⑴ 大一下英語期末總結範文800字中文
我覺得口語學習主要取決於外教資質.好.壞,我學習的ABC天卞英語就強調學習效果,他們很負責認真教學 而且還會出回家作業 緊跟著我的進度 特別是口語和聽力,最好能是外國人教學。我是一個高考的過來人,高考成績1分,平時大考碰狗屎運也考過10+的分數。首先我想請閣下明白一個道理冰凍三尺非一日之寒,所以堅持很重要,英語是一門很看重積累的科目。 雖然我高考已經好多年了,而且今年即將大學畢業,踏入社會。但英語一直沒有丟,英語一直是我的排頭兵!我對英語的自信還有,我覺得學好英語不難,重要的是你要有恆心,急躁冒進,三天打漁兩天曬網都是不行的。在這里我就毛遂自薦一下我的學習方法吧: 首先先你要端正心態,不要急躁,,你做你自己的事,這樣才能靜下心來學習。要成為英語高手就必須比別人走更多的路,做更多的事。你應該明白一個事實,英語是單詞和語法的綜合,所以單詞和語法都要拿下。 其次,對於單詞,有如下幾種方法,第一個,是加強記憶的頻度,也就是說,早上記了幾個,隔幾個小時又看一次,總之一天之內,記憶的間隔不要太長,否則你辛苦積累的記憶會隨著時間的延長而淡化,第二個,是可以根據自己的理解編順口溜,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(見笑了)…,第三個,最重要的是,記單詞的時候,不要忘了閱讀,一邊記單詞,一邊看文章,這樣可以把孤立的單詞串聯起來,記憶的效果會加倍,第四個。我建議你記單詞要分門別類記憶,要形成一個意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……這樣做在你寫作時,是十分有好處的,寫作時不要盡寫一些低級詞彙,你要寫高級詞彙,比如重要性寫magnitude,許多寫a multitude of 或者handsome。再次,是語法。學習語法,首先要明白什麼是主謂賓定狀補,什麼是系動詞,什麼是直接賓語,間接賓語,這些是學習語法的基礎,語法是房子,主謂賓定狀補等是沙石磚瓦。然後就要多做一些語法專項練習,並在此過程中不斷總結,並時時回顧那些了解,那些依然不理解,需要注意的是,那些不理解的一定要花時間弄清楚,否則對自己的不負責將會導致英語語法一知半解的結局!這對於想成為英語高手的人來說,是十分不利的!(註:本人從開始時不知主謂賓,到熟練掌握語法,把語法書看了不下二十遍,書都翻爛了!莫笑本人愚笨……) 此外,對於完形填空以及閱讀理解,那就只能靠平時的練習了,在這個過程中,你要時時總結,縱深對比,千萬不要陷入題海戰術只做題,不總結的誤區當中。在做題的過程中,你把各種體型都總結了一遍,積累了豐富的經驗,而且你還提升了自己的閱讀速度,一舉兩得,所以做題是很重要的!其實,完形填空無非就是單項選擇加語境分析,也就是說,做完形填空你的語法要好,而且你要積累比較多的固定搭配,短語,特殊用法等,完形填空的語法還是很重要的!對於閱讀,我個人感覺是,純粹是個人經驗積累多少的問題,只有保證一定的練習量,你才能用質的提高!最後,我建議你,平時讀,或者做題的時候,發現有好的句子好的詞彙,你要抄下來,長期下來,你的作文會有提高的,需要說明的是,這個提高過程可能很緩慢,但是最後能收到很好的效果,以前分的作文我都能保證在1-這個級別,靠的就是對語法的熟練掌握和積累了許多較高級的詞彙,句型,句子。我個人的理解是,在你的語法達到基本不會出錯的程度上,作文便應該以詞彙取勝,因為在這個層次上,大家的語法都差不多,沒什麼變化,唯一有變化的就是你的詞彙!給你打個比方吧,很多想到「許多」就用many,但是你別忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到「」就寫expert,但很少人會想到specialist,很多人在想到「擅長」這詞,就寫be good at ,卻不知還有更高級的表達法:be expert at 或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就體現在這些細微的差別上 !!
⑵ 大一英語作文萬能句子
Recently, the problem of … has aroused people's concern.
Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.
Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.
It is commonly believed that… / It is a common belief that
⑶ 大一英語作文
A supportive learning environment encourages all students to learn, which will make students feel that they can make mistakes and take risks without being punished or embarrassed.
They will feel that their ideas and feelings are valued. Under this kind environment, students will be encouraged to talk, listen and actively participate.
Therefore, they have chances to learn with their minds (thinking), bodies (moving) and hearts (feelings).
