⑴ 谁有八年级上学期苏教英语课文和单词听力的mp3在线等,挺急的。
⑵ 苏教版高一英语听力下载
我想英语不是一朝一夕就能学好的 要靠自己平时的多说多练来积累的。找英语学习中心也是可以啦 我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天卞英语还行 在家上课的确是方便许多...I like sports very much.But basketball is my favorite sport.I often play basketball with my friends on the schoole piayground on my free time.Play basketball help to build me up,so I am very healthy now.Now basketball is becoming more and more popular all over the world.I like baketball.How about you?建议 自己搜
⑶ 谁有苏教版译林英语八上英语课文及单词听力的mp3
⑷ 苏教版八年级下英语Uint3的Integrated skills听力原文
8B Unit 3 Integrated skills
A: Wei Jing, you are going to tell us about this CD-Rom called Daily English , aren’t you ?
B:Yes, that’s right , it’s a wonderful new course from Australia . It’s really very interesting.
A:What does this course include
B: It includes a book and five CD-Roms.
A:That’s nice. Who do you think would like to use this course ?
B: Well , it’s very good for tourists and students.
A: Good , what sort of things can we learn from Daily English ?
B: Many things , like using the telephone , asking and answering questions,talking about the weather and the time.
A:Are there any special topics in Daily English?
B: Oh, yes. There are many topics . Let’s see.We have travel and hotels , food and drink ,and shopping and money .
A: Are there any tours or games in the course?
B: Oh , yes. There are short tours of Australia and New Zealand .Also , if you need help , a friend guide called Anita will help you .
A: Can you tell me how this icon works?
B: Well, there are five main icons. They are Book , Ear , Tour , Pencil and Anita.
A: I’m sorry , do you mind repeating the names of those icons ,please?
B: Of course not . They are Book , Ear , Tour , Pencil and Anita.
A: So what happens when click each of these icons?
B: Well, when you click the Book icon , you can read articles and stories about a topic . When you click the Ear icon , you can listen to people talking . With the Tour icon , you can go on short tours of Australia and New Zealand.
A: What about the Pencil and Anita icons?
B: When you click the Pencil icon , you can do some exercises. If you need help , you can click Anita icon.
A: Daily English sounds really interesting .
B: Yes, we think it’s a great programme.
⑸ 苏教版译林牛津初中英语8 9年级上下册 听力 MP3版 课文和单词
苏教版译林牛津初中英语7,8,9年级,高中11个模块上册听力 MP3版 课文和单词 朗读视频+音标+释义教材同步地址点击进入网页链接
⑹ 苏教版八年级上册英语书听力原文
⑺ 2015至2016学年度第一学期期末复习随堂测试试题三年级英语听力答案苏教版
⑻ 跪求苏教版八年级英语上册第六单元听力材料~
跪求.谢谢 人教版七年级上册语文第六单元检测题 .班级 通过画作者行程路线图,八年级上册英语复习总体把握作者(苏教版)2004年八年级上册第三单元