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發布時間: 2021-03-02 05:29:58

『壹』 英語報刊閱讀與欣賞 英文翻譯

Reading and appreciation of english newspapers and periodicals.

『貳』 英語閱讀欣賞課的教學任務有哪些呈現活動

任何語言的習得和學習都離不開大量閱讀的實踐。許多教師也意識到高中閱讀對於學生綜合語言能力培養的重要性,用盡各種辦法來培養學生的閱讀微技能。當然這樣做的目的確實也提高了學生測試性閱讀的能力。如閱讀前講解重點生詞或片語,閱讀中找main idea, 設計不同程度的問題幫助不同層次學生理解閱讀,呈現表格,運用復述,角色扮演,采訪等不同形式來開展閱讀任務。以上雖均衡了話題及功能兩方面,但這些方法仍只停留在字,詞,句及其他細節的表層理解上。要想真正讓學生內化閱讀材料,除了表層的理解外,閱讀也要關注語言文字背後的深層理解和文化內涵。這點我們可以從語文學習上得到啟示。《英語新課程標准》就閱讀的知識性和欣賞性上提出了指導思想:語言有豐富的文化內涵。英語學習就是要關注說英語國家的歷史地理、風土人情、傳統習俗、生活方式、文學藝術、行為規范、價值觀念等,從而加深對世界文化的理解。因此,筆者認為高中英語閱讀課除了訓練測試性閱讀之外,需要大量的欣賞性閱讀材料來補充教學。教師應該沖破詞彙,語法的束縛,在閱讀中突出技能滲透的同時,應將課文閱讀教學提高到欣賞性閱讀的美學高度,真正培養他們的英語學習興趣。
教學內容為高一NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4的reading task。作為地震內容的閱讀補充材料,它是著名作家Jack London的筆下之作。以一個目擊者的身份,介紹了舊金山大地震的所見所聞所感。語言地道優美,描述性較強。重點是欣賞閱讀中訓練略讀和查讀兩大閱讀微技能,逐步加深對舊金山地震及細節理解,並對地震中發生的一切形成自己的觀點看法和情感態度,體會人們地震後表現出來的勇敢精神。本課難點是如何引導學生paraphrase 課文中的幾個句子如A list of the brave men and women would fill a library. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses.

『叄』 誰有關於藝術(美術)方面的英語短文在線等!

Art of China

Reseached by Cynthia

Have you ever seen paper decorating ladies hair? Well, China has an art form called papercuts that does just that. Chinese civilization began more than 4000 years ago. The earliest art forms would use rock and stone for art because they didn』t know to use metal yet. Later there was the Bronze Age, Stone Age, Neolithic or New Stone Age. There were many different dynasties like the T』ang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty were a few dynasties.


Chinese arts are influenced by three major religions: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Another major influence was nature. The three major kinds of subject they liked to paint were birds, flowers, and landscapes from the countryside. All the religions stress love for nature. All landscape painters tried to get a feeling of the human spirit and the strength of the wind, water, mist and mountains. Painting became an art form more than 2000 years ago then influenced the later painters.

Art Forms

Chinese arts come in many different forms such as: painting, folk arts, silk, calligraphy, pottery, sculpture, metal arts and papercuts. Chinese papercuts were created around the first century in A.D. The Chinese invented paper, which was very important for papercuts. It first started in the Tang Dynasty. People then would hang them up to decorate windows, houses, clothes and even ladies hair. In these thin and fragile papercuts, they would create animals, aerobics, Buddha, opera faces and other subjects.

Sculptures were made of many different materials: stone, jade, lacquer, wood, metal, clay, etc. They weren』t only for admiring but they were used as everyday items like a wine bucket, mirrors, pottery, and pendants. A famous example is the sculptures of the Terra cotta warriors. They were buried with the body of an emperor to protect the emperor in his afterlife.

Paintings became an art form more than 2000 years ago. The Chinese painted emperors, landscape and zodiac animals, flowers, ladies, and birds. Chinese have three thousand years of history of painting starting from 600 A.D T』ang dynasty to the 20th century

Process and Material

The Chinese used many materials such as medal, bronze, lacquer, jade, clay, silk, and cloth. They made the most flexible of material…paper. Chinese people used jade to make mirrors and clay and stone to make pottery and statues. At a ceremony they would use bronze to make wine vessels in animal shapes. The process of a statue in a human figure is molded separately. The front and back has to be made split. Then the two sides would be put together.

Subject and Style

Chinese arts cover a very broad range of subjects. In papercuts they like to cut Buddhas, opera faces, animals, flowers, children, and aerobics. Sometimes in their painting they would use black and white, having one object with each color. One of their favorite subjects was nature. They believed that the spirit of nature gives life to everything, so if painting nature the painter must capture the feeling of nature. Zodiac animals, landscapes, opera faces, figure painting, mountains, and cranes, which were a symbol for long life, were popular subjects for their paintings. Emperors and their court was an another important subject for painting.