Of course they can learn from their mistakes but they make progress step by step.
At the same time, students should realize 「No pains no gain」. We must work hard in our language study to achieve our goals.
We can do it!
⑷ 急需一篇大一期末英語作文範文,急急!有無
外國語學院英語論文格式規范(附樣例) A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(題目:二號,黑體,加粗,居中,除了英語小詞外,其他單詞首字母都要大寫;另外:除了題目外,論文中所有英文的字體均採用「Times New Roman」)外國語學院 2001級英語教育1030120011XX XXX 指導老師:XXX(學院、專業、學號、作者姓名、指導教師姓名(小四號宋體字,加粗),依次排印在論文題目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of ……(英文摘要:上空二行;題目採用五號「Times New Roman」字體,加粗,置於粗體方括弧【】內,頂格放置;隨後的內容與前面的粗體方括弧【】之間空一格,不用其他任何標點符號;採用五號「Times New Roman」字體,不加粗;單倍行距。)【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文關鍵詞:題目採用五號「Times New Roman」字體,加粗,兩個單詞的首字母要大寫,置於粗體方括弧【】內,頂格放置;隨後的內容與前面的粗體方括弧【】之間空一格,不用任何其他標點符號,採用五號「Times New Roman」字體,不加粗,除了專有名詞外,其他單詞的首字母不大寫,各單詞之間用分號「;」隔開,分號之後空一格;最後一個關鍵詞之後不用任何標點符號;單倍行距。)1. Introction (頂格,除了第一個單詞及專有名詞外,其他單詞首字母都不要大寫;標題最後不用任何標點符號,上空兩行) In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行縮進4個英文字元;夾注的標注法:出現在夾注中的作者必須與文後的參考文獻形成一一對應關系;注意一個或多個作者間的標點符號,時間、頁碼等的標注法;另外,漢語參考文獻的作者要以拼音形式出現,不能出現漢語姓氏;夾注出現在標點符號之前)2. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don』t know。我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是詩人。 (正文中的例子以(1),(2)…為序號排列,直至最後一個例子;而①, ②…則為腳注或章節附註的上標序號)…3. The differences between English idioms and Chinese idioms3.1 The characteristics of English idioms(正文章節序號編制:章的編號:1. ,2., 3.,…;節的編號:1.1,1.2…,2.1,2.2…;小節的編號為:1.1.1, 1.1.2…。小節以下層次,採用希臘數字加括弧為序,如(i),(ii)…;之後再採用字母加括弧,如(a), (b),…;每章題目左頂格,小四號字,加粗;每節(及小節以下)題目左頂格,小四號字,不加粗但要斜體;所有章節的題目都單獨一行,最後不加任何標點符號) …. In conclusion, ….3.2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms …. Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夾注的另一種寫法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it. ….3.2.1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms …(i) …. ….(ii) …. …. 4. Conclusion ….Bibliography (References) (小四號,加粗,後面不加任何標點符號)Sanved, ed. The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C]. New York: OUP, 1981.常亮,「關於英語的偏離否定」[J] 。《外國語文》,1993,4:44。馮樹健,「否定之否定新說」[J] 。《英語輔導》,1998,6:11。李光陵,「不完全否定淺析」 [J] 。《大學英語》,2000,30:30。(論文最後的參考文獻中所有文獻的排列順序:章節附註:按照編號順序。夾註:英文文獻----網路文獻----漢語文獻,各個文獻的先後以作者的姓氏字母或拼音為序,不用單獨加序號或編號;每個參考文獻的第二行起必須縮進4個英文字元;1.5倍行距;另外,與文中的夾注一一對應;不同類型的參考文獻寫法請參照寫作指南中附件2的內容)
⑸ 大一的英語作文
大一的fresh man一般寫3段式是最合理的,隨便給你弄一篇吧^.^但是要給我分哈O(∩_∩)O。
The Way to Protect Our Environment
By seeing our world becoming more developed and our environment being worse protected. Both joys and sorrows crossed in my heart.Suppose we do not protect our environment,as funny as I am wrote, we are doomed to live in the moon.Hence,with both joys and sorrows,together with the need of protecting our environment,several ways to protect our environment are presented here as follows. (看著我們的世界越來越發達,我們的環境質量卻日益的衰退,我的心裡真的是喜怒交加,假設我們不保護我們的環境,開個玩笑的說來,我們就註定搬到月球上去住了。因此,居然註定有喜有悲,也必須要保護我們的環境,下面有幾點是我在這列出來保護它的。)
First thing first,remind our people of the significance of protecting environment.Environment,as a friend of us,provides us with beautiful sights,such as, the Great Wall,the Summer palace,the Temple of Heaven,etc.If we just enjoy it,have fun with it,and even abuse it, it will never be a beauty again.so,that is why I mentioned in the first place.(第一重要的事情往往首先提出來,那就是:提醒我們的人們保護環境的重要性。我們的環境就像我們的朋友一樣,為我們提供了漂亮的風光,比如說長城,頤和園,天壇等等。如果我們只是享受它,把它當笑柄一樣來看待,甚至胡亂的對待它,它將永遠失去它的那一份美麗,所以,這就是我為什麼首先提出的原因)
Besides, it is not that simply easy to regenerate our environment in a day or in a month.It will take us thousands of labours to rebuild it and it will spend several years or even more in giving a second birth to our environment.How expensive the expenses are,let's think it over and over again.Should we just stand there doing nothing?The answer is that we need to sustain the friendly relationship with environment hand by hand,not to diacard any rubbish ,not to discharge toxic gas and instrial waste water.Thus, we will be loved as we love it the same way.(此外,重新滋養我們的環境可不是想像中一天兩天那樣簡單,我們需要成千上萬的勞工,我們也需要花上幾年甚至是更多的時間去修復。我們都應該仔細的想想,這是多麼昂貴的代價啊。難道我們只是站在那裡什麼都不做嗎?答案當然是否定的,我們需要手牽手的和環境保持良好的朋友關系,不要隨意丟垃圾,不要隨意排放有毒氣,也不要任意排放工業廢水。這樣的話,我們就會被環境所關愛,就象我們關愛它那樣)
