㈠ 求2008北京高考英语听力原稿
Text 1
M: I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt I won a competition.
W: Oh, really? What did you win? Money? A new car?
M: I won a holiday on a desert island. I hope it will come true.
Text 2
M: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can you and Tom come?
W: That sounds nice. Thank you. But I’ll have to check with Tom.
Text 3
M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author?
W: Well, Tom, I didn’t start writing until I was in my thirtieth, and I’m over seventy now. So goodness, I must have been writing for about forty years.
Text 4
W: Excuse me, do you have any batteries? I need some to my radio.
M: Sure. They are over there, next to the pens.
Text 5
W: Do you think you can give me a lift to the station?
M: I’m terribly sorry, I can’t. I have to be at work by 8:30. I can call you a taxi, though.
Text 6
M: How can I help you, Ms. Johnson?
W: Mmm…. First, I’d like to order thirty coats, order number P25J5.
M: OK, order number P25J5, coats, thirty.
W: Unhen, how much are they?
M: Forty-five dollars each.
W: OK. And gloves, order number P28D5. How much are they?
M: Five dollars a pair. How many do you need?
W: Fifty.
M: Gloves, fifty pairs, five dollars a pair, P28D5. OK.
W: And shoes. Mmm…. Twenty-five pairs of order number P26T5.
M: Shoes, order number P26T5, twenty-five pairs at eighteen dollars a pair. Is that OK?
W: Yes, that’s fine.
Text 7
M: Hi, Mary, you’re back! How was New York?
W: Great! Have you ever been there?
M: No.
W: I think it’s probably my favorite city.
M: Really? What’s so great about it? I heard it was quite dirty.
W: In some parts, maybe. But there’s just so much going on, the theaters, restaurants, shops and museums. They make London and Paris like country towns. The only problem was the weather. It was freezing.
M: What a shame!
Text 8
M: And onto this morning’s local traffic news. Driving conditions have been improved. Now the early morning fog has gone. Rain is forecast for tonight, but it would be fine ring the day. Traffic police have warned drivers to expect delays coming into town in the afternoon because of repairs to Victoria Bridge. And lorries have been advised to go another way if possible.
Text 9
W: My husband and I have decided to buy a new house, and I made an appointment to see a bank manager. I’ve never met him before, and was a little nervous. I drove into town and was lucky enough to find a parking space outside the bank. I just started backing into the space when another car drove into it. I was very angry. I opened my window and shouted at the other driver. He ignored me and walked away. It took my twenty minutes to find another place. As soon as I have parked the car, I rushed into the bank. I was ten minutes late for my appointment. I went to the manager’s office, knocked and walked in. The manager was sitting behind his desk. He was the man who had taken my parking space.
Text 10
M: Hello?
W: Dad, it’s me, Kirsty.
M: Kirsty! How are you?
W: I’m fine but still a little tired.
M: I can imagine. What’s work like?
W: It’s still too early to say. But I think it’s going to be really good. It’s a big company but everybody’s been so kind and helpful.
M: And how about the city? Have you seen much of it yet?
W: I’ve seen a bit. It just seems such a big, busy city. I don’t see how I’ll ever find my way around.
M: I know. Big cities can seem really strange and frightening at first. Where are you living?
W: Well, I find a tiny apartment. But it’s in the downtown area and it’s close to work.
M: It all sounds really interesting. Hope you’ll enjoy yourself there.
Text 11
M: Dr. Stone, how did you become an expert on smell?
W: Well, I didn’t intend to in the first place. But when I was in university, there was a course on senses. The other senses seem to be more concrete somehow, but smell is so personal. I found it extremely interesting.
M: Do you have any interesting information to give us about smells?
W: Well, let’s see. Did you know that it’s harder to forget smells than to forget facts? There have been experiments where people could pick out a particular smell thirty days after smelling it for the first time.
M: Really? So smells can bring back more memories than, say, music?
W: That seems to be the case.
M: That’s interesting. So what’s your favorite smell?
W: Oh, I have lots of different ones. The smells of the sea reminds me of happy family holidays, and the smell of roses makes me think of my friend’s house. Strangely enough, I like the smell of air craft fuel at airports. Then I know I am going to fly somewhere exciting. But it’s the general smell of my garden in the rain that I really like the most. That means I am at home where I should be.
㈡ 2008高考北京卷英语听力突破计划
我觉得要提高听力,首先应从多听教学听力录 音带入手,如所学的课本录音带,口语教材录 音带,也可以选听适合或略高于自己水平的有 趣的材料。无论是精听或是泛听,最好开始都 不要看文字材料。精听应先把录音内容从头至 尾听一遍,再把听不懂的地方一遍又一遍地反 复听。若有些地方实在听不懂,也应尽量听清 各个音节,然后再翻开书看一看,有些影响理 解的生词可查一下词典。接着再合上书从头至 尾听,直到能够听懂全部内容为止。通过这样 的听力训练,可促使自己提高辨音及听力理解 能力。如果读过书面材料再去听录音,往往就 不是耳朵在辨音,而是大脑在思索,背诵,如 果看着书面材料听,则往往是自己的默读,这 样达不到提高听力的目的,遇到新材料的时候 就又会听不懂。
精听最好是选用教学录音和有故事情节的短文 或科普短文;泛听则可选用一些口语教材或一 些有趣的小故事,使自己多接触录音材料,以 求熟悉英语发音,扩大知识面,提高听力。泛 听可一遍过,只要听懂大概意思就行了。如果 一遍听不懂,可倒过来再听一遍,还是听不懂, 就翻一下书,继续听下去占在第一遍听新材料 的时候,一定要聚精会神,让自己的思维跟上 每一个音节。在每句停顿时,可在脑海里反复 一下。听的当中遇到生词不要停下多想,因为 有些生词可以在整个内容中理解。有些生词并 不影响理解意思,可以不管,停下来想,反而 影响听下面的内容。听音时要随着录音材料的 频率在脑中用英语重复,而且速度要练得能跟 上录音速度,不能边听边翻译。一般只要难度 相当,能听清大部分单词,是可以理解其大意 的。
以上只是自己在提高听力方面的点滴体会。各 人有各人的提高听力的经验,尽管甲的经验不 一定适用于乙,乙的经验也不一定适用于甲, 但可以相互启发,取长补短,用不同的方法来 达到相同的目的。英语自学者们,让我们共同 总结经验,提高我们的英语听力水平吧。
另一种情况是,听得真真切切,但是,心里糊里糊涂,不知说了些什么。这里既有连读、缩读、弱读在里头作祟,也有另一个不好的学习习惯在起作用。很多同学记单词时只记中文意思,而正确的方法应该如听力学习法中所说的“Make Pictures”(产生画面),这样一来声音直接转化成意念,省去了翻译的过程,可以大大提高理解能力。
㈢ 2007北京英语高考听力答案
已找来到 2007年普通源高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷)听力原文 Text 1 W: Where are you from? M: I’m from Atlanta, but I live in New York
㈣ 高考英语听力2008年考不考
考啊 因为英语是世界上使用最广的语言所以2008年
㈤ 英语听力2008高考英语听力2008年考不考啊
㈥ 2008年高考英语有没有听力
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㈧ 2008年高考试题英语听力全国卷1答案
㈨ 2008年高考英语听力