Chinese art began more than 4000 years ago. We still appreciate the hard work artists did back then. We visit the museum to look at the magnificent artwork done long ago. The Chinese culture hasn』t changed much, but their art is prized in museums around the world.


Reseached by Cynthia reseached由辛西婭

Have you ever seen paper decorating ladies hair? 你見過紙裝點女士們的頭發? Well, China has an art form called papercuts that does just that. 那麼,中國有一種藝術形式,所謂papercuts但這只是。 Chinese civilization began more than 4000 years ago. 中華文明始於4000多年前。 The earliest art forms would use rock and stone for art because they didn』t know to use metal yet. 最早的藝術形式,將利用岩石和石頭藝術,因為他們不知道使用金屬。 Later there was the Bronze Age, Stone Age, Neolithic or New Stone Age. 後來有青銅器時代,石器時代 , 新石器時代或新的石器時代。 There were many different dynasties like the T』ang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty were a few dynasties. 有很多不同的朝代,如唐朝,周人,秦人的幾個朝代。

Influence 影響力

Chinese arts are influenced by three major religions: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. 中國藝術受到三大宗教:儒教,道教和佛教。 Another major influence was nature. 另一個重大影響是本質。 The three major kinds of subject they liked to paint were birds, flowers, and landscapes from the countryside. 三大各類主體,他們喜歡把油漆的鳥類,花卉和景觀,從鄉下。 All the religions stress love for nature. 各教應力熱愛大自然。 All landscape painters tried to get a feeling of the human spirit and the strength of the wind, water, mist and mountains. 所有山水畫嘗試的一種感覺,人的精神和力量的風,水,薄霧和山區。 Painting became an art form more than 2000 years ago then influenced the later painters. 繪畫成為一種藝術形式,兩千多年前的影響,那麼,後來的畫家。

Art Forms 藝術形式

Chinese arts come in many different forms such as: painting, folk arts, silk, calligraphy, pottery, sculpture, metal arts and papercuts. 中國藝術來,在許多不同的形式,如:繪畫,民間藝術,絲綢,書法,陶藝,雕塑,金屬藝術和papercuts 。 Chinese papercuts were created around the first century in AD The Chinese invented paper, which was very important for papercuts. 中文papercuts創造了大約一世紀,在專案,中國發明了紙,這是很重要的papercuts 。 It first started in the Tang Dynasty. 它首先發端於唐代。 People then would hang them up to decorate windows, houses, clothes and even ladies hair. 於是人們將掛在了裝飾窗戶,房子 , 衣服 , 甚至是女士們的頭發。 In these thin and fragile papercuts, they would create animals, aerobics, Buddha, opera faces and other subjects. 在這些薄和脆弱papercuts ,會造成動物,健美操,佛像,戲曲面臨著與其它學科。

Sculptures were made of many different materials: stone, jade, lacquer, wood, metal, clay, etc. They weren』t only for admiring but they were used as everyday items like a wine bucket, mirrors, pottery, and pendants. 雕塑作了許多不同的材料:石器,玉器,漆器,木,金屬,粘土等,他們不但為欽佩,但他們被用來作為日常的項目,如葡萄酒水桶,鏡子,陶器及錦旗。 A famous example is the sculptures of the Terra cotta warriors. 一個著名的例子是雕塑的兵馬俑。 They were buried with the body of an emperor to protect the emperor in his afterlife. 他們被埋葬與身體的是一個皇帝,以保護皇帝,在他的來世。

Paintings became an art form more than 2000 years ago. 繪畫成為一種藝術形式,兩千多年前。 The Chinese painted emperors, landscape and zodiac animals, flowers, ladies, and birds. 中國畫的皇帝,景觀和生肖,花卉,女士們,和鳥。 Chinese have three thousand years of history of painting starting from 600 AD T』ang dynasty to the 20 th century 中國有三千年的歷史,繪畫出發,從600專案唐代到20世紀

Process and Material 工藝和材料

The Chinese used many materials such as medal, bronze, lacquer, jade, clay, silk, and cloth. 中國人使用了許多材料,如勛章,銅,漆器,玉器,陶土,絲綢和布匹。 They made the most flexible of material…paper. 他們作出了最靈活的材料…文件。 Chinese people used jade to make mirrors and clay and stone to make pottery and statues. 中國人用玉,使鏡子和粘土和石料,使陶器和雕像。 At a ceremony they would use bronze to make wine vessels in animal shapes. 在一項儀式中,他們會用青銅作酒器在動物形狀。 The process of a statue in a human figure is molded separately. 過程中的一尊塑像,在一個人的數字是模鑄分開。 The front and back has to be made split. 正面與背面有需要作出分裂。 Then the two sides would be put together. 屆時,雙方將放在一起。

