⑴ 关于教师教育的英文文章(急)
Teacher ecation is the discipline or professional, teacher ecation standards or criteria for the special needs of the general standard of teacher ecation curriculum should be designed for stage or for life, we must focus on training teachers or teachers in specialized subjects of specialization? Teachers in the ecation reform process, Both the theory and practice, there are still many problems look forward to the scholars to study and reflection. The article in the following point of view, perhaps give us some inspiration.
To deepen the reform of teachers, foster the realization of a high-quality, high-level strategic objectives of the teaching profession, teachers need to reform the system, the theoretical system, the training model, management systems and services, and many other more in-depth study And practice. These problems affect a large extent, restricts teachers and the deepening of reform and personnel training strategy goals.
Among these, and some need to rely on the Government to solve the problem, for example, how to create a modern ecation system, teachers, teacher ecation, professional clear to the general standards and specific standards for the teaching profession to ensure that the quality and level; how to further strengthen the government's clear and constant, schools And teachers in training, training in the responsibility and power, so that the system of qualified teachers and teacher training, training combine to better promote the development of teachers and so on.
At present, combined with the status quo of teacher ecation and basic ecation reform and development of specific conditions, the developed countries learn from the successful experience of teacher ecation, I believe that the current focus should be concerned about is:
Ecation should be the subject of an independent
At present, the Normal University on the theory of teacher ecation system is relatively weak research, theoretical innovation and development of teacher ecation reform can not form a strong support. Theoretical innovation system should be teacher-disciplinary ecation for the construction of the main carrier. Teacher ecation and ecation are two different disciplines in the field. Teacher Ecation as a separate subject areas, rather than the general rules of research and ecation issues and to build a general theory of ecation, teacher training and research, but the growth of special laws, and this object, to establish their own research paradigm, to form their own The concept of the system. Then, on the practice guidance teachers, ecation, evaluation, prediction and transformation, the promotion of teacher ecation to enhance the level of practice.
As a result, teacher ecation should be the subject of a disciplinary ecation is also associated with the difference between an independent discipline. If you do not distinguish between this concept and not to teacher ecation as an independent in the field of view, it will be difficult to break through the old mindset, it will be difficult to achieve the theoretical system of innovation in teacher ecation.
Ecation should be committed to direct the building of discipline for teachers and teacher ecation practice, to answer transition mechanism in Ecation, teachers training mode reconstruction, specialized teacher ecation courses, such as reconstruction of the reality of the theoretical and practical issues, to form an innovative, forward-looking The theory of teacher ecation system, support and guide the practice of teacher ecation.
Ecation standards to be refined
Research to develop professional standards for general and special standards for building rich with Chinese characteristics and primary and secondary school teachers in early childhood ecation standards and quality standards for teacher ecation, teacher ecation is to achieve a comprehensive innovation system, an important guarantee for the current teacher ecation to professional development One of the bottleneck. Development of the Ministry of Ecation is organizing the "professional standards" and "teacher qualification standards for ecational institutions", "teacher ecation curriculum standards" and "the quality of teacher ecation standards," will be built national standards for teacher ecation system, the basic framework for developing a more comprehensive Teacher ecation and access to quality control mechanism for Teacher Ecation.
But it should be noted that the western and eastern China, with the mountain city of the gap between the very different types of ecation, the teachers of specialized subjects vary, kindergarten, primary, secondary specialized teachers have a lot of difference. As a result, in promoting the professionalism of teachers, not only concerned about the professionalism of the teaching profession's national standards, but also take full account of teachers in the ecation level, specifications and differences in form, as well as the professionalism of the special nature of indivial teachers, or teachers The personality differences. This requires organization of ecation in colleges and universities under the framework of the basic national standards, proceeding from reality and to develop and implement national standards for the implementation of programs, rules and measures to make it more practical significance of the school to form its own advantages and characteristics of the development.
