⑴ 求英語作文,大學生貧富差距,150左右
I study at a university in Bejing. I can see that the students came from different backgrounds. I can see by the way they dressed and the stationery they have. A rich student wears branded clothings and uses high-tech stationery. Ipad and Ipod are very common to them. During the weekend, when they leave university or come back to university campus, you can see the rich students arrive in big posh cars. These students are likely the 'FuErdai' or 'GuanErDai'. On the other hand, a poor student would dress more simple and very humble in their behaviour. Their parents are likely from the working class or farmers in the rural areas.
⑵ 有關貧富差距的英文作文
Gap between the wealthy and poor
As we know, only if balance each social stratum relations especially between the wealthy and poor can we have a euphonious social.There is no doubt that every country has the gap between the wealthy and poor.So, what is your opinion and how do you think to solve this problem?
From my point of view, what we should do is form a correct concept about is after all it is unavoidable. But, we must take some action rather than imagine at the same time. It needs not only our government』 macro-control but also every citizen』s effort.
On the one hand, I often heart some bad events account for some people are not be respected just because they are poor. It is exactly equal.So,as a citizen, we can help the poor as much as we can even if we don not the rich such as a kind smile, an equality attitude.It may have a big influence if everyone can do it.
On the other hand,it is the most important to envelop our social』s economic. As the old saying goes,「The fundamental task is to develop the proctive forces」 So, it may becomes another center of the work.
It is equal between the wealthy and poor. We should learn to help the disadvantaged rather than have a bad attitude.So, let us solve the problem together as much as we can and have a more euphonious social.
⑶ 急求一篇英語作文 如何縮小貧富差距
⑷ 求英語作文 關於貧富差距的
While china continue to amaze the outside world with its stories of rapid economic growth,the country's Gini Co-efficient-a standard measure of income inequality has exceed the 0.40 threshold viewed as danger level.Although china has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty ring the period of reform and opening,has transformed from planning economy system to marked-oriented system,the gap between the rich and poor remains in rural-urban income as well as in every social classes are widening that will confine the long-term development of national economy as whole.
The per capita disposable income of city dwellers released in 2003 was 8,472 yuan (US$1,024),compared with 2,622 yuan (US$317) of farmers that account for 80% of the national population. approx. 25% of chinese population is in the upper middle class to rich. But the larger segment-about 75% is in the low middle class to poor.Even though the past year of 2004 appears a good one for the country's some 800 million farmers thanks to a substantial recovery in grain price and cuting tax,the task to uplift the farmer income,to narrow the disparity and inequality which will affect society stabilization in rural-urban development level is arous. to achieve a coordinated development between urban and rural areas and to resolve issues concerning agriculture, farmers and rural areas,Wen called for reforms to increase assistance and protection for agriculture, to speed up urbanization, to let cities play a bigger role in promoting the development of rural areas and to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas, by unifying the management of issues like labor, family, compulsory ecation, and taxation.
⑸ 跪求英語作文一篇,貧富差距,高手請進
It』 certainly true that without a profit motive, the rational thing to do would be to sit at home all day and play video games — or whatever other pursuit you might choose if you never had to worry about paying the bills. And history shows that government efforts to try to equalize wealth or manage economies usually backfire.
Inequality of wealth, by itself, isn』t new. In the past few decades, there』s evidence that the gap in some countries is widening – including the U.S. But super-rich folks like Forbes 400 billionaires and greedy corporate executives are hardly a recent phenomenon.
A hundred years ago, the wealth gap between the richest robber baron and the poorest farmer was wider than the current spread between a $100-million-a-year CEO and the worst-paid worker. And if you factor in modern health care, 「conveniences」 like cars, TVs and cellphones, the average American today probably enjoys a standard of living on a par with some of the richest Americans a century ago. So a widening income gap and wealth inequity doesn』t seem to have hurt progress.
The issue isn』t whether money is a potent incentive for keeping us all busy trying to buy or build a bigger house or inventing the next cool electronic device. The question is whether the playing field is level. Equality of opportunity isn』t just a matter of fairness. No society can expect to thrive if it doesn』t fully tap the talent and ability of its entire workforce — including those who happen to be born poor.
Economists talk about 「human capital」 like any other input to their economic models. In theory, free markets will allocate that human capital to the best use by rewarding best work that the market values the most highly.