Last but not least,be aware of the sense of justice and the sense of beauty by protecting our environment.This can do no harm to anybody thoughout the world.You are supposed to protect our environment with a sense of justice,let it be felt like a renasonable thing you have done and advise others to love it.Then,you will feel comfortable,peaceful in mind and feel that you have got two virtues.
As a whole,I no more stronglybelieve that protecting our environment will bring us more benifits than I believe that ruining our environment can make it better.
⑹ 大一英語自我介紹範文帶翻譯30秒左右
Hello everyone, my name is karry wang. I am 19 years old. I am from a small county town in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. I graated from the First Middle School of Lead Mountain County. Now, I am studying at Jiangxi Transportation Vocational and Technical College, specializing in road and bridge engineering technology. I am more outgoing, I like to listen to songs, play games, play basketball... In the next three years, I hope that while harvesting good results, I can also harvest a few precious friendships!Thank you! !
⑺ 求解的作文,大一英語作文
What can I do for the others?
⑻ 幫忙寫一篇大一英語作文
Over the past decade, whenever the end of large and medium cities in China, a surge of heat will be rushing toward us. Christmas, the Chinese people have a strange only in the movies to see the festival, the Chinese people's attention to a high degree of one. A certain extent, with the improvement of living standards, coupled with restrictions on firecrackers, as well as an increase in vacation travel, Christmas is almost with China's most traditional festivals - Spring Festival - on an equal footing of.
Speaking of Christmas, now 20-year-old young people are very familiar to the state on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, carnival night, know that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, aware of Santa Claus, should get to know trees, hung a beautiful The lantern, gift bags, know Na socks. In the last week of each year, many young people gather in small groups together to the hotel, bars and even churches to participate in Christmas celebrations, and even a lot of young parents with young children are also involved in the meantime, to experience exotic culture, brought about by the different the concept of pleasure.
Christmas in China as early as this concept, e to the nineteenth century, missionaries bring Christianity to China. In the next hundred years, e to the spread of Christianity in China is not widespread, making the celebration of Christmas did not form a climate in China. Over the last decade, the first foreign Christians working in China increased, in order to allow them the opportunity to spend this festival venue that prompted the Christmas activities graally increased, and then, more Chinese Christians and non-Christians have also joined in .
For the businessman, the holiday economy is the largest gold growth in recent years, both 51, 11, or Spring Festival, merchants and service instries have become the focus of making profits. And when these traditional holiday cake is divided up, businesses would target similar to Christmas this emerging, and has not been completely divided the interests of growth. As a result, the concept of Christmas as a new object of speculation.
Take Christmas, mainly involved in the crowd, these young people may be a little interested in Christianity, perhaps followed by blending, they may not know what people that Jesus is his father and mother is what kind of people, whether he is born in December 25. They had no interest, interested only be able to blending blending, music, and the and the. To put it plainly, Christmas is a business for profit, but to unscrupulous media speculation as a means to ignorant youth as the main body in order to create a disturbance of mind, crowded the participation of a farce.