Teachers need to build a life-long ecation system
Teacher ecation reform and innovation is the core of the curriculum reform of the system. Modern teacher ecation curriculum to build a new theory with practice, so that teachers have advanced the idea of ecation and quality ecation to adapt to the requirements of the comprehensive ability; to carry out an in-depth study of professional teachers and professional cooperation between the practice of scientific disciplines to address Vocational Ecation and Teacher Ecation; building cover general ecation, teacher ecation and professional disciplines professional ecation and knowledge of the structure of capacity; give full consideration to the professional development of teachers and the continuity of the stage, the scientific design and build pre-service training, recruitment Ecation and job training interface between the three life-long learning for teachers and curriculum development, teacher ecation to promote a comprehensive, scientific, sustainable development. This is the teacher ecation reform and development of key and difficult, but also teachers continue to deepen reform, a comprehensive innovation system, the core content.
Teachers can further improve the quality of ecation
Ecation trends in integrated and specialized macro background, academic and professional ecation of teachers of Vocational Ecation separation, teachers, ecation reform has become a mainstream trend. Teacher Ecation what kind of training model, which is currently involved in teacher ecation institutions to face and answer. In accordance with normal university teacher ecation and professional requirements from the higher level design, upgrade-related disciplines and professional, ecational level and to enhance overall strength. In the realization of specialized teachers, subject to achieve professional and specialized ecation for teachers and lay a sound foundation.
Increase the discipline of ecation reform efforts, improve teacher ecation system, strengthening and reform of the ecation aspects of the practice, to achieve academic standards and improve the ecation level of synchronization. In recent years, I tried according to an academic school (or professional categories) students, and in accordance with "thick foundation, Kuankou Jing, fine professional, strong capacity," the general requirements, "according to the type of students, school-way section, the direction of diversion ", The formation of disciplines and professional ecation of teachers of Vocational Ecation of the separation of" 3 +1 "training model (teacher professional ecation about credit accounts for 25% of the total school-or 1 / 4).
Its outstanding feature is that according to the pre-largest category of culture, science-way section design, or professional expertise in a timely manner in accordance with the direction of diversion. Structures through the "general ecation subjects + + Professional Ecation Teacher Ecation," "+ platform mole" structure of the curriculum, teacher ecation, personnel training to promote a comprehensive, professional and personal development. "3 +1" the basic framework of the training model, taking into primary and secondary school teachers and child care training differences in the specific goal of training and training on the model and different. Secondary school teachers training in the implementation of "academic ecation and professional ecation in the teaching profession separation," the basic framework of the training model, the prominent liberal arts ecation and professional ecation in organic integration, stressed the humanistic quality and cultural background characteristics of the culture; science science literacy And the humanistic quality of the organic integration, stressed the overall quality, hands-on and practical ability. Primary school teacher training and child care to highlight the University of basic ecation, culture, ecation and the teaching profession organic combination of a moderate strengthening of primary and early childhood ecation major subject knowledge and teaching ability so that students and the humanities formation of a good quality of science and technology, have carried out the characteristics of ecation for children Teaching background knowledge and ability to create general-primary and kindergarten teachers.
Ecation to combination of the actual basic ecation
The promotion of primary and secondary schools and universities, this is the ecation of teachers in today's international development trend. At present, China's teacher ecation a prominent problem is that from the basic ecation curriculum reform in primary and secondary schools in particular, the real, it is difficult for teachers in-depth reform of this important cause. From the reform of basic ecation teachers training model can not meet the requirements of the development of ecation. Even if the subject has the advantage of universities, primary and secondary schools do not know if the reforms could not do the training of teachers especially in the new curriculum of teacher training. As a result, teacher ecation must adhere to basic ecation for the direction of the service, and work closely with primary and secondary schools, primary and secondary ecation and teaching practice closely. Otherwise, teacher ecation has become a source of water without wood, not innovation, strengthen and develop.
