Ⅰ 英語專業大一新生自己考雅思的建議
准備劍5-9,從中隨便拿套題目出來做一下聽力和閱讀,如果都在6分以上,你可以直接從真題入手復習,結合背詞彙和練口語。如果6分以下,需要從更基礎一點的詞彙開始背起,可以用新東方的綠皮亂序版雅思詞彙,配合雅思聽力王練聽力,平時多聽一下voa,bbc。這樣練一陣子再開始用真題復習。聽力爭取每一份都做聽抄,也就是做完題目,對完答案後,先不要看聽力原文,而是再聽音頻,試著自己寫出原文,可以暫停和回放。寫完後和原文對照,找出自己不認識的單詞和沒聽出來的地方,多加練習。這個過程比較耗時,但堅持2個禮拜就能感覺到進步。閱讀的每一道題目都在原文中找出信息點,總結出題規律和做題經驗,建議配合 雅思閱讀真經5 復習 。作文可以使用慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思寫作》,不過10天是肯定看不完的,你才大一,不用太著急,耐下心來認真看完這本書,能熟練運用裡面的單詞和短語,你的作文最起碼應該有5.5-6分了,有餘力的話再看一下6-9分範文解讀,開闊一下思路。如果作文想考6.5以上的話,難度比較大,平時要多收集地道的英文表達,多練習1個小時內寫完大小作文。至於口語,每天都要練習,開口說,可以把真題的聽力原文作為練口語的材料,也可以永 十天突破雅思口語或口語多米諾。考試之前突擊一下口語機經。
Ⅱ 求一篇雅思的英語作文
Should ecation and healthcare be free of charge and funded by the government, or should it be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services?
The improvement of the life level e to the economic development has led people to focus more on their spiritual life, with their ecation and healthcare inclusive, but who has to be responsible for the cost of ecation and healthcare has been raised onto heated discussion.
Health care and ecation, two of the basic elements in social life, are always in the concern of the public. Some people suggest that the service in these two fields should be paid by the government and be free to the public; while others believe it to be the ty of the people to pay on themselves. As to me, the coverage on ecation and healthcare should be made the ty of the government while leaving some special demands to be burdened by indivials.
Government free provision of ecation and healthcare can demonstrate their responsibility in serving the people. Having fulfilled their obligations to the country in the form of taxes, citizens have the right to enjoy the service in return from the government, with ecation and health care being the two basic ones. Also, as the ty carrier in promoting social development, by guaranteeing the right of ecation and health care, the government are enabled to encourage citizens to make more contributions to the society.
Government』s investment on these two fields is beneficial to ensure social equality. Being free of charge, every citizen can take advantage of these social services, without the worries about being treated unfairly e to their lack of social resources, such as their social status and human network. Besides, this will be helpful to rece the difference between the rich and the poor, at least in these two basic rights, creating a more harmonious social atmosphere.
Admittedly, if the citizens are wealthy enough, or when they demand some special service, or when the government is too limited in its budget, indivials』 sharing some of the cost may also seem to be reasonable. However, rare cases of particular requirements do not represent the general pursuits of the public, and limitation in budget does not free the government of its accountability.
To sum up, government should provide free ecation and healthcare to the public and pay the cost. Only when people are better ecated and healthier in physiques, can the society be more harmonious in atmosphere and dynamic in development.
Ⅲ 一個英語作文雅思的求一篇範文
Ⅳ 雅思考試英語作文怎麼寫
Ⅳ 劍7雅思英語作文,高分求修改意見,不剩感激。
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We, human beings, have mercy on these kinds of crimes and everyone could understand and allow certain variations existing.
allow certain variations existing明顯是「允許一些變通存在」的直翻,(個人認為)更通順的寫法應為
We, human beings, SHOULD have mercy on these kinds of crimes. We SHOULD show our understanding(s) and allow the existence(s) of certain variations.
The ultimate objective that making the society better off as a whole, should be reminded all the time.
The ultimate objective that makes (aims to make) the society better as a whole, should be reminded at all time.
better of個人覺得不應該用在這種語境里吧,只是個感覺,請查有關文章對比用法
有自己的想法,完全可以在總結裡面提出,In my own opinion, 兩句話,之後結尾
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Ⅵ 求雅思英語作文
If you wanna talk about playground legends, the conversation begins right there. Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell is the legend. You can hear all the stories in the world, but you'll never believe it until you see it. He's done inhuman stuff, unreal stuff.
was by far the best player to come out of Oakland. Demetrius Hook Mitchell is the Bay's most notorious legend. Every cat with at least minimal knowledge of playground ball has a Hook Mitchell story. The tales of his leaping ability are common place. Jumping over cars, bikes and people wasn't no thing to Hook. Before his descent into narcotics hell, Hook was nothing but heavenly. If he'd just kept his head straight, he'd be in the league right now, dominating.
Unfortunately, Hook lives in a prison cell now and in other folks' memories.
Several NBA stars who also grew up in Oakland, including Gary Payton, Jason Kidd, Antonio Davis, Drew Gooden, and Brian Shaw, all of whom played with Mitchell on the streets, and were astonished by his skills, but were unable to help him avoid his sorry fate. They describe his unstable home life and the longing for community that drove him to the streets. Mitchell himself is shown playing prison league games, and is surprisingly still able to play above the rim.
His story, like others, was written on courts between the West and East Bay.
Ⅶ 雅思英語作文
Ⅷ 雅思英文作文(只需150字左右)。要求精闢,有深度。
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Who should be most responsible for children's ecation? Give your opinion and reasons for it. You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Sample Answer
It seems to me that there is a clear-cut answer to this question. Although in the early years of a child's life parents are the principal ecators, that role is soon assumed very largely by the child's teachers. Even elder brothers and sisters, who may give good advice, can never take the place of teachers in molding a child's mind.
First and foremost, teachers know best in terms of ecation. They are professional ecators, and as such they are better equipped with expertise in teaching. It is in schools, too, that children make friends and learn how to act in a socially responsible manner. Teachers know best how to organize, motivate and discipline their students. Furthermore, as children spend most of their time in schools, teachers have more influence on them than their parents do.
Parents, on the other hand, are mostly either too busy to spend time with their children, or are ignorant of the right way to ecate them. This is not to say that parents can shirk (refuse to take) their responsibility for ecating their children. Parenting is an important factor that shapes competency and character formation in children. Failure to take such responsibility constitutes delinquency as parents.
Nevertheless, given the professional qualifications of teachers and the time they spend with their students, it is clear that the overwhelming burden of ecating children falls upon the shoulders of teachers.