1. 雅思聽力 關於英語中錢的寫法 four pounds forty five 我這么寫為什麼不對啊
前面那個4是題號,第四題,你的答案是45磅,正確答案應該寫4.45,符號在前,具體數字在後,你寫4 pounds 45 cents,雖然寫法是對的,但是字數就會超,也沒人會這么寫,麻煩
2. 雅思聽力中單詞寫法
club house是給分的,意思與連起來相同,不過要看題目要求,如果是NO MORE THAN ONE WORD就不能給分,9.30算一個數字,有連字元或&符號也算一個,如2.00-3.00,January&February都只算一個詞可以放心
3. 雅思的英文簡稱是什麼
雅思的英文全稱:International English Language Testing System
4. 雅思考試中時間的書寫方式是怎麼樣的
按照英國人的書寫習慣 11.30 p.m 這是最標準的版
如果橫線後面有p.m, 寫11.30 或者11:30 都可以的
這個問題你不用太多權慮,雅思考官不是中國考官,所以不會要求那麼細的,一般寫11:30 絕對不會算錯的,考察的是你的英語能力 又不是標點的能力,況且11:30誰都知道是11.30的意思啊,pm的話 也一樣,真的沒有人難為你的
5. 關於雅思聽力全部大寫幾個單詞的寫法。。希望能確信一點!謝謝!
第一個s要小寫,因為cd是compact disk的縮寫,如果s不小寫會讓人認為s也是另外一個單詞的縮寫。
早上八點最好寫成8 AM,若是有分鍾的話,小時後面用冒號。
6. 關於雅思聽力考試中的日期寫法 th
普遍接受的寫法是:September 24th (讀作:September the 24th)
但是因為有好幾個英語國家,所以就有多種專寫法,24 September,24th September,September 24 都可以。
其中,屬前兩個讀作:the 24th of September,後一個讀作:September the 24th 或 September 24
7. 雅思essay論文introction怎麼寫
在本文中,作者很明顯是不贊成題目的說法,即 Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of alt life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. 但是作者自己是更偏向窮人家的孩子呢,還是富人家的孩子呢?!根據文章來看,作者是中立,他所看重的是他們所接受的教育。In other words,整篇文章又是一次中立的寫法。在雅思考試中,這種寫法經常使用,還是非常實用的,大家可以學習一下。
Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of alt life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the 『real world』 when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties . The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination. ( 58words )
點評: 1+ 1 』 模式,最後 1 句為主題句。此段的主題句稍微有點特殊,它的確否定了前面所提到的觀點,從而表達出了自己的觀點,此外還引出了下文。特別是最後半句: but in fact require closer examination ,感覺是在拋磚引玉。
The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck, and are thus naturally better suited to stretching moneywhen times get tough in althood. Inversely, the children of wealthy families, thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths, are believed to be completely ignorant of the value of money, having had everything provided for them in their youth and oftentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in althood. They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief, though logical, overlooks one key point which is , of course, ecation. (100words)
點評: 1 』 +3 模式,第 1 句是主題句。請注意,從此段的內容來看,這是個讓步段(即分析自己並不贊成的觀點)。雖然 4 段論的作文的主體段是兩面討論,但是本人還是喜歡這樣的寫作,即主體段的觀點還是有側重的,把讓步段放在前面,最後 1 句話引出下一段,這樣過度地很自然,而且自己的觀點也比較明確!
The basis of this argument is , of course, knowing the value of money, and the idea that children of the poor know this, and those of the wealthy do not . Who though, is in a better position to teach their children the value of money; someone skilled in earning and keeping it, the wealthy parent, or someone who can not seem to acquire it, the poor parent? Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an ecation in money, whether it is formal, or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this ecation. (101words)
點評:這段的內容感覺寫得不夠直接,還是在分析對方觀點的漏洞!請注意,前面讓步段已經這么寫過了,那麼這一段最好是正面地論證自己的觀點,這樣從內容上來說更 convincing 一點!此外,需要說明的是,大家發現作者的內容還是有一定深度,但是這是要有一定的英語功底才行的!如果英語功底不行的話,建議內容不要寫太深,因為那樣容易造成考官看不懂你在說什麼!
A poor child may believe that one can get along, if not as easily, without wealth. A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management; the key to developing this skill is ecation.
點評:最後一段有點像是提出解決這個問題的辦法,即 ecation. 它沒有像傳統的結尾段那樣簡單的重申自己的觀點。
8. 問雅思考試中英文日期的寫法
英語表達的順序為「月/日/年」或者「日/月/年」,日和年之間需用逗號隔開。如,2017年5月20日就可寫成 May 20(th), 2017,或者20(th) May 2017。
年月日的順序英美不同,安全起見,大家就寫聽到的順序。英美日期都是把年放在最後的。年的讀法多按兩位數字,如1999 nineteen ninety nine ,但如1900就是nineteen hundred, 2000 年以後就是 two thousand and....
關於時間需要掌握基本表達法:to , past ,quarter,half等即可。注意給出幾個時間時,可能要有所取捨或進行加減。可以寫數字,如12:10 。如果是分am ,pm 的, 如在表格題中,參照題乾的書寫方式。