① 如何撰寫英語授權請求信
Dear editor,
I am writing this letter to apply rights to spread and translate the articles of 「The Thain』s book」.【之前那一句是我自己加的……】As a big fan of the Mid-earth and J.R.R. Tolkien』s work from China, I am longing to learn deeply about the Mid-earth and contribute to spread it. For a long time, I have been admiring the
passion and professionalism of your website. Your wonderful works inspire me so I would very much like to join and offer my help. With my friends and colleagues, I plan to translate the entries, forms and pictures of your website into Chinese and establish a Chinese edition of 「The Thain』s Book」, which, I believe, will
offer readers in China an approach to enjoying and admiring your wits and achievements.
I promise: all the articles will only be used for public welfare, not for
translators themselves. The website will be accessible freely for any who wish toread. The right will be respected and protected. The articles will not be distorted,tampered, or cut into pieces without permission.
We have learnt from Tolkein that even a small potato could make great
contributions. I hope I could manage this great task with my excellent group to
offer more imformation for Tolkien』s fans. Please consider my application.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contract me
Your sincerely,
② 一封請求信:向一篇文章的作者發出請求
③ 雅思作文啊!!!
雅思考試全程考試時間為2小時55分鍾。其中,寫作在聽力、閱讀部分之後出現,是筆試的最後一項。雅思寫作考試要求在60分鍾內完成兩篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。寫作中,以移民為主的培訓類(General Training)和以留學為主的學術類(Academic)試題類型有所不同。
Task 1要求考生在20分鍾內完成150字以上的文章。G類(培訓類)要求考生針對題目要求寫一封信來詢問某方面信息或闡釋某種狀況。到目前為止,出現較多的書信種類有投訴信、請求信、建議信、尋找失物信、邀請信等。而A類(學術類)則考核圖表為主。考得較多的有曲線圖、柱狀圖、餅狀圖、表格等。也有可能考到兩種不同種類的圖。另外,流程圖和示意圖也偶爾考到。
Task 2 要求考生在40分鍾內寫作一篇不少於250字的議論文。A類和G類在Task 2方面非常相似。考生可能需要對某個觀點發表支持或反駁意見,或者討論針鋒相對的一組觀點,或者解釋某種問題出現的原因並提出相應的解決辦法。
雅思評分按9分制。基本上,移民或讀語言學校起碼要5分(Modest User)。留學需要6分(Competent User)以上。如果讀的是法律、傳媒、管理等名校的研究生的話,寫作最好達到7分(Good User)。但考生最後寫作成績並不是Task 1和Task 2的簡單平均,而是以Task 2為主。
雅思寫作的評分標准不象四六級或托福採用整體式的評分,而是分項式評分(analytical scoring)。也就是說,考官給考生並不只打一個分數,而是根據具體的評分細則分項給分。
Task 1(書信或圖表)按照以下三方面評分:Task Fulfilment(完成任務);Coherence and Cohesion(連貫與銜接);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(詞彙與句子結構)。
Task Fulfilment指的是考生是否能夠在正確審題的基礎上完成題目的指令。具體說來,書信作文應該完成書信的使命,題目里的每一項要求都不可或缺。圖表作文應該在對於圖表所給出的數據進行分析的基礎上指出圖表的總體趨勢和走向,並點明與總趨勢不相吻合的特殊之處,而且還要有數據的支持。
Coherence and Cohesion指的是文章通過一定的銜接手段(Cohesive Devices)來表明上下文的連貫性(Coherence)。銜接手段,或叫語篇紐帶,經常用的有(logical)邏輯、(grammatical)語法和(semantic)語義三方面的連接詞(connectors)。
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure指的是文章的語言表達。5分或5分以下的作文一般語法錯誤較多。6分作文則一般沒有致命的語法錯誤,用詞和句子基本准確。而7分以上的作文用詞豐富(Variety)、句子結構復雜(Complexity)。
Task 2(議論文)的三方面評分標準是:Arguments, Ideas and Evidence(論證,論點和論據);Communicative Quality(交流質量);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(詞彙與句子結構)。
Arguments, Ideas and evidence涉及對於議論文的內容要求。具體說來,應該是內容切題,論據合理,論證充分。
