go almost every night if I can.

Celia: And what about classical concerts?

Kimberley: Yes—there are classical concerts here a lot—the other students perform here and I go to those when I can.

Celia: What about exhibitions—have you ever—?

Kimberley: Oh yes, lots of times—I like exhibitions—exhibitions about famous people—dancers, actors, you know—

Celia: Mmm. And what about a folk concert? Have you ever been to one of them?

Kimberley: No, I don't like folk music very much.

Celia: What about the opera?

Kimberley: No, never. I don't really like opera. It's a bit too heavy for me.

Celia: A pop concert?

Kimberley: Yes. I saw Madonna once. She was fantastic—she's a really great dancer.

Celia: And have you ever been to the theatre?

Kimberley: Yes, I have.

Celia: Right. Thank you Kimberley. My next question is—which do you like best of all? And I think I know the answer.

Kimberley: Yes—ballet, of course. After that, exhibitions. And after that, art galleries.

Celia: OK.

Kimberley: Erm, what's left. Can I see the list?

Celia: Yes, of course.

Kimberley: Erm, let me see—oh, it's difficult—I suppose—what next?—er—classical concerts, pop concerts, the theatre. Well, I think pop concerts next, I like going to those. Then I don't know. Classical concerts or the theatre? Classical concerts I think. So that leaves the theatre after them. OK?

Celia: Great. And many thanks for talking to us, Kimberley.

Kimberley: You're welcome.

⑧ 英語初三情景對話

81. It's a good idea.
82. We can't go at that time.
83. We're going to see your granny.
84. What shall we bring for granny?
85. Sounds great!

⑨ 中考英語聽力常見情景及常用短語

-i am sorry
-that is all right/it doesn't matter/no problem

-good luck/congratunations to you
-thank you

thank you
-you are welcome

nice to meet/see you
-nice to meet you too

would you like ^?
i would love/no,thanks

how much^^^?
it is^^^Pounds

how is^^^?
it is形容詞……

⑩ 初三英語情景對話例文集。

background:LiMin is a student , here he just land off! wants to go a place with name XI YU STREET!
LI:excause me, i'm a fresher here i want to go this place!
PASSERBY:yes! this place......oh i got it.it's a wonderful place,i bet you will love there, ok i show you the way.go straight and turn right at the second cross, then go straight about 100 meters turn left when reach the highest building! there you will see a advertising board for coffee, the turn right you can see the XI YU street, you can't miss it!
LI:OK ,thank you for your help!
PASSERBY:it's my pleasure!
LI MIN find the place where he wants to go,then he called his sister in order to let her know that he is safe now and he is planing to buy something for her!
LI MIN:this LI MIN speaking, may i speak to LI HUA?
LI HUA:yes ,this is LI HUA speaking!
LI min:hi sister i'm AT XI YU street now, people here are very friendly, i find this place very soon with their help!
LI HUA: i'm very happy to hear that,so what's the situation now?
LI MIN: oh, i'm going to buy something for mum ,dad and you. then i will meet my friend in a coffee shop.
LI HUA:ok,hope you can have a wonderful time there,my friends call me now ,i'm going.bye!
LI MIN:bye have a good time!

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