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⑴ 《例析大學英語中閱讀的方法》


⑵ 在考試的時候做英語的閱讀理解的方法```

1 先看題目 劃出重點詞語 比如是MAIN IDEA 還是 INFER
2 看文章要是嫌單詞多 麻煩 就重點看幾句關鍵句 通常專四級考試屬的閱讀會把每段的中心句放在一段的開頭和末尾 切記切記
3 要是有實在摸稜兩可的題目 就去原文找原句 還是判斷不出 就選第一感覺
4 看的眼花繚亂 先寫作文 實在來不及就選幾個看著相近的答案就可以了
但要注意答案的分布不可能連著五個都是A 所以要研究研究
這個是我考試的小技巧啦 希望可以幫到你 (今年一起考 呵呵)

⑶ 英語閱讀技巧


美國語言學家Driller (1978)根據詞彙統計特徵指出:如果我們認得25個最常見的英文單詞,平均每頁紙上的詞我們會認得33%;如果認得135個常用詞,則為50%;如果認得2500個,則為78%;如果認得5 000個,則為80%;一旦記得10 000個,可達92%。可見,閱讀能力的高低和詞彙量的大小是分不開的,目前大部分學生的詞彙量偏少, 這是影響閱讀能力提高的主要因素。那麼怎樣才能提高學生的詞彙量呢?

1. 構詞記憶法

據估計,英語詞彙有100萬到120萬,但大部分單詞是由構詞法構成的。構詞法包括派生、合成和轉化。在教學中,讓學生掌握常用的前綴(un/dis/im/il /super.)、後綴( ly/ less/ ful/ ment…)的含義及用法,就可以根據已知詞猜出它的派生詞,從而達到擴大詞彙的目的。如:前綴super 有超過,超越的含義,就可以猜出supermarket (超級市場)supernatural (超自然的)、 superman (超人)、superstar (超級明星)等詞的含義。。

2. 聯想記憶法

由一個詞聯想到和它有關或無關的詞,如看到live vi 生活,聯想到其他詞性及用法,如,直播的、活的等詞義。

3. 廣泛閱讀記憶法

「To read well, you need a strong vocabulary.. To build a strong vocabulary, you need to read well.」 這句名言道出了閱讀和詞彙量的關系。要有流利的閱讀,就必須有豐富的詞彙。大量的閱讀可以豐富你的詞彙。

(二) 牢固掌握語法知識

近年來的NMET閱讀理解短文的句式結構趨向復雜,語法知識在閱讀中的作用已經突顯出來。如在閱讀中遇到另人費解的長句、難句,就可以藉助語法,對句子進行適當的分析,搞清各部分的關系,從而准確理解整句的意思。以Decision-thinking is not unlike poker-it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.(NMET 2000) 為例。該句的29個詞中包含了主語從句,賓語從句、並列句和破折號連接的附加說明等多種關系。其中並列句中又有復合句,復合句中又有並列句。只有把句子的成分一一理清,才能掌握其意思。


英語閱讀能力的提高不僅需要一定的語言知識,還要有一定的文化背景知識和生活知識。例如在NMET2003的閱讀理解A篇,該篇選材涉及地理,介紹了兩座farthest/ most distant inhabited islands,一個為Guinness Book of Records 所認定的Tristan da Cunha;另一為復活島(Easter Island)文章中出現了較多的專有名詞,對於閱讀經驗不足的同學會形成干擾,而對於那些對Easter Day 等背景知識了解的同學,相對就會好些。另外在C篇中,出現了書刊號,如果熟悉這些,就會減少好多閱讀困難。





2、跳讀(Skipping) 即快速查找某一相關信息,讀時要一目十行,對不相關的內容一帶而過。

3、猜測生詞(Guessing the new words) 在閱讀過程中,不可避免的會遇到生詞。如果一遇到生詞就去查字典,或跳過去不看,都會影響對文章的理解。這樣就要猜測生詞的意思。不同的語境,單詞的意思也就不一樣。所以要根據上下文線索和構詞法等知識去猜測。 快速閱讀四大法則

1. 快速泛讀(fast extensive reading)


2. 計時閱讀 (timed reading)