對於Ideas(內容)而言,應該注意的是不要出現跑題。有的考生由於詞彙量有限,導致題目中的單詞不認識,從而寫作的時候寫離題了。比如:Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest instry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree or disagree? 如果考生不懂international tourism是什麼意思的話,這道題是沒法寫的。但是,雅思寫作涉及的詞彙量並不是大得令人生畏,大概有六七千左右。考生萬一碰到個把單詞不理解的話,完全可以通過上下文加以推測。比如上面這句話中tension可能是個生詞,但是如果考生能想到rather than表示對比關系的話,可以推斷tension應該和understanding(理解)形成反義詞,那就應該是接近於誤解,即緊張關系的意思。所以,對於單詞,考生應該平時注意積累,應試時根據上下文推斷。
有的考生可能題目裡面每個單詞都認識依然寫跑題,那可能是因為對於所涉及的題材不了解,沒話可說。比如:When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this opinion? 如果考生毫不了解所謂的傳統技能和生活方式的話,肯定對此束手無策。雅思議論文涉及contemporary social issues of common interest(人們普遍感興趣的當代社會問題),考生應該平時注意這方面的知識積累和主動思考。
另外,還有的考生不但認識題目中的每個單詞,而且也熟悉話題,但依然寫跑題,那很有可能是因為沒有抓住寫作重點。事實上,絕大多數考生寫跑題都是因為這個因素。比如:There is an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible causes of this phenomenon, and offer some recommendations. 許多考生都會注意到這道題考的是青少年犯罪話題,而且應該分析原因並提出解決辦法。但是,如果原因只寫了一段而建議寫了數段的話,那麼就是犯了忽略重點的錯誤。因為,如果沒有把原因進行詳細分析而貿然提出建議的話,這種建議是缺乏依據的。正確的做法應該是原因寫二至三段,結果寫一段。其次,考生還應注意到這道題考的不是泛泛的青少年犯罪的原因與解決方法,而是為什麼現在青少年犯罪人數越來越多的原因和建議。由此看來,考生應該仔細審題,防止產生理解上的偏差。
對於Evidence(論據)來說,關鍵要合理,並且能夠證明論點。比如Wild animals have no place in the 21st century and trying to protect these animals is a waste of resources. Do you agree or disagree? 有同學這樣寫道:We can hardly imagine what our life will be like without wild animals. For example, if there is no cat, there will be more mice. The increase in the number of mice will result in the rection of food resources and the spread of diseases. Thus, it is very important to protect animals. 這里,貓的論據是不合適的,因為貓不屬於wild animals(野生動物)。再比如,The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree? 有同學在論證這道題的時候舉了趙括「紙上談兵」的例子,說趙括就是典型的有很多兵法等理論知識,但是由於缺乏帶兵打仗的實際經驗,導致秦趙長平之戰中趙兵大敗,自己也命喪沙場,這充分說明了只有理論知識沒有實際經驗的惡果,所以應該重視實際經驗。但這個論據也是不得體的,因為題目涉及的是大學應該怎麼做,而趙括明顯沒有上過大學。事實上,古代的例子通常不適宜在雅思作文中出現,即便出現了,許多情況下只是作為反面例子與現今狀況形成對比。
好的Arguments(論證)應該是充分並且有力的。這就需要運用多種論證手法。常用的論證手法有:explanation(解釋說明),emphasis(強調論證),exemplification(舉例說明),cause and effect(因果論證),comparison and contrast(比較與對比)facts and statistics(事實和統計數據),concession and refutation(讓步與反駁),classification(分類),definition(下定義),analogy(比喻)等。論證手法的運用還應該和關聯詞結合起來。
Communicative Quality(交流質量)大體上與Task 1的Coherence and Cohesion相同,也涉及文章中代詞,關聯詞,同義反義詞等的運用。常用的關聯詞有:對比however, although, but, nevertheless;結果as a result, as a consequence, therefore, because of this, otherwise;附加in addition, additionally, and, as well as, furthermore, also, moreover;舉例for example, for instance, such as, including;強調in fact, indeed;時間after, following, before, until, ring, between, while等。
議論文在Vocabulary and Sentence Structure方面與Task 1的要求相同。
雅思大作文題目 考過教育類 科技類 社會類 政府類 文化類 有的時候這幾類有相互穿插或交織的可能
④ 英語請求信
Dear sirs:
I am writing to you to complpain about my newly-bought electronic dictionary on oct.1, which failed to work only after one week's use. Unfortunately, that dictionary is labelled with your logo. After a careful exam of the "The Proct Quality Guarantee", I learned that there is the specific item dealing with my problem. The item enables any concerned customers of my kind to claim for a full refund. Therefore, I am claiming my rights ensured by this document and requesting for a full refund.
