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发布时间: 2021-03-04 01:06:13

『壹』 乱扔垃圾,乱串马路的英语作文


『贰』 一篇关于学生乱扔垃圾的英文作文,不少于80词

group supposed to be raise with good habits and behaviours, are acting the opposite way nowadays. In campus, things like scrawling on the desk, ditching classes, stealing bicycles, impolite occupy seats happen frequently. What happened to comtemporary university students? Where are their etiquette and modesty?
Civilities are not things we literally agree with, but good manners we should carry out in our daily life.It seems that, the majority of students lack of the power of action,we know what deeds are right, we understand what manner is polite and right, but,when it comes to reality, we ignore thecivilization regulations, maybe sometimes, just because its more convenient. It is a real tragedy if we learn knowledge but not apply to reality. So I advocate every students should make a difference, begin with little things in life,sooner or later, we can have positive effct on others. Actions always speaks louder than words.

『叁』 不要乱扔垃圾英语作文250字

哦 顺便一提,目前我在学的ABC天丅口语的教师才和我提过 其实要掌握好英语是很容易的。绝对需要个符合的学习情境以及熟练口语对象,最关键就是外教水平,标准口音才是最好 持续每日练习口语 1对1针对性教学才能有更.好.的进步幅度 完成课堂后记得回放复习录音文档,好巩固知识点~如果真的没有人可以指导的环境,就到听力室或大耳朵得到课外教材研习,多问多听不知不觉的口语能力就加强起来,学习成效是绝对达成目标的!乱扔throw away Don't throw away the rubbish不乱扔垃圾随地anywhere Don't spit anywhere不随地吐痰It's comfortable for us to have a clean and tidy place to live in and study.So there are some school rules wch we must follow.For example,we can't throw away the rubbish or spit anywhere.Do you agree with me ?And what are other school rules?

『肆』 关于一只象乱扔垃圾的英语作文

Waste management is a big problem for Australia. Australian population continues to grow and we need to use more and more resources and creating more waste. Wastes are substances that have no further use and, if disposed of in land, water or air, can harm humans or the environment. If we don’ do something for the amount of waste that is proced there is a risk that we may run out of room in landfills or even run out of resources, and I concted the surveys from my friends and neighbours to check how many rubbish we need to waste and what is that.
I concted 20 surveys, asking them about type and amount of waste that they generate each week. The results showed that about 35% of people have 2 bags of rubbish per day. And about 25% of people have 1 and 3 bags of rubbish per day. The rest of them have 8+ bags per week. Do you know how large of the number for the rubbish? If an average weight of 2 kg per bag, that’s mean we got about 116+kg per week for 20 household. If we have 23 million people in Australia, that’s mean we need to waste about 113.4 million rubbishes per week. That’s a really huge number. And then I want to tell them about which strategies they need to be using to make a positive impact on waste management. If we still waste that lot, may be one day all the landfill are full and we have to found a new place to set the rubbish, and at that time we will be really regret.
The survey result also showed that there were a number of different types of waste thrown out in each household. Just like I think before, most of them are food waste (29%), and the following are plastic (21%), garden waste (18%), paper proct (15%), glass (10%), miscellaneous (5%) and the last one is aluminium (2%). As you see food waste still pretty much, but we can’t do anything to that, right? Therefore we need to improve our waste management by recycling the paper proct, glass and aluminium rather putting them in the garbage. That will be helpful for rece landfill and save resources. May be that just a really small number for the rubbishes waste, but that will make landfill have a lot space to put other rubbish.
In the survey, people were asked to rank which strategies they would be prepared to use to help better manage waste. Most people said use procts that can be reused or recycled is the first one, the next highest rank is choose to buy goods that have less packaging and join an environmental group, establish a worm farm to rece food waste and put rubbish in a bin, not on the ground. The least popular choice is Volunteer to help on ‘clean up Australia day’. These choices show u, people want to do something more easily to do and don’t need too much time to spend to do.
I think Australian people need to do one thing good and that does will be fine, just need to improve our own waste management by recycling the paper, glass and aluminium. If Australian government will check all the time and wanning people, that will be more easily. Thank for reading.

