㈠ 求雅思圖表作文題真題!
介紹段內容幾乎完全不用創新,就是對題目文字部分的第二段做改寫,paraphrase therubric。所謂改寫,要麼換詞,要麼換句式。
The charts below give information about travel to and from theUK and most
(1) (2)
popular countries for UK residents to visit.
(1)圖 The charts
圖:chart, graph, diagram(雅思寫作中完全等價,無差別)
線:line / curve chart
柱圖:bar / column graph
餅:pie diagram
表:table / statistics / figures
(2)動詞「表明」give information about
介紹段是客觀描述,用一般現在時態,give informationabout雖然在這篇作文中最好不再用,但是informallearning,隨手學到的東東,留作其它文章再用。替換的詞語和結構很多,比如我常用的reveal / indicate /demonstrate,大家也可以選幾個自己喜歡並且拼寫准確的形成風格,年輕時多嘗試,年紀大了就要形成風格啦,三個就夠,多了白搭,還是那句話,博大不如精深。
第二段其餘部分的替換因題而異,比如travel換成visit,theUK換成Britain(注意不是England,英格蘭只是Britain的一部分),popular換成fashionable,country換成nation,UKresidents to visit換成UKtourists。不過隨著練習作文數量的增加,你會驚喜的發現,雅思圖表作文,連描述的對象都是類似的。
The line chart reveals that … and the bar graph indicates that…(分別描述兩幅圖,形成風格哦,第一幅圖用chart,第二副圖用graph,第一幅圖reveal,第二副圖indicate,也許你寫的所有文章都類似,但考官只有機會欣賞一篇啊。)
… is revealed in the line chart and … is indicated in the bargraph.
One possible answer:
The line chart reveals visits to and from Britain and the bargraph indicates most fashionable nations for UK tourists in1999.
According to the line chart,
As is shown in the line chart,
The line chart shows that …
On the other hand等等
順承:also, besides, in addition
轉折:however, on the other hand, conversely
其它:meanwhile / in the same time, similarly, in particular
㈡ 雅思寫作圖表題到底應該怎麼寫
所以線形圖和柱狀圖本質上都包含時間、數字和items/activities, 只不過這三個要素不一定對應橫坐標、縱坐標、小注中的哪一個。
㈢ 雅思圖表作文請大家指教
總分邏輯主要用於寫pie chart 等,開始時要介紹一下總共有的項目數,其他圖表中也可能會用到總體趨勢分析,如線圖中某一條線可能整體上升、下降或持平,但其中基本都會有某一個點是例外,常見的句型可以把總趨勢作為主句,後面接獨立主格或者with結構。
比較邏輯是大部分學生很會用的,無論是類似還是相反比較,只是要注意用稍微復雜點的句式。如表示兩個項目很類似,大部分同學會把第一項用一個簡單句寫出來,然後第二個句子前面加上Like A, B also …。而要表示相對照,一般就會想到用but。除了句式的復雜,更要注意比較的每個句子盡量不要寫成一樣的形式,或者全部寫成原始數據的積累,可以先找一個基準點,用一個句子把其中的數據寫出來,第二個與之相比較的句子可以寫比其稍高、多…%或者是幾倍或幾分之幾。
㈣ 關於雅思表格圖表寫作有哪些要點需要掌握
1. 走勢與比例的表達
2. 數據連接類表達
3. 時間連接類表達
4. 連接結構表達
5. 句式結構多樣表達
6. 詞彙多樣表達
7. 寫作要求的完成程度
1. 泛指一份數據圖表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table
2. 餅圖:pie chart
3. 柱形圖:bar chart / histogram
4. 趨勢曲線圖:line chart / curve diagram
5. 表格圖:table
6. 流程圖或過程圖:flow chart / sequence diagram
7. 程序圖:processing / proceres diagram
1. The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that)
2. According to the table/chart diagram/graph
3. As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph
4. As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,
5. figures/statistics show (that)...
6. It can be seen from the figures/statistics
7. We can see from the figures/statistics
8. It is clear from the figures/statistics
9. It is apparent from the figures/statistics/table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) ...
10. The table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how
1. be slightly higher/lower than
2. There is not a great deal difference/similarities between A and B
3. to compare with/by contrast with/in comparison/
4. to show a threefold increase in comparison with that in…
5. A is …times as much as B
6. while/whereas/
7. be similar to
8. to have something in common with B
9. The difference/similarity between A and B lies in
10. to be the same as/to enjoy the same…/be equal to that of/
11. to be in marked/stark contrast with…
12. to vary considerably between A and B
13. to be different from/differ from
14. to be inversely proportional to…
15. be opposite to/adverse to
16. to be less than/more than
17. …closely followed by…/…coming a close second/to be outmatched/surpassed/outweighed/exceeded by/
18. to be overwhelmingly greater than
19. to outnumber…/to be more than in the number of
20. to remain ahead of/to be lag behind
Ø 持續變化的data在不同情況下:
增加:increase / raise / rise / go up ...