For your further examinations on the problem,attached to this letter is the dictionary I have mentioned above,.
I am looking forward to your prompt reply to my request.
Mr. Baxter.
⑤ 用英語寫一封請求信
Dear sirs:
I am writing to you to complpain about my newly-bought electronic dictionary on oct.1, which failed to work only after one week's use. Unfortunately, that dictionary is labelled with your logo. After a careful exam of the "The Proct Quality Guarantee", I learned that there is the specific item dealing with my problem. The item enables any concerned customers of my kind to claim for a full refund. Therefore, I am claiming my rights ensured by this document and requesting for a full refund.
For your further examinations on the problem,attached to this letter is the dictionary I have mentioned above,.
I am looking forward to your prompt reply to my request.
⑥ 請求信怎麼寫
⑦ 雅思寫作移民類請求/求助信寫法
1、闡述自己的打算以及需要幫助的理由(explain what you are going to do and why you need help);
2、闡述自己需要哪方面的幫助(say what you want him/her to do for you);
3、表達謝意(express your gratitude)。
(20081206) You are away on holiday for several weeks and then hope that one of your friends will look after your home. Write to him/her and in your letter,
lexplain why you need help
lshow where the key is
lexplain what do you expect him/her to do when you are away
該話題要求考生寫一封請求信,收信人為自己朋友(屬於非正式的文體),主要有三項任務(解釋需要幫助的原因;講明鑰匙所在;解釋自己不在時需要朋友做什麼),需要在主體部分(Main Parts)完成。
Dear Catherine,(稱呼)
I wonder if you could spare some time attending to my home while I am away for my annual paid holiday.(寫信目的介紹段)
The holiday, as scheled from April 3rd to May 1st,will last around 4 weeks. This thus means that I cannot return until May 2nd, and that is why your timely help is of great significance to me.(任務一:explain why you need help)
Keys to my door are available if you drop in at my company on your way home after work and ask the beautiful slim receptionist called Serena for them.(任務二:where the key is)
When I am on my holiday, you have to take the trouble to feed and walk my German Shepherd "Rain" on a daily basis. Besides, you are expected to water the 3 plants at the backyard at regular intervals. After fulfilling these tasks, if time permitting, please pick up my letters, water/gas/electricity bills and my subscribed newspaper "Financial Times" and then put them into the top drawer of the desk in my bedroom. All these tasks are for certain to lay you a huge burden.(任務三:what do you expect him and what do you expect him/her to do when you are away.)
I would be greatly grateful to you if you could lend me a helping hand at such a critical time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.(結尾段:表達謝意,請求回復)
Best wishes
Helen Y.(落款簽名)
You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should
(1) describe the item of clothing;
(2) point which place it would be;
(3) tell the manager what you want him/her to do if find out the item of clothing.
You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should
(1) describe the item of clothing;
(2) point which place it would be;
(3) tell?the?manager?what?you?want?him/her?to?do?if?find?out?the?item?of?clothing.?
You rent an accommodation for a week and you found that there were problems with the accommodation. Write a letter to the owner and inform him or her:
(1) what the problems were;
(2) describe consequences of the problems;
(3) what actions would you want the owner to take to solve the issue.
You have written an article to a magazine about your job, and ask your manager to make some comments on it.
