『壹』 英語近義詞辨析 求答案,求解釋,求翻譯
assemble 組裝
1. 會聚,集中(於一點或一處);輻輳。
2. 【物、數】收斂。
使聚合[集中]於一點,使輻輳 (on upon)。
-r 名詞 (美口)擅長精細推理的人。
1. 人群;擁擠。
2. (the crowd) 民眾,群眾,大眾,老百姓。
3. (物的)大量,許多。
4. (美口)一夥,夥伴;(美罕)傢伙,東西;(美國)一群;(軍俚)部隊。
1. 擠;排擠。
2. 塞滿,擠滿。
3. (美俚)逼迫;勒索。
群聚,擁擠 (about round in to);(大群人)擠進 (into)。 a crowding pen (美國)給牲畜燒烙印的小圍場。 be crowded with 被…擠滿;滿是…。 come crowding in 一擁而入。 crowd about 圍住,包圍。 crowd on 蜂擁而來,逼攏來。 crowd out 擠出,推開,排擠,驅逐。 crowd (on) sail 【航海】扯滿所有風帆。 crowd the mourners (美俚)急躁地行動;操之過急。 crowd up 推上,擠上。 crowd upon one's mind (百感)交集,湧上心頭。
accumulate 及物動詞
1. 積累,存儲,蓄積(財產等),堆積。
2. (英大學)同時取得(高的和低的學位)。
1. 積,貯,累積,積聚。
2. (英大學)同時取得高的和低的學位。
『貳』 【英語】同義詞辨析:clear、obvious、apparent……
1、clear:強調不拖泥帶水Please give me a clear answer.
2、obvious:一般性的用法In this example, the contradiction is obvious.
3、apparent:顯然的;表面上的This is an apparent exception to the rule.
4、evident:具有明顯的特徵Female flowers with evident perianth.
In fact, every one has a door, and this door is the most conspicuous part of the above should have a "civilized manners" before.
6、distinct:更強調獨特的,與別的不同,Probability theory has two distinct roles in the design of rock slopes.
Your mind is clear when you are in meditation and your thoughts are things that do help and manifest to help others.
『叄』 英語近義詞辨析
rather than 是連詞,表否定後邊的,"而不是....."
instead of 是副詞, 意思跟rather than差不多, 都表示否定後面的部分,只是在句子中的位置有些區別
Neither的意思是「兩個都不」(not either);either的意思是「兩個中的任何一個」(one of two)或「兩個中的各一個」(each of two)。
『肆』 英文近義詞辨析~
meeting會議 conferencen. 會議;協商;討論;
session.n. (議會)會議;開會;(法庭)開庭;
forum n. 論壇,討論會;法庭;
symposiumn. 討論會,座談會;專題論文集;
convention n. 大會;[法] 慣例
『伍』 英語近義詞辨析 有沒有什麼好的書推薦
英語同義詞近義詞反義詞詞典(全新版)(精)內容簡介《英語同義詞近義詞反義詞詞典(全新版)(精)》:本詞典在各英語單詞的釋義後,將其相應的同義、近義及反義詞一一列出,構成了一個有機的詞彙鏈。通過使用本詞典,讀者不僅可以達到獲知某一詞彙意義的目的,同時還了解了與之同義、近義或反義的諸多詞彙,這不僅為透徹理解詞義提供了幫助,同時也為讀者在英語寫作或會話時選擇更為貼切、精當的詞語提供了可能。 本詞典共收英語常用單詞1.5萬余個,提供相應的同義詞、反義詞、反義詞約18萬個。各詞條均提供了音標、詞性、釋義等。本書為英漢詞典。
『陸』 英語近義詞辨析,請多舉些例句,以便說明其用法以及與其它近義詞的區別。
enormous, immense, huge, gigantic, colossal, mammoth, tremendous, stupendous, gargantuan, vast, titanic 這些形容詞都描述超乎尋常大的事物。一般含義是「極大的」的意思。
1.He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as £100 for a single appearance. 他掙得的錢是極多的,一次出場就付給他一百英鎊之多。
2.Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible. 橋盡管很大,但它結構簡單,而外形雅觀, 實現了設計師要創造出「一個在重物作用下盡可能不變形的龐然大物」的理想。
3.an enormous boulder 巨大的圓石
4.enormous expenses 巨額費用
1.an immense crowd of people 無邊無際的人海
2.immense pleasure 無以倫比的歡樂
3.As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a fine new swimming pool. 因為很多人將要訪問這個國家,政府將要建造新的旅館,一個巨大的體育場和一個漂亮的新游泳池。
4.The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice, which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. 泰坦尼克號及時轉了方向,勉強避開了高聳在它旁邊超過海面一百英尺的一塊巨大的冰牆。
huge:Huge especially implies greatness of size or capacity; 尤指尺寸或容量的龐大。強調體積方面的「巨大」。
1.a huge wave 巨浪
2.a huge success 巨大的成功
3.Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. 啟航四天後,泰坦尼克號在穿過北大西洋多冰的海域時,瞭望員突然發現了一個巨大的冰山。
gigantic: 指象巨人一樣的大小尺寸。
1.a gigantic redwood tree 大得驚人的紅杉樹
2.a gigantic disappointment 極度失望。
3.The new airplane looked like a gigantic bird. 這架新飛機看起來像一隻巨大的鳥。
colossal: 暗指能讓人生畏或動搖信仰的巨大。 字面上的含義是「巨大的」,比喻如同Rhodes島(土耳其西南)上Apollo神巨像那麼大(120英尺高)。這個詞常用來表示大得驚人或難以置信(stupendousness, incredibility)。
1.colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple 古代神殿巨大的崩潰廢墟
2.has a colossal nerve 無比的膽量
3.Even by modern standards, the 46, 000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. 即使按照現代的標准看,那46, 000噸的泰坦斯尼克號也是一艘巨輪。