『伍』 关于出游时乱扔垃圾的英语作文

朋友当你看到这些的时候,请你不要冲动,谨慎的考察清楚对于一个生意,一定要清楚了解,宁可明明白白放弃,不要糊里糊涂加入 行业有句话说的非常好三分看 七分悟 可别被悟道了



清 +2+0+4+9+0++1+7+7+1+6++++云



希望对你所提的问题有帮助 清 +2+0+4+9+0++1+7+7+1+6++++云


『陆』 不要从车窗外乱扔垃圾英语作文

As we all see, the environment is polluted by a lot of waste things.Some people throw the daily refuse into rivers or on the street at random. 字串9
This is one reason for the environmental pollution. So in daily life I will consciously put the rubbish into the rubbish bin to rece the contamination.

『柒』 不要乱丢垃圾用英文怎么写



1、读音 /'lɪtɚrɪŋ/


n. 乱丢废物

v. 弄乱;充满(litter的ing形式)


Howcan wepreventpeoplefromlittering?



1、读音 /hɪr/


adv. 在这里;此时

int. 嘿!;喂!

n. 这里






Don't drop litter.


The policemantold thelittleboynot todrop litter.



1、读音 /drɑp/


v. 推动;帮助;宣扬;下降;终止

n. 滴;落下;空投;微量;滴剂





1、读音 /'lɪtɚ/


n. 垃圾;轿,担架;一窝(动物的幼崽);凌乱

vt. 乱丢;给…垫褥草;把…弄得乱七八糟

vi. 产仔;乱扔废弃物




『捌』 英语作文在你们学校,一些学生总是乱扔垃圾.请你真对这一现象写一篇不少于80词的发言稿


『玖』 关于野餐乱扔垃圾的英语作文

1,what effects does littering have on the enviroment?
Litter can cause a whole range of problems for
everyone in the community.Litter discarded in
streets and parks can travel through the storm water
system to our bays and oceans,where it can cause
harm to wildlife.
-Litter costs money.Removing litter from the environment
costs everyone money.
-Litter is a threat to public health.Litter attracts
vermin and is a breeding ground for bacteria.Items
such as broken glass and syringes can be a health
hazard in public places.
-Litter can be a fire hazard.Accumulated litter and
carelessly discarded cigarette butts are potential fire
-Litter looks bad.Litter negatively affects the image
of places,especially tourist locations.
-Litter attracts litter.Litter sends out a message that
people do not care for the environment and that it is
acceptable to litter.
-Litter can harm or kill wildlife.Plastic litter can
choke or suffocate birds and marine life.Carelessly
discarded containers can trap small mammals.
-Litter harms our waterways.Organic matter,such
as dog poo,leaves and grass clippings,pollutes our
2,what do you think we should do to stop people from littering?
There are a number of simple ways to help prevent
Use garbage cans properly if provided.Make sure
your waste goes in the garbage can,not beside it.
Take your litter home when visiting parks and gardens.
Wind and animals scavenging in garbage cans
can often lead to littering in our parks.
Pick up garbage,do not flush it away.Sweep
paved areas and pick up all the garbage,rather than
hosing it down into gutters and drains.All the
garbage in gutters works its way into the water.
Pack a garbage free lunch with reusable plastic
containers and water bottles rather than bags and
drink boxes.
Never sweep grass,leaves or any other waste into
gutters as they degrade to form a rich nutrient
source for algal blooms.Never hose paths as it will
only wash your waste into the drainage system.
Wash cars on the grass,never on the road or hard
paths where it will wash detergents into the
drainage system.
Always dispose of unwanted chemicals responsibly,
never pour them into gutters or drains.Gas,
paints,thinners,pharmaceutical drugs,and garden
pesticides and herbicides are poisonous to wildlife.
Your local government can advise you of the best
way to dispose of these.
Prevent oil from leaking from your car as it could
end up in the river or sea.
Use a reusable cloth bag when you are shopping,
or choose cardboard boxes instead of plastic bags
whenever possible.Reuse plastic bags by taking
them back to the store,where they will be recycled
into items such as flower pots.
Use washing detergents which contain no phosphates,
to prevent excessive amounts of these entering
the drainage system.Also avoid excessive use
of chemical fertilisers as runoff from these into the
waterways cause algal blooms.
Never pour waste fats and oils down the sink,but
rather throw them out with other household
Always take a pick-up-bag when walking your
dog.Don't leave its droppings in the gutter or on
the footpath as they will wash into the drainage system
and contaminate the water.
Always place waste in the most appropriate place.
If there are no garbage cans,take it home with you.
Don't bury it in the ground or sand,as it will soon
be uncovered by animals,or peoples' feet.It is best
to reuse and recycle,