(1) explain why you wrote the article
(2) What have you written
(3) What you would like your manager to comment.
You are going to travel for a week. Write a letter to your neighbour and ask him to take care of your house when you leave. In your letter, you should tell:
(1) what you are going to do;
(2) what you want him to do for you;
(3) what he should do if something happens.
⑧ 如何用英語寫一封請求信
Hi 他的名字 (如果不知道名字的話就寫一個hi也可以),
I saw your website and am very interested in your work. However, I can only open some of you work, but not all of them. I am wondering if you can send your work to me or fix the links on your website. I won't use that for economic purposes. (最後這句話是說你不會用作交易 但是我覺得可以刪掉。不過還是翻了)
Dear sirs:
I am writing to you to complpain about my newly-bought electronic dictionary on oct.1, which failed to work only after one week's use. Unfortunately, that dictionary is labelled with your logo. After a careful exam of the "The Proct Quality Guarantee", I learned that there is the specific item dealing with my problem. The item enables any concerned customers of my kind to claim for a full refund. Therefore, I am claiming my rights ensured by this document and requesting for a full refund.
For your further examinations on the problem,attached to this letter is the dictionary I have mentioned above,.
I am looking forward to your prompt reply to my request.
⑨ 雅思作文高分詞彙
雅思考試全程考試時間為2小時55分鍾。其中,寫作在聽力、閱讀部分之後出現,是筆試的最後一項。雅思寫作考試要求在60分鍾內完成兩篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。寫作中,以移民為主的培訓類(General Training)和以留學為主的學術類(Academic)試題類型有所不同。 Task 1要求考生在20分鍾內完成150字以上的文章。G類(培訓類)要求考生針對題目要求寫一封信來詢問某方面信息或闡釋某種狀況。到目前為止,出現較多的書信種類有投訴信、請求信、建議信、尋找失物信、邀請信等。而A類(學術類)則考核圖表為主。考得較多的有曲線圖、柱狀圖、餅狀圖、表格等。也有可能考到兩種不同種類的圖。另外,流程圖和示意圖也偶爾考到。 Task 2 要求考生在40分鍾內寫作一篇不少於250字的議論文。A類和G類在Task 2方面非常相似。考生可能需要對某個觀點發表支持或反駁意見,或者討論針鋒相對的一組觀點,或者解釋某種問題出現的原因並提出相應的解決辦法。 雅思評分按9分制。基本上,移民或讀語言學校起碼要5分(Modest User)。留學需要6分(Competent User)以上。如果讀的是法律、傳媒、管理等名校的研究生的話,寫作最好達到7分(Good User)。但考生最後寫作成績並不是Task 1和Task 2的簡單平均,而是以Task 2為主。 雅思寫作的評分標准不象四六級或托福採用整體式的評分,而是分項式評分(analytical scoring)。也就是說,考官給考生並不只打一個分數,而是根據具體的評分細則分項給分。 書信或圖表評分標准: Task 1(書信或圖表)按照以下三方面評分:Task Fulfilment(完成任務);Coherence and Cohesion(連貫與銜接);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(詞彙與句子結構)。 Task Fulfilment指的是考生是否能夠在正確審題的基礎上完成題目的指令。具體說來,書信作文應該完成書信的使命,題目里的每一項要求都不可或缺。圖表作文應該在對於圖表所給出的數據進行分析的基礎上指出圖表的總體趨勢和走向,並點明與總趨勢不相吻合的特殊之處,而且還要有數據的支持。 Coherence and Cohesion指的是文章通過一定的銜接手段來表明上下文的連貫性。銜接手段,或叫語篇紐帶,經常用的有(logical)邏輯、(grammatical)語法和(semantic)語義三方面的連接詞(connectors)。 