⑹ 雅思作文題目是國家之間是否有責任互相幫助和有些窮人無法得到捐助的
2,這個是report類的啊,不多見。說traffic jam吧。原因一,中國人口多,現在買車的人也越來越多,道路一時負荷不了。原因二,很多地方交通燈設置不合理。原因三,部分人不遵守交通規則。解決一,建地鐵。解決二,提高人口素質
3,這個兩邊好像都差不多。寫反對的吧。第一,elder workers更有經驗,他們過早退休是資源浪費,第二,老人退休後會面臨經濟問題,這樣對老人不人道。讓步段,現在年輕人就業壓力很大,但是還是應該用能力說話。結論就說,鼓勵老人提早退休不解決根本問題,關鍵是大學教育要把重點放在提高學生的能力,政府要多創造就業機會
我們要說的話,應該是支持governmentt資助。第一,孩子的素質決定了一個countryy未來的人口素質,也就是這個countryy的前途。然後說說母親去工作照顧不好小孩所以governmentt要負起責任雲雲就行了。讓步段就說母親照顧和小孩當然會更好些,是 human nature,但是現代societyy的女性已經被賦予了更多的職責,而且女人沒義務獨自照顧孩子。結論就說中國governmentt確實該負責孩子
5,compete,就說競爭能使孩子時刻想要做到最好,培養孩子上進心。說點bright future 之類的。cooperate,就說使孩子壓力小,再說society方面,團隊合作效率高。你支持哪個,就自己選吧,看哪個能再說些。就說compete吧,最後一段再簡單說說compete對society的作用。
6,支持好說。(雖然我本人不支持)就說語言反映了思維方式和文化,所以學習文化對語言有幫助。然後反過來說,學習語言也是為了去與這個countryy人交談,為了解這個countryy,所以,a good language learner 應該學習文化。讓步段說,當然,對於beginner來說,文化的東西還起不到作用,但是可以作為興趣了解。
12,這題,會考么?是report 類的?又不像。。。自個自己想去吧,要真出這題我就無語了。臨場發揮吧。
第一,貧富差距。第二,生活節奏快慢差距,第三,受教育程度,access to information,amusement 等精神層面的不同。解決方案,就是第一,農民補助,第二,教育。
17,額,這個題應該沒問題吧,從 band 6寫到雅思了,口語也有它。
18,對,支持前者。對博物館投資是對精神財富的投資,人們有更多的方法spend their leisue time,and learn knowledge as well.而且,建設一座museum可以讓很多代人受益。然後說博物館雖然很花錢,而且好像看似沒有直接收益,但是有長足的作用。
19,唉,吃肉也想不出什麼理由來,那就寫支持吧。先說不吃動物humanity。然後if scientific technique permitted,人工製造肉替代品省錢省時。另外,宰殺動物時動物體內會產生某種有害物質,不吃肉可以避免。然後讓步就說,肉替代品可能沒有肉好吃,而且比較單調。但是吃肉那麼殘忍如果能不吃,還是不吃了吧
⑺ 雅思作文科技加大了貧富差距,同意嗎
⑻ 科技拉大貧富差距了嗎 英語作文
sloped together as they went down so that there was hardly any floor; and though it had windows of thick glass, they were not
⑼ 雅思大作文「科技增加了貧富差距」怎麼寫
一個毋庸置疑的事實是(there is an undeniable fact that): 科技會不斷地加大有錢人和窮人的差距(enlarge the gap between the haves and havenots)- - - 有錢人有智能手機、筆記本、無線寬頻上網等等(smart phones,laptops,wireless broadband internet etc.)- - - 他們買得起高科技產品(afford)並且能夠充分利用(make the most of/take full advantage of)高科技來創造價值 - - - 比如說:發達國家的人們現在能夠在家裡或者世界任何地方工作(work from home or from anywhere in the world) - - - 不僅在家就能夠進行遠程會議(distance meeting) - - - 而且能夠在線購物(do their shopping online)並且把東西郵寄到家裡(have things delivered to) - - -進而提高生活水平(thereby promoting living quality)- - - 然而對於窮人,尤其是那些在貧困的國家(impoverished nations)科技對他們的生活幾乎沒有影響(have little impact on) - - - 因為他們買不起高科技產品(fail to afford)- - - 這些人也就沒有辦法利用高科技進行工作賺錢。