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发布时间: 2021-03-03 02:18:06



Ⅱ 急求雅思口语范文Part2如何描述家乡

想要学好英语 重点就是老师教学经验,欧美人士比东南亚好很多,口语标准版非常重权要,要多听多比较 不然学出口音就难改了..学英语还是要靠自己的努力的 英语学习中心只是辅助,这是我的经验,我现在在ABC天芐欧美外教英语中心上.好.的,是在线学习的;每天在家通过网络和老师进行互动交流的形式授课 还挺方便的上课方式 没写范文,不过这个题我准备过。准备的是BeijingOlympicGame。我准备这么说:北京奥运会是中国第一次举办,有很深远的意义。北京为此把建设的更美丽。我个人也很喜欢鸟巢和水立方。然后介绍一些项目和一些著名的运动员(刘翔,博尔特,伊辛巴耶娃,科比,菲尔普等等)。然后我会说篮球比赛,因为我喜欢篮球,准备了许多这方面的词。最后时间还不够的话,再说中国金牌数第一,我们已经发展为体育大国。奥运会让世界认识了中国,认识了北京。也给我们一个展示自己的机会……我一般说道考官打断我,这些应该差不多够了

Ⅲ 雅思口语如何介绍家乡有考过的说一下

  • 如果这个问题出现在Part1,那么雅思口语考试家乡介绍无需冗长。家乡介绍只是一个开局内,让你放松的一个聊容天环节。考官就是想大概知道一下你住的地方是城市还是乡村,好为下一个环节收集一些资料。根据你所在的城市,可以这样描述。

  • IcomefromPingyaoAncientCity,ShanxiProvince.It’.Everyyear,especiallyonholidays,.

  • 慢慢说,别着急,像聊天一样。千万别把第一环节说的太复杂!!因为考官会觉得你在背,后面考官就会加大难度拆你的招的!如果这个问题出现在Part2,那么考题中,一般会有一些提示性问题,根据提示性问题梳理自己的思路,比如,你的家乡的名字,家乡的特点,你家乡的人的衣食住行等等。

Ⅳ 雅思口语考试 关于家乡的(重庆)

Widely acknowledged as the largest instrial and economic center in southwestern China, Chongqing City is a popular destination for travelers with its hilly slopes, rivers, night views and spicy food.
Meaning "double celebrations" in Chinese, the city was built in the 11th century BC ring the Zhou Dynasty. The city was founded in 1997. Prior to then, it was a city in Sichuan Province. Now Chongqing is the biggest city in China in terms of area and population.
Known as one of China‘s "Three Furnaces" (along with Wuhan and Nanjing), Chongqing is unbearably hot ring the summer. The surrounding mountains seem to trap the heat. It is pleasant to visit the city in other seasons.
Also known as "Fog City" in addition to "the Furnace," Chongqing is covered with a thick layer of fog for an average of 68 days a year, usually in spring or autumn. The fog gives the place an air of mystery.

Ⅳ 求一篇雅思口语介绍家乡【洛阳】的例文!!!

其实你可以介绍洛阳的名胜古迹来代表洛阳的,在网络上找到一篇介绍洛阳水席的,不知你是不是能借鉴If I go to a "nine North Korea and Cuba" Luoyang, to tell city people "Luoyang tribe": I Luoyang water, Luoyang peony, the Longmen Grottoes.

Luoyang water seats, has a long history of well-known ancient and contemporary. Since the millennium, long-undefeated. Major red and white, dinner guests with the first.

I Luoyang water from the community is unique in Luoyang traditional hunters. It is hot and sour taste, cleaner Likouqing. Wu Zetian ring the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang I purport water into palaces, plus feast, feast into court, the court sent back from the civil. Then a unique flavor. Officials banquet to generic proction, so I called officialdom.

Luoyang water seats, there are three major characteristics: Firstly, it is generally well-established, doing whatever dirty election widely expected, the birds sky, the ground floor of animals, the fishes in the sea, and in the vegetables can seat; There are two soup with water, taste diversity, acid, spicy, sweet, a complete, the North South are tasty ; the order is serving a three strict rules, with a reasonable, careful choice of materials, something appropriate. Luoyang water seats, is divided into high, medium and low grade 3, according to conditions determined by the urban people is a general welcome, alive.

The so-called "water of the" two meanings: First of all there are 1,500 soup - soup; After a two vaccines is, in a subsequent withdrawal, the same as the water continuously updated.

Luoyang water a total of 24 seats dishes, the "March 8" members, including eight cold cuts, four bulky, in eight cases, four pressure tables dishes, hot and cold, indirectly, Salty, hot and sour combination.

Serving sequence is known, the first eight as cold cuts under the dish, every dish is ranked three together, a total of 16 samples; Question three guests liquor to a naval patrol: 3 doses of each flavor similar to a group, each headed by a bulky with two pieces of (also called ang setting vegetable dish or flavoring), the system was renamed as "scallops Shangchao"; Pressure on the final four tables vegetables, which have an egg soup, also known as wedding soup has been on the bench to show full. Turkey will serve to file flavor soups, poultry and fish, Fresh, fungi, at the center of all material, silk, films of the block, the small, grenade bombing burning cooking, endless changes. Nowadays, stresses nutrition, for nourishing diet for fashion, I Salty water Luoyang palatability, ranked with their food Juice less oil, but also economic benefits.

Ⅵ 雅思介绍家乡的英语作文

已发到你的邮箱去了,大约800 至900词,希望会没有问题,若是满意的话,请不要忘了采纳和加悬赏哦? 祝你学业进步!

Ⅶ 急 急 急! 需要用英文介绍自己的家乡 西安。 简单点的 5句话就可以。口语化点, 用于雅思口语考试用。

My hometown xian, called "changan", is world-famous world, one of the four ancient civilization in China ancient capitals in China's history, is the longest, previously the previously the most, the most influential dynasty capital, the cradle of the Chinese nation, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, representatives of the Chinese culture. Today's xian, the capital of shaanxi province, China is one of the seven regional central cities in Asia, XinOuYa knowledge technology innovation centers, continental China segment and Yellow River basin, the center of the largest city of China's big aircraft manufacturing base, China's largest and most important Midwest regional higher ecation, scientific research, technology and instry for national defense and high-tech instry base. 2009 issued by the state economic development planning guanzhong - tianshui "xian is listed as, after Beijing, Shanghai, China after the third" metropolis ".

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