⑵ 高分求助几篇关于《文化导入与英语教学》的文章
1.1 高校英语教学的实施现状分析
北京外国语大学胡文仲教授提出,学习一种语言应该同时发展两种能力:语言能力(linguistic competence)和社会能力(social competence),即文化能力(cross cultural communicative compe?鄄tence),这一理论已经为我国外语教学工作者所广泛接受。美国语言学家Robert Lado认为,学习一门外语的目标是使用这门语言的能力从目的语的语言及文化方面理解它的意思及内涵,可见中外学者都格外重视外语教学中的文化因素。
1.2 英语教学事倍功半的原因透视
2 实施跨文化性英语教学方法及策略
2.1 文化与语言的相互依存性
语言与文化是相互依存的。语言教学强调的是听、说、读、写、译技能的培养,而文化教学远没有这么单纯。按照H·Ned Seelye的观点,他认为文化分为两个层次,一个层次是C文化,即文学、艺术、音乐、建筑、哲学及科技成 停涣硪桓霾愦问莄文化,它指的是“人们的生活”, 即风俗习惯、传统和社会组织。虽然它们在教学过程中着重点不同,但它们却有着非常紧密的联系。一方面,语言是文化的一个特殊组成部分,是传递文化的载体,是文化不可分割的部分,没有语言就没有文化;另一方面,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化、理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言,语言和文化是相辅相成、相互影响和密不可分的。它们之间的这种关系决定了语言老师也必然是一名文化老师。然而,从严格意义上来说,文化教学又不是一门独立的课程,它是语言教学的组成部分。在目前的英语教学中,更多的是进行目的语文化的导入,而一部分老师想当然地认为学生对本民族文化有相当的了解,实际不然。笔者认为,在英语教学中应进行双向文化导入,也就是使整个语言教学过程变成是对目的语和母语文化不断加深理解和认同的过程。
2.2 跨文化英语教学的原则
2.3 文化教学应遵从的策略
(1)从词汇方面入手,要注意词的意义及内涵,英汉两种语言在词义上并不是一一对应的关系,挖掘词语的内涵,有利于正确理解。如“white”在英语里的意思是of the color of fresh snow or common salt,汉语译为“白的、白色的”,但英语学习者对a white lie就不易理解。难道谎言还有颜色吗?当然不是,它的正确意义是“不怀恶意的谎言”。同样,许多西方人对汉语中的“红白喜事”中的“白”字也感到费解。另外,在某些场合下,汉语中的“白”字指的是颜色,但在英语的对应词中并无white,如“白熊”(polar bear);“白蚁”(ternite)。而且,汉语中“白费事”(all in vain, a waste of time and energy), “白痴“(idiot),其英语对应词中都与“white”无关。这种现象,英汉两种语言中俯拾皆是,从词汇着手,简单明了,成效大,能避免学生望“词”生义的毛病出现。
(2)从习语的角度着手进行文化教学是卓有成效的,因为习语是语言发展的结晶,具有强烈的文化特征,进行习语的学习,既能学到语言又能学到文化,并能从大量的语言材料中看到语言与文化的密切关系,从而加深对英语民族文化与本民族文化的了解,提高语言的交际能力。英汉两种语言中丰富的习语都体现了不同的文化特征,比如,汉语中常常用“雨后春笋”来形容“事物的迅速发展和大量产生”,英语中的同义习语是“like mushroom”(像蘑茹一般)。形容“对事物无兴趣”或形容“文章、讲话枯燥”在汉语中说“味同嚼蜡”,在英语中说“as dry as sawst”(像锯末儿干巴巴的)。对这种现象,教师应指导学生做好收集素材,进行比较分析的工作。
(3)从社交礼节及习俗方面着手,社交礼节是指某文化或成员在特定类别的交际活动中共同遵守的规则与习惯,英汉社交礼节因受各自文化的影响和制约,存在一定的差异。比如,有人打了个喷嚏,中国人的反应是“有人想你了”、“有人说你了”,或开玩笑地说“谁在骂你”,英国人或美国人则说“God bless you”(上帝保佑你);很多人认为汉语中的“请”相当于英语中的“please”,但在某些场合却不宜用please,比如让别人先进门或先上车时,不说“please”,一般都说After you;在餐桌上请人吃饭吃菜、喝酒或请人吸烟时,一般都用“Help yourself”, 也不用“please”,如此等等,不是语言本身的字字翻译,而是文化的信手拈来。
2.4 语言教师的素质和角色转换
3 结束语
1 何自然,阎庄.中国学生在英语交际中的语用失误———汉英语用差异调查[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1986
3 霍尔. 侯勇译.无声的语言[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1995
4 赵厚宪.外语教学中的文化教学原则[J].中国英语教学,2002(6)
⑶ 求一篇文章 关于在英语培训机构做英语老师的工作内容和职责 最好要英文版的 急用!!!
