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發布時間: 2021-03-02 19:59:26

A. 幫忙解答一下這英語閱讀理解

T - 1. 參考原文:Spring .... Farmers are busy in the fields.
F - 2. 參考原文:It often rains. Swimming is the best sports in summer. 二句沒關聯
T - 3. 參考原文:Autumn .... is the best season. Farmers get in all kinds of crops.
F - 4. 解釋:Farmers plant crops in SPRING and get them in in AUTUMN.
T - 5. 參考原文:Sometimes it snows in winter and the fields turn white.

T - 1. 參考原文:My friend has a big police dog ... often clever .... takes Jack for a long walk in the park.
F - 2. 參考原文:Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. 即每周只一次
T - 3. 參考原文:Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very restless.
F - 4. 解釋:... and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. 只表示不滿
T - 5. 解釋:... holding the visitor』s hat in his mouth 是表示逐客。

B. 請幫忙解答這道英語閱讀理解,謝謝!


C. 請幫忙解答英語閱讀題


D. 幫忙做個英語閱讀理解, 要准確答案啊 謝謝

41 D
42 A
43 C
44 C
45 A

E. 幫忙解答英語閱讀理解。


F. 幫忙解決一片英語閱讀理解的一道題,

答案肯定是D。從抄這一句就可以看出來:The visitor felt sorry for Freddie and said to him, "Although the 50-cent coin is bigger than the $1 coin, the$1 coin is worth(值) much more.Two times as much.",雖然50分的硬幣比1美元的硬幣大,但是1美元的硬幣更值錢,是50分硬幣的2倍。參觀者同情Freddie的原因是因為他認為Freddie不知道美元硬幣更值錢。

G. 一片英文閱讀理解..誰幫忙解決一下...


H. 英語閱讀題幫忙解答

1.T 文章第一句。
2.F 文章說Stan gets up at seven o』clock.7點鍾起床,並不是吃早飯。
3.F 文中After breakfast he goes to work by bus.
4.F文中說He starts his work at nine. The shop opens at half past nine. Stan has lunch at twelve, and then works from twelve until five.他九點鍾開始工作,12點吃午內飯,然後從12點工作到容5點。(加起來是8個小時。)
5.T文中On Saturdays, Stan stops his work at one o』clock.,說他星期六也上班。

I. 幫忙解答一片英語閱讀理解

1、答The tiger often tells other animals to bring him something to eat.
2、The shadow of himself
4、The tiger jumps into the river.
5、The monkey is very clever.

J. 求大神幫忙解答此英語閱讀的答案@_@


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