課余要養成計時閱讀的習慣。計時閱讀每次進行5~10分鍾即可,不宜太長。因為計時快速閱讀,精力高度集中,時間一長,容易疲勞、精力分散,反而乏味。閱讀時先記下「起讀時間」(starting time),閱讀完畢,記下「止讀時間」(finishing time),即可計算出本次閱讀速度。隨手記下,長期堅持,必定收到明顯效果。

3. 略讀 (skimming)

略讀又稱跳讀(reading and skipping)或瀏覽(glancing),是一種專門的,非常實用的快速閱讀技能。所謂略讀,是指以盡可能快的速度閱讀,如同從飛機上鳥瞰(bird's eye view )地面上的明顯標志一樣,迅速獲取文章大意或中心思想。換句話說,略讀是要求讀者有選擇地進行閱讀,可跳過某些細節,以求抓住文章的大概,從而加快閱讀速度。據統計,訓練有素的略讀者(skimmer)的閱讀速度可以達到每分鍾3000到4000個詞。









(1)要利用印刷細節(typegraphical details),如書或文章的標題、副標題、小標題、斜體詞、黑體詞、腳注、標點符號等,對書和文章進行預測略讀(preview skimming)。預測略讀要了解作者的思路、文章方式(模式),以便把握大意,有關的細節及其相互關系。



(4)注意轉折詞和序列詞。轉折詞如however, moreover, in addition等;序列詞firstly, secondly等。


⑷ 大學英語教學生中閱讀方法有哪些


⑸ 例析大學英語中的閱讀方法

Reading Groups of Words at Each Glance
It turns out that our eyes can only take in information when they are stopped. What feels like continuous motion is actually move-stop-read-move-stop-read, etc. You can easily verify this by sitting face to face with a partner, holding up a book and watching their eyes as they read. The key is to minimize the number of stops by maximizing the number of words you see at each stop as shown in Figure 6.1.
The person who uses the first eye movement pattern is actually looking at every word, one at a time. The person who uses the second is still looking at every word, but in groups. The person who uses the third eye movement pattern "notices" only a few key words and does so by reading both horizontally and vertically at the same time.

"But the first reader is going to comprehend the material much better than the third!" you may be thinking. Possibly, is my reply. If the third reader actually uses all three eye movement patterns, using the slower patterns very selectively, then he has a better chance of investing his mental energies on the material of most relevance to him.

"The art of becoming wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." William James

The smart reader is one who uses the third technique to scan the entire book (overview) or chapter (preview), and then comes back and uses some combination of the first two techniques to further explore the sections of most relevance.

Getting to both the second and third levels requires a visual reading strategy. You must silence subvocalization and learn to "trust your eyes". This involves shifting your mental reading process from "see->say->understand" to just "see->understand". One way to make this leap is to build up your visualization muscle using the exercises suggested in Chapter 3 and later on in this chapter.

One way to stop subvocalizing (saying words in your head while reading) is to increase the rate at which your eyes move across the page to the point where it is impossible to subvocalize. This means switching your reading strategy to a point whereby you notice gulps of words at each eye resting point. These gulps sometimes involve pulling words from multiple lines. When I did this recently, I noticed that I was still understanding what I was reading but in a different way. I caught myself thinking: "But now I'm not really reading." In other words, part of my mind still believed that the definition of reading was to look at every word and sound it out in my mind.

Another way to look at this issue of subvocalization is that you should develop multiple reading strategies, some of which may include subvocalization and some do not. You wouldn't want a car that only went one speed. You want to have multiple gears (i.e., reading styles) that can be applied based on the unique demands of each situation.

Reading More Selectively
The underlying principle is this:
As the amount of information increases in a given area,
there is an increasing need for the ability to scan that
information at a high level and to be highly selective
of the areas you choose to study in detail.

When I read anything, my objective is not to look at every word and picture as fast as I can. Rather, it is to identify and understand useful ideas as efficiently as possible, and then to either transfer this information to long term memory or note it for future reference.
Imagine arriving at a large lake and being told that somewhere in the water there is a buried treasure. To find that treasure, you could either put on your trunks and go for a swim, or jump in a high speed boat with radar programmed to detect the presence of anything resembling the treasure. This would allow you to do a fairly quick pass over the entire lake, noting areas that look promising, and then go back to each promising location, drop anchor, and go for a dive. You are much more likely to find the treasure because you will have eliminated huge portions of the lake very quickly.