Subject and Style 主題和風格

Chinese arts cover a very broad range of subjects. 中國藝術涵蓋的范圍十分廣泛的學科。 In papercuts they like to cut Buddhas, opera faces, animals, flowers, children, and aerobics. 在papercuts他們想削減佛像,歌劇的面孔,動物,花卉,兒童和健美操。 Sometimes in their painting they would use black and white, having one object with each color. 有時是在他們的畫,他們會用黑色和白色,有一物體,每種顏色。 One of their favorite subjects was nature. 其中他們最喜歡的科目是自然。 They believed that the spirit of nature gives life to everything, so if painting nature the painter must capture the feeling of nature. 他們認為,這一精神是大自然賦予生命的一切,所以,如果畫大自然,畫家必須捕捉感覺的性質。 Zodiac animals, landscapes, opera faces, figure painting, mountains, and cranes, which were a symbol for long life, were popular subjects for their paintings. 生肖,山水,戲曲的面孔,人物畫,山,和起重機,這是一個象徵,長壽,很受科目為自己的畫作。 Emperors and their court was an another important subject for painting. 皇帝和他們的法院是另一個重要課題,繪畫。

Chinese art began more than 4000 years ago. 中國藝術始於4000多年前。 We still appreciate the hard work artists did back then. 我們仍然感謝辛勤工作的藝術家也不會回來了。 We visit the museum to look at the magnificent artwork done long ago. 我們參觀博物館,看宏偉的藝術品做不久。 The Chinese culture hasn』t changed much, but their art is prized in museums around the world. 中國文化並沒有多大改變,但他們的藝術是珍貴的,在世界各地博物館中。


『肆』 如何實現英語閱讀欣賞課中的欣賞教學

任何語言的習得和學習都離不開大量閱讀的實踐.許多教師也意識到高中閱讀對於學生綜合語言能力培養的重要性,用盡各種辦法來培養學生的閱讀微技能.當然這樣做的目的確實也提高了學生測試性閱讀的能力.如閱讀前講解重點生詞或片語,閱讀中找main idea, 設計不同程度的問題幫助不同層次學生理解閱讀,呈現表格,運用復述,角色扮演,采訪等不同形式來開展閱讀任務.以上雖均衡了話題及功能兩方面,但這些方法仍只停留在字,詞,句及其他細節的表層理解上.要想真正讓學生內化閱讀材料,除了表層的理解外,閱讀也要關注語言文字背後的深層理解和文化內涵.這點我們可以從語文學習上得到啟示.《英語新課程標准》就閱讀的知識性和欣賞性上提出了指導思想:語言有豐富的文化內涵.英語學習就是要關注說英語國家的歷史地理、風土人情、傳統習俗、生活方式、文學藝術、行為規范、價值觀念等,從而加深對世界文化的理解.因此,筆者認為高中英語閱讀課除了訓練測試性閱讀之外,需要大量的欣賞性閱讀材料來補充教學.教師應該沖破詞彙,語法的束縛,在閱讀中突出技能滲透的同時,應將課文閱讀教學提高到欣賞性閱讀的美學高度,真正培養他們的英語學習興趣.
教學內容為高一NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4的reading task.作為地震內容的閱讀補充材料,它是著名作家Jack London的筆下之作.以一個目擊者的身份,介紹了舊金山大地震的所見所聞所感.語言地道優美,描述性較強.重點是欣賞閱讀中訓練略讀和查讀兩大閱讀微技能,逐步加深對舊金山地震及細節理解,並對地震中發生的一切形成自己的觀點看法和情感態度,體會人們地震後表現出來的勇敢精神.本課難點是如何引導學生paraphrase 課文中的幾個句子如A list of the brave men and women would fill a library. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses.

『伍』 閱讀與欣賞這個片語用英語怎麼說

read and enjoy this phrase。

『陸』 求一篇藝術作品鑒賞的英語作文

Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde), often called the Mona Lisa, is a 16th century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel in Florence by Leonardo da Vinci ring the Italian Renaissance. The work is owned by the Government of France and is on the wall in the Louvre in Paris, France with the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo.It is perhaps the most famous and iconic painting in the world.

The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a woman whose facial expression is often described as enigmatic. The ambiguity of the sitter's expression, the monumentality of the half-figure composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the painting's continuing fascination. It is probably the most famous painting that has ever been stolen from the Louvre and recovered. Few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing, and parody.A charcoal and graphite study of the Mona Lisa attributed to Leonardo is in the Hyde Collection, in Glens Falls, NY.

『柒』 求大神幫我找一篇大學散文教材《當代英語散文:閱讀與欣賞》Unit17 Borrowed T


『捌』 當代英語散文:閱讀與欣賞期末考試題型


『玖』 求「大學英語閱讀與欣賞」答案


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