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发布时间: 2021-03-02 16:29:41


你好很高兴为你解答:雅思口语的难点在于: 一、没话说(特别是第二部分的卡片题,碰到不熟悉的,说不满一分钟);

二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现broken English,即不成句的英语)。



①(名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

②(名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

③(名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

④(地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

⑤(时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.


原句 套用句型后

He is truly helpful. a. He is the kind of guy who is truly helpful.

b. He always gives others the impression of being someone who is truly helpful.

Suzhou is ancient but also modern. a. Suzhou is the kind of city which gives you the impression of being both ancient and modern.

b. Suzhou is a place where you can appreciate both the ancient culture and modern city lifestyle.

The film is interesting.a. This is one of the most interesting films I have ever seen.

b. This is the kind of movie which blows your mind.

The party is exciting. a. This is the most exciting party I have ever attended.

b. It’s a party that I will remember for the rest of my life.

On the weekend, I relax myself by reading.Weekends are the time when I relax myself by reading.



❷ 求几篇雅思口语的英语小短篇,2分钟以内



1:The time flies, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. All the things here are going on pretty well, I just miss you so much!

2:It is so great to hear from you again.

3:Long time no see!

4:I hope this letter finds you in good health and good spirits.

5:I trust that everything is going smoothly for you.

6:It is a great pleasure for me to have this wonderful chance to put pen to paper and send greetings to you.


Give advice:

In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following action:

I hope you will not find it too forward for me to suggest that you…

In my experience, it seems that _______ would make sense in your situation.

At the risk of overstepping my boundaries, allow me to suggest that you (refrain from pursuing this marriage.)


I truly appreciate your kindness.

I am grateful to you for…

I appreciate it more than I can say.

I can never thank you enough.

I wish there were a better word than “ thanks “ to express my appreciation for your generous help.

It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and

I appreciate it more than I can say.

Many thanks for your kindness and hospitality.

Now we have arrived back home safe and sound.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for…

Thank you again for your kindness.


Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology.

I apologize most sincerely for…

I am truly sorry to have done…

Please forgive me…

I owe you an apology…

I regret to inform you that I am unable to do..

I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble…


The honor of your presence is requested…

It’s a pleasure for me to invite you to…

We sincerely hope that you make it.

We would be honored to have you there with us…

I will cover all the expense involved.

Sympathy compassion

I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my unwavering support.


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with\at…

I very much regret to have to inform you that…

I find it awful\appalling(surprising in a bad way)\ quite distressing that …

I would like to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the …

I feel something ought to be done about…

I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible.

Your effort to provide good services will be highly appreciated by all.

We will appreciated your willingness to make up for the loss.


I would like to request some information about…

My first question is…

I am greatly concerned about…

Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.

Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.

结尾:Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.

I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

❸ 2012雅思口语话题


❹ 雅思最新口语part2的话题及范文。

你好,雅思口语考试part2部分注意事项 在part2部分回答时,有不流利或者不连贯性版的情况吗?停顿的权时间超过5秒了吧,口语考官基本是按着停顿超过5秒的时间来,来判定你的是否回答完毕。还有个小经验:就是在口语考试时,你要回答你能回答(回答流利并准确),不要回答你想说但是说不清楚的答案(不要边想边回答,容易造成停顿时间过长,用词不准确);送你个参考雅思口语评分: 在IELTS口语部分,考官也是按四项标准分别评等级分:流利度及连贯性,词汇、句式丰富性及语法准确性和语音。仍以一名获得口语6分的考生为例,他所对应的口语水准是: (A)流利度及连贯性方面,愿意进行详细描述,但有时因重复、自我更正或停顿而造成不连贯,运用不同的连接词和语篇标记,但有时不恰当。 (B)词汇方面,尽管有时词汇运用不恰当,但词汇量足以详细表述主题,表意清楚,总体上能成功地变换措辞进行复述。 (C)句式多样性及语法准确性方面,混合使用简单和复合句式,但不够灵活;使用复合句式时经常出错,但并不因此影响理解。 (D)语音方面,总体能听懂,偶尔因发音错误给听者理解造成负担。

❺ 雅思口语都有哪些话题


❻ ★雅思口语考试有哪些常考话题

PART 1 日常场景话题
PART 2 常见核心类话题:
经历类话题 (过往经历、切身感受):过往经历可以是自己的,也可以是别人的,要注意用过去的时态;而切身感受要注意结合自己亲身经历的感受来回答,
人物类话题 (老人、小孩、名人):人物类话题通常要考的就是有特殊身份的人或者普通人。有特殊身份的人的话,童鞋们可以准备名人。名人大家就注意准备一些名人事例及名言。普通人的话,根据年龄来分,就准备老人和小孩这两类,要注意准备这两个话题的语料库。
地点类话题 (室内、室外):地点类话题无非就是室内和室外。室内的话,主要考服务和装修的细节。比如:咖啡馆、图书馆、旅馆等。室外的通常考风景之类的,比如:你喜欢的一个花园、家乡的一个美丽的地方等。
物品类话题 (书、电影、电子产品):物品类话题是考得最多的,爱预科的老师说也是分类最多最繁杂的。例如:书、电影、电子产品的等。这部分可能需要你花很多的时间和精力来准备。
PART 3 社会相关话题比较多

❼ 急求一篇英语雅思口语范文,话题为广告!急求啊...

In fact, printing and packaging department is not my first choice, but after knowing the printing and packaging instries is full of potential ,I find that I would have many chances in my career in the future.
Actually, printing and packaging instries as a huge instry in China, it’ provide many jobs for people. So many choices for us, I would seek Technical Leaders as my job in the Printing Instry.
4 years systematic study, I have provided with rich professional knowledge and I’m ready for my career in the future.
The instry is the third largest manufacturing sector in Australia. The word 'printing' is often used generically to cover this diverse instry which emerges from paper and paper procts, then proceeds through to pre-press (all the work associated with the pre-printing phase), to printing and packaging, and finally post-press (binding and finishing services). Segments of the instry in recent times have incorporated the latest advancements in technology and have moved towards providing digital or electronic formats such as CDs and web page content in addition to the traditional proct. Hence, the term 'electronic media' has also become associated with this instry.
That’s all, thank you.

❽ 雅思口语常考话题有哪些

搜索的关键词一定要具体不要抽象,如果你们搜索的是describe a park,那么你们还不如去搜索一个具体的公园Disneyland得到的信息多;

❾ 雅思口语话题汇总


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