When it comes to reading, your subconscious mind is your radar, and it is "programmed" when you invest time "self-communicating" the outcome you are trying to create.

Of course, when it comes to reading selectively, the most important thing is to make sure you are swimming in the right lake! Any time I'm presented with an information rich environment, such as a bookstore or a trade convention like COMDEX, I invest time up front getting clear on my goals, and then do some high speed scans over the entire terrain before diving into a single book or booth. It often takes discipline to finish the complete scan before stopping at an extremely promising location. Ray Dolby, inventor of Dolby noise rection, encourages would-be inventors not to jump at the first solution because sometimes the really elegant solution is right around the corner.

I have just described a rather left-brain approach to reading. Its complementary opposite is to allocate some time looking for the unexpected. The key to this strategy is to set a specific time limit, since we tend to ignore time when operating in right-brain mode. My experience suggests that without the discipline of setting specific time limits for "right-brain" mode activities, there is a tendency to avoid them in order to maintain personal ecology.

Layered Reading
In addition to using your subconscious mental radar, you can read books more selectively by using a layered reading approach. Here are four phases that commonly show up in layered reading strategies:

Overview: Look over the entire book at the rate of 1 second per page to determine its organization, structure and tone. Try to finish the overview in 5 minutes.
Preview: Should you decide to read further, preview the first chapter at the rate of 4 seconds per page. Pay particular attention to beginnings and endings such as the introction and conclusion, and the first sentences of paragraphs and sections. Mark key sections with Post-it tabs or a yellow marker.
Read: If any part of the chapter warrants closer attention, go back and read it at whatever speed seems appropriate.
Review: As discussed in the following section on memory, doing short reviews periodically after reading new ideas can significantly increase the amount of detailed information that makes it into long term memory.
There are several advantages to having seen every page of a document. It partially eliminates the intimidation of the unknown. It is also much easier to comprehend material at rapid speeds when your eyes have already seen the material twice, even if only briefly. And lastly, your right brain is a lot happier about the whole situation because it has at least some idea of the context or overall picture in which the material is being presented.

Saying that someone has one reading speed is like having a car that only goes one speed. Different material calls for different speeds. Layered reading is about being flexible in the strategy you use to extract useful ideas from written material.

Here are some additional suggestions for reading more selectively:

Focus on key words and ignore filler words. As discussed in the previous chapter, most of the meaning in sentences is transferred by a few key words. Many times it is unnecessary to read all the "is's" and "the's".
Skip what you already know. As you transfer more and more knowledge from an area into long term memory, the sections you can skip will become larger and thus accelerate your journey along the compound learning curve.
Skip material that doesn't apply to you.
Skip material that seems particularly confusing and come back to it if necessary after reading other sections. Books are linear while their subject matter is often multi-dimensional. As Hannah Arendt put it, "Nothing we use or hear or touch can be expressed in words that equal what we are given by the senses." It may be far easier to understand the material in light of information that follows. Giving your subconscious time to incubate the material might help as well.

⑹ 做英語閱讀理解有哪些技巧



2、在出現一些關鍵詞,如however,but,moreover, therefore,thus時,要特別注意句子前後意義的轉折、遞進、因果等關系。


4、選項中有絕對語氣詞的一般不是答案。如: must,never, the most, all, merely, only, have to, any, no,completely,none, 等。但不是絕對,也有例外。

5、注意選項中的副詞、形容詞和介詞短語等與原文是否一致。如:must, may, often,should, usually,might, most,more or less,likely,all, never, few等存在程度不同,經常被偷換,往往被忽視。







⑺ 大學英語閱讀技巧

Mark my word記住我的話(這句簡單)版
said Catherine凱璱琳說(這句是插入權語,翻譯時可把它提前或放後)
而don't後直接加i know it,這是很明顯的倒裝句的形式,換過來就是I don't knom it。而前面一直都是用復數,這里卻出現了單數形式的it,所以它其實是指代前面的並列句所構成的一件事
這句話如果變成 Catherine said,mark my word,I don't know it that them boards are too old,them nails are slippery as worms,gonna crack in two,gonna fall and bust our heads.就沒那麼玄乎了

⑻ 英語閱讀分析短文方法及技巧


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