⑷ 需要一些关于中小学英语教育的文章
21世纪英语报社发来一条消息:在某地区,初一英语平均分最高的学校为129. 9分,而最差的学校仅为55分。同时,市教科所对该市中考英语成绩分析发现,考生英语成绩相差悬殊,掉队学生比例高。因此,提出了如何解决英语两极分化的问题。
⑸ 求一篇英文的关于英语教学的文章。谢谢。
⑹ 赞颂英语老师的短文
If I were a poet, I will be wholehearted enthusiasm wrote poems, praising the broad and far-reaching the sea. And it brought to you » » My vision of broad, deep knowledge of teachers.
Chun-yu, with the green of the world, and has its own quietly disappeared in the soil of. Teacher, you is that we the Shin-Tien Chun-yu, we will always be grateful to you.
You are the fire, students lit a fire of the soul; you are a stone stairway, I bear a practical step by step upward climb; you are a candle, burning their own illuminate the others.
The future, whether I become a towering tree, shrub or low, I will be the green life to bless you, my teacher!
You are a wonderful beach, I can Fushi Ren Shijian those beautiful shells. I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!
You like a candle, students have given their all for the light and heat! Your character and spirit can be summed up by the word, which is burning!
As lofty as the sky is your mind, like the mountains, like deep is your Enqing, please accept my sincere good wishes bar, Happy Teacher's Day
⑺ 我们英语老师让我们写一篇关于英语学习的文章。求助
I’ majoring in English and English is my favorite subject. Since I have chosen English as my major, learning English well becomes my ty. Then how can we learn English well? Different people have differ-ent ways to study English. Here are some of my advice.
If we want to learn English well, I think it is necessary to drill as much as possible. The more we ap-ply English in real situations, the more natural it will become. Learning English needs taking a lot of efforts. But don’t give up. Just be patient. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
To learn English well we should try to think in English whenever possible. When we see something, think of the English word of it, and then think about the word in a sentence. When we learn a new verb, we should learn its various forms. It is very important to practise using the words you have learned.
If we want to learn English well, we should use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. Keep a small English dictionary with us at all times. When we encounter a new word, don’t look it up at once. We can guess its meaning first according to the context before looking it up in the dictionary.
Besides, I think the most important thing for an English learner is that we should be interested in it. After all, interest is the best teacher.
In a word, if we want to learn English well, we should be sensitive to the things we meet and always ready to practise what we have learned, which is of great importance.
⑻ 教师小散文(英语)
I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.
No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.
Don't waste your time on a man/woman,who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Don't try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful.
Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.
Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.
-------Sir Thomas Browne
⑼ 有关描写英语老师的文章
您博学多识,像亘古流传的星光大道,引领我们探索科学的密境. (物理老师)
您妙语连珠,像接连不断的知识阶梯,引领我们步入文学的殿堂. (语文老师)
你才思缜密,像源源不断的数学江流,启发我们拓展不尽奥秘 .(地理老师)
⑽ 小学英语教师教育教学美文