Vocabulary and Sentence Structure指的是文章的語言表達。5分或5分以下的作文一般語法錯誤較多。6分作文則一般沒有致命的語法錯誤,用詞和句子基本准確。而7分以上的作文用詞豐富,句子結構復雜。議論文評分標准: Task 2(議論文)的三方面評分標準是:Arguments, Ideas and Evidence(論證,論點和論據);Communicative Quality(交流質量);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(詞彙與句子結構)。 Arguments, Ideas and evidence涉及對於議論文的內容要求。具體說來,應該是內容切題,論據合理,論證充分。 對於Ideas(內容)而言,應該注意的是不要出現跑題。有的考生由於詞彙量有限,導致題目中的單詞不認識,從而寫作的時候寫離題了。比如:Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest instry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree or disagree? 如果考生不懂international tourism是什麼意思的話,這道題是沒法寫的。但是,雅思寫作涉及的詞彙量並不是大得令人生畏,大概有六七千左右。考生萬一碰到個把單詞不理解的話,完全可以通過上下文加以推測。所以,對於單詞,考生應該平時注意積累,應試時根據上下文推斷。 有的考生可能題目裡面每個單詞都認識依然寫跑題,那可能是因為對於所涉及的題材不了解,沒話可說。如果考生毫不了解所謂的傳統技能和生活方式的話,肯定對此束手無策。雅思議論文涉及contemporary social issues of common interest(人們普遍感興趣的當代社會問題),考生應該平時注意這方面的知識積累和主動思考。 另外,還有的考生不但認識題目中的每個單詞,而且也熟悉話題,但依然寫跑題,那很有可能是因為沒有抓住寫作重點。事實上,絕大多數考生寫跑題都是因為這個因素。比如:There is an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible causes of this phenomenon, and offer some recommendations. 許多考生都會注意到這道題考的是青少年犯罪話題,而且應該分析原因並提出解決辦法。但是,如果原因只寫了一段而建議寫了數段的話,那麼就是犯了忽略重點的錯誤。因為,如果沒有把原因進行詳細分析而貿然提出建議的話,這種建議是缺乏依據的。正確的做法應該是原因寫二至三段,結果寫一段。其次,考生還應注意到這道題考的不是泛泛的青少年犯罪的原因與解決方法,而是為什麼現在青少年犯罪人數越來越多的原因和建議。由此看來,考生應該仔細審題,防止產生理解上的偏差。 對於Evidence(論據)來說,關鍵要合理,並且能夠證明論點。比如Wild animals have no place in the 21st century and trying to protect these animals is a waste of resources. Do you agree or disagree? 有同學這樣寫道:We can hardly imagine what our life will be like without wild animals. For example, if there is no cat, there will be more mice. The increase in the number of mice will result in the rection of food resources and the spread of diseases. Thus, it is very important to protect animals. 這里,貓的論據是不合適的,因為貓不屬於wild animals(野生動物)。再比如,The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree? 有同學在論證這道題的時候舉了趙括「紙上談兵」的例子,說趙括就是典型的有很多兵法等理論知識,但是由於缺乏帶兵打仗的實際經驗,導致秦趙長平之戰中趙兵大敗,自己也命喪沙場,這充分說明了只有理論知識沒有實際經驗的惡果,所以應該重視實際經驗。但這個論據也是不得體的,因為題目涉及的是大學應該怎麼做,而趙括明顯沒有上過大學。事實上,古代的例子通常不適宜在雅思作文中出現,即便出現了,許多情況下只是作為反面例子與現今狀況形成對比。 好的Arguments(論證)應該是充分並且有力的。這就需要運用多種論證手法。常用的論證手法有:explanation(解釋說明),emphasis(強調論證),exemplification(舉例說明),cause and effect(因果論證),comparison and contrast(比較與對比)facts and statistics(事實和統計數據),concession and refutation(讓步與反駁),classification(分類),definition(下定義),analogy(比喻)等。論證手法的運用還應該和關聯詞結合起來。 Communicative Quality(交流質量)大體上與Task 1的Coherence and Cohesion相同,也涉及文章中代詞,關聯詞,同義反義詞等的運用。議論文在Vocabulary and Sentence Structure方面與Task 1的要求相同。 雅思大作文題目 考過教育類 科技類 社會類 政府類 文化類 有的時候這幾類有相互穿插或交織的可能。