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發布時間: 2021-02-24 08:01:50

① 的英語許多學生經常熬夜寫作

He often stayed up doing his homework

② 熬夜用英語怎麼說謝謝


熬夜 stay up




③ 「熬夜學習」用英語怎麼說~~

stay up all night studying,這種譯法正規,但死板。


④ 如何用地道的英語表達「熬夜」

「熬夜」一般有三種說法: stay up late, sit up, burn the midnight oil。請看例句:
You』ve got school tomorrow. I don』t want you staying up late.
Sometimes I sit up reading until three or four in the morning.
She watched his toils, and knew the measure of the midnight oil he burned.
Night owl 夜貓子,經常指那些「晚上不睡,早上不起」的人。
晚睡晚起可以這樣表達:keep late hours。請看例句:
Late hours don』t agree with me.
All-nighter 表示通宵。請看例句:
College students often pull an all-nighter at the end of a semester.

⑤ 以「A personal anecdote」為主題的英語作文,內容要點:1:緣由:熬夜寫作業,上課

I had an extremely embarrassing experience the other day. I stayed up the night and was working on my homework last night, which made me fall asleep in class the next day. All of sudden, I felt the desk shaking and I thought it was an earthquake! I bursted out of the classroom and yelling, trying to warn other people. However, it turned out to be one of my classmate shaking my desk and trying to wake me up! From then on, I became a joke and I swear I will never be absent-minded in class again!

⑥ 「因為我昨天熬夜做作業,所以今天我很困。」翻譯成英文是什麼拜託各位了 3Q

I'm very sleepy today because I stayed up late to do my homework yesterday.

⑦ 我熬夜但是是因為我要寫作業用英語怎麼說

I stay up late, but that's because I have homework to do.

⑧ 我們應該提前完成作業而不是熬夜用英語怎麼說

We should finish homework ahead of time instead of staying up late

⑨ ①作業太多,時常熬夜,感到疲勞!怎麼翻譯成英文

too much homework作業太多aways go to bed late時常熬夜 feel very tired感到疲勞

⑩ 「作業很多,我今晚得熬夜了。」用英語怎麼說

I have to stay up tonight becasuse there are so many homework.

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