減少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall ...
波動:fluctuate / rebound / unlate / wave ...
穩定:remain stable / stabilize / level off ...
1. Verb + Adverb form
The number of XXX
+from(第一時間)to(第二時間)/ between(第一時間)and(第二時間)
2. Adjective + Noun form
There was a (very) sudden/rapid/dramatic/significant/sharp/steep/steady/graal/slow/slight
+in the number of XXX from(第一時間)to(第二時間)/ between(第一時間)and(第二時間)
Ø 描述穩定的data:
The number of XXX remained steady/stable from(第一時間)to(第二時間)/ between(第一時間)and(第二時間)
The number of XXX stayed the same from(第一時間)to(第二時間)/ between (第一時間)and(第二時間)
There was little change / hardly any change / no change in the number of XXX from(第一時間)to(第二時間)/ between(第一時間)and(第二時間)
Ø 描述不同狀態的data:
Noun form:
steady drop / sharp rise peak / dramatic fall / sharp drop
Verbal form:
(to) bottom out / (to) reach the bottom / (to) increase graally / (to) reach a plateau / (to) remain steady
Ø 描述the highest point以及the lowest point:
The monthly profit / The figures / The situation ...
+peaked in(月份/年)<准確時間點用at XXX> at XXX% / XXX(極點data)
或者reached a peak / a high point at XXX% / XXX(極點data)
Ø 低點極值:
XXX bottomed out / reached
+rock / the bottom / a low point
或者hit a trough
1. in + 月/ 年
2. between … and …
3. from … to …
4. over the period from … to …
5. in the year between … and …
6. in the 3 years spanning from 2001 through 2004
7. for the first 3 months
8. for/ ring/ over the next / following 6 months
9. for/ ring/ over / in a period of 4 months
10. for/ ring/ over / in a 4- month period
11. over/ for / ring the same period
12. from then on / from this time/ point onwards / since then
13. by the year of …
14. after / before + 年/ 月
1. 首先說明是做什麼工作的過程,目的是什麼
2. 准備工作
3. 按時間/過程先後描述
4. 結果
5. 簡單總結(可有可無)
1. 實物是什麼,做什麼用的
2. 基本結構
3. 工作過程
4. 簡單總結
㈤ 誰提供點雅思寫作的圖表範文。最好中英文結合的。
您好 我是在北京世紀雅思學習的,通過我的學習中老師總結了一些學習方法,希望可以幫助到您:雅思的綜合能力最終體現在寫作上。它要求你的語法功底、詞彙應用、邏輯思維在250個單詞中展現,是雅思考試中花費時間最長、精力最多的一個方面。剛開始的時候,要先對英文寫作有一個總體的了解,特別是基本的東西不要忽視,如大小寫、標點符號、關聯詞、基本結構、開頭結尾段的寫法等。訓練時,可以自己按題目要求先寫,寫完後對照範文,比較兩篇文章的好壞。然後分析文章的用詞、句子結構和邏輯順序,將好的詞彙、句子記下來,作為以後的參考。同時,也要訓練寫作速度。自己寫的時候,盡量把寫大文章得時間控制在35分鍾內、小文章的時間控制在25分鍾內。
雅思作文要想獲得高分其邏輯結構很重要,下面以議論文為例進行一下解釋。雅思議論文的准備首先是邏輯結構。也就是說你必須知道議論文分三部分,每部分有哪些思路(每條思路有哪些句型),這才是你要重點背誦的。議論文的中間段落是拿高分的重點。一般來講有兩種結構模式:立論和駁論。立論的結構是這樣的:(分論點)……In other words(解釋論證)……For example(舉例論證)……Conversely(強對比論證)……這是三種最基本的論證方法。可以用一種,也可以用兩種或三種。我們要求學生把論證方法標志性的詞彙准備得背誦下來,以方便考官在閱讀的時候抓住你的思路。另外一種是駁論:Some people think that (敵人的觀點)……, because they think(敵人簡單的論據)……However, they are oversimplifying the situation. In fact, (敵人的第一條錯誤)…….In addtion,(敵人的第二條錯誤).Last but not least, (敵人的第三條錯誤)…….反駁的時候說一句話,兩句話還是三句話可以酌情處理。當然掌握了這兩種結構以後,還會有更復雜的變化,不過它們是基礎。接下來要細化的就是駁論和論證方法的思路和句型。對於語言結構我們要求掌握五種基本句型,十四種擴展方式;在這個基礎上有一些議論文慣用的語言,可以讓你多寫一些單詞。最後還要對雅思考試常考的八個話題要比較熟悉,找尋觀點,理解了,背下來,考試就更有把握了。
平時的練習的時候建議同學要多思考雅思最常考的話題。如果有比較長的時間復習,大家可以一邊按照題材總結收集素材,一邊從寫句子的基本功入手。每個話題的每道題目,先總結好中文的分論點和分論點的論證。注意,中文一定要簡單,清晰,不要有太多修飾;然後自己每天把其中的幾段寫成英文,最好寫NATIVE SPEAKER幫忙改一下。如此做100個段落以上的積累,英語寫作水平就會有質的提高。
關於模板,我曾問過不止一位考官。他們的回答是,模板不是不能用,但是一定要恰當。他們最討厭的模板是there are two sides of every coin...所以沒有萬能模板,你只有把議論文的每部分可能的情況和句型背清楚,然後才能選擇使用。換言之,模板是有的,但是沒有一個萬能模板。寫作是一個長期積累的過程。前不久一個山東的同學告訴我她壓中了雅思的寫作考題,事先也經過了精心地准備,結果得了3.5分。她的問題是她准備的範文有一半以上的單詞在任何一篇文章都是一樣的。大家一定要特別小心不要評價類的准備一篇範文,優缺點的准備一篇,原因建議的准備一篇(而且我本人並不同義這種分類方式)。關聯詞彙如果文章的長度足夠,盡量簡單清晰。所以歸根結底還是要對論述的話題熟悉,你自然就不會寫那麼多廢話了。在網路世紀雅思貼吧有很多的範文 你可以去了解一下!
㈥ 雅思寫作task1 table怎麼寫
1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...
2.the bar chart illustrates that...