Over the past decade, whenever the end of large and medium cities in China, a surge of heat will be rushing toward us.在過去十年裡,每當大中城市在中國,一熱浪涌年底將急於向我們走來。 Christmas, the Chinese people have a strange only in the movies to see the festival, the Chinese people's attention to a high degree of one.聖誕節,我國人民只有在電影中看到一個奇怪的節日,中國人民關注的一個高度。 A certain extent, with the improvement of living standards, coupled with restrictions on firecrackers, as well as an increase in vacation travel, Christmas is almost with China's most traditional festivals - Spring Festival - on an equal footing of.在一定程度上隨著人民生活水平的提高與鞭炮的限制,加上,以及在度假旅遊的增加,聖誕節與中國最傳統節日 - 春節 - 幾乎在平等基礎上的。
Speaking of Christmas, now 20-year-old young people are very familiar to the state on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, carnival night, know that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, aware of Santa Claus, should get to know trees, hung a beautiful The lantern, gift bags, know Na socks.談到聖誕節,現在20歲的年輕人都非常熟悉的聖誕節前夕,聖誕夜,狂歡夜,給國家知道聖誕紀念耶穌的誕生聖誕老人知道,應該了解樹木,掛著美麗的彩燈,禮品袋,知道Na襪子。 In the last week of each year, many young people gather in small groups together to the hotel, bars and even churches to participate in Christmas celebrations, and even a lot of young parents with young children are also involved in the meantime, to experience exotic culture, brought about by the different the concept of pleasure.在每年的最後一周,許多年輕人聚集在小團體一起到酒店,酒吧甚至教堂參加聖誕慶祝活動,甚至有年幼子女的年輕父母很多也同時參與,親身體驗異國情調文化,所帶來的樂趣不同的概念。
Christmas in China as early as this concept, e to the nineteenth century, missionaries bring Christianity to China.在中國,早在聖誕節這一概念,由於19世紀,傳教士把基督教中國。 In the next hundred years, e to the spread of Christianity in China is not widespread, making the celebration of Christmas did not form a climate in China.在未來一百年,由於基督教在中國的傳播並不廣泛,使得聖誕慶祝活動並沒有在中國形成氣候。 Over the last decade, the first foreign Christians working in China increased, in order to allow them the opportunity to spend this festival venue that prompted the Christmas activities graally increased, and then, more Chinese Christians and non-Christians have also joined in .在過去十年中,第一個在中國工作的外國基督教徒增多,為了讓他們有機會利用這節場館,促使聖誕節活動逐漸增多,然後,更多的中國基督教徒和非基督教徒也加入英寸
For the businessman, the holiday economy is the largest gold growth in recent years, both 51, 11, or Spring Festival, merchants and service instries have become the focus of making profits.對於商人,假日經濟是近年來最大的黃金增長,同時51,11,或春節,商家和服務行業已成為盈利重點。 And when these traditional holiday cake is divided up, businesses would target similar to Christmas this emerging, and has not been completely divided the interests of growth.而當這些傳統節日蛋糕被劃分,企業將針對類似的聖誕這種新興的,並沒有完全分化,成長的利益。 As a result, the concept of Christmas as a new object of speculation.因此,作為一個新的投機對象的概念的聖誕節。
Take Christmas, mainly involved in the crowd, these young people may be a little interested in Christianity, perhaps followed by blending, they may not know what people that Jesus is his father and mother is what kind of people, whether he is born in December 25.以聖誕節,主要涉及在人群中,這些年輕人可能比較感興趣的基督教,其次是混合也許,他們可能不知道的人,耶穌是他的父親和母親是什麼樣的人,他是否在12月出生25。 They had no interest, interested only be able to blending blending, music, and the and the.他們沒有興趣,感興趣的只是能夠混合調配,音樂,和和。 To put it plainly, Christmas is a business for profit, but to unscrupulous media speculation as a means to ignorant youth as the main body in order to create a disturbance of mind, crowded the participation of a farce.簡單地說,聖誕節是一個盈利的業務,而是肆無忌憚的媒體作為主體懵懂少年意味著投機,以創造一種思想干擾,擠了一出鬧劇的參與。
⑼ 大一英語作文
Nowadays, movies have become one of the most popular ways of amusement. And there are many different types of movies, such as comedy or thriller. My favorite type is science fiction because of the following two reasons.
First of all,science fiction movies are usually very fancy and creative. You could enjoy yourself freely in the unrealistic world that the movie created. Moreover, a nice science fiction movie could improve my logical thinking in some ways.
Second, science fictions often offer me a great deal of visual pleasure. The splendid scenes are always a good way of relaxing after getting used to the same old routine of daily lives and places.
Above all is why I love science fiction movies so much. Then what is your favorite type of movie?