mammoth: 用於指事物笨拙的或笨重的龐大。
1. a mammoth ship 巨輪
2. a mammoth multinational corporation 巨大的跨國公司
tremendous: 指大小讓人生畏或令人感到可怕。用於表示「大得驚人的」。
1. In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. 門杜薩在全盛時期極受人們歡迎。
2. a tremendous monument 100 feet high 一百英尺高的巨大紀念碑
3. ate a tremendous meal 吃下大量的一餐
1.an undertaking of stupendous difficulty 著手解決巨大的困難
2.The whole thing was a stupendous, incomprehensible farce. (W. Somerset Maugham) 整個事件就是驚人的、無法了解的鬧劇。(W•索默爾塞特•毛姆)
gargantuan: 尤其強調容量大,如就食物或快樂而言。
1.a gargantuan appetite 驚人的食慾
vast:指范圍、大小、地區或跨度的寬廣。 強調幅員「遼闊廣大」。
1.It is a vast expanse of desert. 那是一片遼闊的沙漠。
2.The city is vast compared to our village. 和我們村相比,這個城市非常大。
4.All the land was shrouded in one vast forest. (Theodore Roosevelt). 所有的土地都隱藏在廣闊的森林中。 (西奧多•羅斯福)
5.Of creatures, how few vast as the whale. (Herman Melville) 作為生物,幾乎沒有比鯨魚更巨大的。 (赫爾曼•梅爾維爾)
titanic: 有很大體形或巨大力量的。原義指「泰坦神族的」(古希臘神,為泰坦族,身材龐大,並有驚天動地的力量),常用來形容體積大而且力量大的機器。《泰坦尼克號》巨輪用Titanic為船名,即表示此船不僅巨大而且載重能力也強,經得起遠航中的風浪。
1.We have been making titanic effort to achieve our purpose. 我們一直在作極大的努力,以達到我們的目的。
2.a deepening sense that some titanic event lay just beyond the horizon. (W. Bruce Lincoln) 越來越強烈地感覺到一些重大的事件就要發生了。(W.布魯斯•林肯)
『柒』 那種英語近義詞辨析詞典比較好
『捌』 英語近義詞辨析
habit, practice, custom, convention, usage, use, wont, habitude; 這些名詞都表示由於不斷的重復而形成的行為方式。一般含義為「習慣」。
△ habit: Habit applies to a way of acting so ingrained in an indivial that it is done without conscious thought; 用來指一個人根深蒂固的一種行為方式,它如此地根深蒂固,以致於人們不用有意識地去想就能完成這個動作。
1.That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen. 這證明是我的失敗,因為我不久就回到在電視屏幕前打瞌睡的壞習慣去了。
2.trying to break the smoking habit; 試圖戒掉煙癮;
3.He has a habit of closing his eyes when he tells a story. 他在講故事的時候習慣於把眼晴閉上。
4.「Habit rules the unreflecting herd」 (William Wordsworth). 「習慣驅使著沒有思想的羊群」 (威廉.華滋華斯)。
△ practice: Practice denotes a customary, often chosen pattern of indivial or group behavior; 指一種個體或群體的常規的,選擇採取的行為方式:既可表示個人的也可表示社會的「習慣」,這種「習慣」從性質上看是一種反復不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。
1.On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat—the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. 在另一方面,一想到用動物油炸馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。
2.She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open, yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out. 她慢慢地走進廳堂,並且立刻發現所有的房門都是開著的。但是按照她自己的一般習慣,她在外出前總是把門全部關好的。
3.It is our practice to eat an early dinner. 我們習慣於很早就吃晚飯。
4.You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references, sir. (Martin Joseph Routh). 先生,你會發現經常核對你的參考材料是一個很有益的習慣。 (馬丁.約瑟夫.勞斯)
△ custom:Custom is either indivial or group behavior as established by long practice and especially by accepted conventions;是指由於長時間的實踐;尤其是公認傳統確立的個人或群體的一種行為方式。具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的准則或規范,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。
1.Don』t be a slave to custom. 不要作風俗習慣的奴隸。
2.From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior. 一個人從誕生的那一時刻起,他降生後所處的風俗習慣便給他的閱歷和行為定型。
3.No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion. (Carrie Chapman Catt). 沒有一條成文法令比受民意支持的未成文的習慣更有約束力。(卡利.查普曼.卡特)
△ convention 其實是以上3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。
1.They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. 他們不顧社會習俗,並未意識到自己在做些與眾不同的事。
2.By convention, north is at the top of most maps. 依照慣例,北方位於大多數地圖的頂端。