『拾』 关于乱扔垃圾的英语作文

1,what effects does littering have on the enviroment?

Litter can cause a whole range of problems for
everyone in the community. Litter discarded in
streets and parks can travel through the storm water
system to our bays and oceans, where it can cause
harm to wildlife.
-Litter costs money. Removing litter from the environment
costs everyone money.
-Litter is a threat to public health. Litter attracts
vermin and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Items
such as broken glass and syringes can be a health
hazard in public places.
-Litter can be a fire hazard. Accumulated litter and
carelessly discarded cigarette butts are potential fire
-Litter looks bad. Litter negatively affects the image
of places, especially tourist locations.
-Litter attracts litter. Litter sends out a message that
people do not care for the environment and that it is
acceptable to litter.
-Litter can harm or kill wildlife. Plastic litter can
choke or suffocate birds and marine life. Carelessly
discarded containers can trap small mammals.
-Litter harms our waterways. Organic matter, such
as dog poo, leaves and grass clippings, pollutes our

2,what do you think we should do to stop people from littering?

There are a number of simple ways to help prevent
Use garbage cans properly if provided. Make sure
your waste goes in the garbage can, not beside it.

Take your litter home when visiting parks and gardens.
Wind and animals scavenging in garbage cans
can often lead to littering in our parks.

Pick up garbage, do not flush it away. Sweep
paved areas and pick up all the garbage, rather than
hosing it down into gutters and drains. All the
garbage in gutters works its way into the water.

Pack a garbage free lunch with reusable plastic
containers and water bottles rather than bags and
drink boxes.

Never sweep grass, leaves or any other waste into
gutters as they degrade to form a rich nutrient
source for algal blooms. Never hose paths as it will
only wash your waste into the drainage system.

Wash cars on the grass, never on the road or hard
paths where it will wash detergents into the
drainage system.

Always dispose of unwanted chemicals responsibly,
never pour them into gutters or drains. Gas,
paints, thinners, pharmaceutical drugs, and garden
pesticides and herbicides are poisonous to wildlife.
Your local government can advise you of the best
way to dispose of these.

Prevent oil from leaking from your car as it could
end up in the river or sea.

Use a reusable cloth bag when you are shopping,
or choose cardboard boxes instead of plastic bags
whenever possible. Reuse plastic bags by taking
them back to the store, where they will be recycled
into items such as flower pots.

Use washing detergents which contain no phosphates,
to prevent excessive amounts of these entering
the drainage system. Also avoid excessive use
of chemical fertilisers as runoff from these into the
waterways cause algal blooms.

Never pour waste fats and oils down the sink, but
rather throw them out with other household

Always take a pick-up-bag when walking your
dog. Don't leave its droppings in the gutter or on
the footpath as they will wash into the drainage system
and contaminate the water.

Always place waste in the most appropriate place.
If there are no garbage cans, take it home with you.
Don't bury it in the ground or sand, as it will soon
be uncovered by animals, or peoples' feet. It is best
to reuse and recycle, never litter.


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