3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding...
4.the diagram shows (that)...
5.the pie graph depicts (that)....
6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of...
7.the figures/statistics show (that)...
8.the tree diagram reveals how...
9.the data/statistics show (that)...
10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...
雅思寫作題目:The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The supplied table gives data on underground railway system in six metropolitan cities namely: London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles. As is observed, London railway system is the oldest among six and has the longest rail route and the most recent railway system in Los Angeles having a small route and fewer passengers using the railway system each year.
London railway system was opened in 1863 and has a total of 394 km. route. Paris railway system was started in 1900 and has 199 km. route but has a larger passengers (1191 million per year) than the London railway (775 million passengers per year). Again, Tokyo railway has the largest passengers using the system and this railway station was started in the year 1927.
㈦ 誰有雅思英語作文的資料或者自己寫的範文或者模板
[原創]鄭老師作文範文Paying taxes
Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people may feel it is their rights to retain their money without paying taxes. However, I believe paying a certain portion of their income to the governments is eventually beneficial to all.
Rather than a deprivation of people』s rights to their earnings, taxation is a way to ensure that such rights do exist. At first glance, it seems unreasonable that people should be compelled to give up part of their money, because people earn their money through their own work and they should have the rights to the fruit of their work. However, such rights can hardly exist if they are not protected by the governments. For example, when crimes are rampant and the country is conquered and enslaved by a foreign foe, people』s lives will be endangered, not to mention their rights to their earnings. To protect such rights, the country needs efficient legal institutions and strong armed forces, which involve a cost. This cost need to be shared by people in the form of taxation.
In addition, taxation can also help to amplify people』s enjoyment of their earnings. It is true that paying taxes leads to people』s income being reced. However, even without paying the taxes, ordinary indivials would not be so rich as to afford a private park or a large library. Through government spending, which is made possible by taxes from a huge number of people, they can access and enjoy some large-scale facilities, such as hospitals, parks, libraries and highways. In this way, people can enjoy more than what they can indivially afford.
Understandably, there may be concerns that some people are too poor to pay taxes, or that governments may not use the taxes effectively for common good causes. But these questions are related to how taxes should be collected and how they should be managed. For the sake of protecting people』s rights to their earnings and making the best use of the earnings, I therefore argue that people should contribute part of their income to the state revenue.
(336 words)
This essay is written by 昆明卓信雅思鄭. Copy rights reserved.
更多原創範文請網路 昆明卓信雅思
㈧ 雅思小作文表格題如何寫最好是有例題及範文的
The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
㈨ 雅思寫作有哪些圖表題
1、line graph
2、Bar chart