3.break away from convention 打破常規[慣例]。
△ usage: refers to customary practice that has become an accepted standard for a group and thus regulates indivial behavior; 是一種已成為被公眾接受的群體行為准則,而能約束個人行為的習慣性作法。
1.laws . . . . corrected, altered, and amended by acts of parliament and common usage. (William Blackstone). 法律…通過議會的決議和普通接受的習俗而被更正、修改和修補。(威廉.布萊克斯通)
2.according to usage 依照慣例; by usage 習慣上
△ use & wont: They are terms for the customary and distinctive practice of an indivial or a group; 他們是描述個人或群體習慣性的獨特行為的用語。
1.Once a use, forever a custom. 習慣成自然。
2.Situations where the use and wont of their fathers no longer meet their necessities. (J.A. Froude).他們父輩的習慣性作法無法解決他們的困難情況。(J.A.弗勞德)
△ habitude:Habitude refers to an indivial's habitual disposition to behave in a certain way rather than to a specific act;指個人以某種方式行事的習慣性傾向而不是指某一個具體的行為。
1. His real habitude gave life and grace/to appertainings and to ornament. (Shakespeare). 他的習慣是增添生機和光彩/對那些附屬物和裝飾物。(莎士比亞)
『玖』 有哪些英語近義詞辨析方法
too many、too much和much too有什麼區別呢?
1)too many意為"太多",用於修飾可數名詞的復數。例如:
There are too many students in our class.
2)too much意為"太多",用於修飾不可數名詞。例如:
We have too much work to do. 我們有太多的工作要做。
3)much too表示"太",用來修飾形容詞或副詞。例如:
The box is much too heavy, so I can't carry it.
2、較常見的beautiful, pretty,good-looking, handsome有什麼區別?
1) beautiful 表示「美」,可用於人或事物。用於人時,通常只用於形容女性或小孩,一般不用於男性。它表示的「美」主要指能「給感官以極大的快樂(giving great pleasure to the senses)」,它側重從客觀上表明一種接近理想狀態的美,語氣很強。例如:
It』sa beautiful village.
She is a beautiful girl.
2)pretty 主要表示「漂亮」、「俊俏」、「標致」等義,可用於人(主要是女性和小孩)或事物,語氣比beautiful 弱。它往往側重從主觀上評述某人或某物,含有「可愛」或「討人喜歡」之意。例如:
What a pretty dress!
She is not really beautiful, but she looks pretty when she smiles.
3)good-looking 意為「好看的」,主要用於人(男人、女人或小孩),不常用於事物。例如:
He (She) is good-looking.
He has a good-looking car (horse).
4)handsome 意為「英俊的」,主要用於男性,但有時也用於女性(一般只用於成年女性,不用於少女),意為「體態健美的」、「端莊穩重的」。例如:
He is a handsome young man.
Do you discribe her as beautiful or handsome?
It』s a handsome building.
① We are discussing in the classroom.
② We are debating in the classroom.
③ We are arguing in the classroom.
這3句話對嗎? 我們先討論這個問題。
If you discuss something with someone, you talk to them seriouslyabout it.
She could not discuss his school work with him.
They discussed where Gertrude and Anne should go.
We discussed whether George should go with Chris.
Note that discuss is always followed by a direct object, a`wh'-clause, or a `whether'-clause. You cannot say, for example, `I discussed with him' or `They discussed'.
注意:discuss總是直接賓語,一個 『wh』 從句,或者一個』whether』從句。但是,不可以說,比如:」I discussed with him(我和你討論,這個句子在中文裡是沒有問題的。)」或者「They discussed(他們討論,這個句子在中文裡也是沒有問題的。)」
discuss,argue, debate意思是to discourse about in order to reach conclusions or to convince.
discuss 表示a sifting of possibilities especially by presenting considerations pro and con
discussedthe need for a new highway.
agrue表示the offering of reasons or evidence in support of convictions already held
argued that the project would be too costly.
debate表示formal or public argument between opposing partie
debated the merits of the amendment.
it may also apply to deliberation with oneself
I』mdebating whether I should go.
但是,但是......為什麼第三句「③We are arguingin the classroom.我們正在教室里討論。」又是對的呢?
argue: to speak angrily to someone becauseyou disagree with them about something:
Those two are always arguing. (argue在這里作不及物動詞)
We rarely argue with each other. (argue在這里作不及物動詞)