① 学雅思为出国做打算的读什么英文报纸呢
② 备考雅思阅读应当看什么报纸或杂志
③ 提高雅思写作能力可以阅读哪些英文报刊
除了参加培训班和学习有关雅思写作方面的书籍,笔者推荐以下国内出版的回英文报纸和答杂志作为平时的补充材料:《21世纪英文报》(21st Century)、《广州英文早报》(Guangzhou Morning Post)和《英语文摘》。
部分考生对笔者推荐国内出版的英文报刊杂志表示不解,他们认为国内出版的英文报纸杂志水平不及外国英文报刊高,阅读价值不大。不可否认,国内英文报刊的整体水平无法与外国英语报刊相提并论,这是很正常的事情,毕竟英语不是我们的母语。作为写作老师,我推荐上述报刊杂志的理由有以下几点:首先,上述报刊的文章内容和语言难度较贴近国内读者,且相当部分内容考生已经在中文报刊上看过,这样可以降低阅读难度,增强考生的自信心,激发阅读兴趣;其次,上述报刊的文章主要由国内英文记者撰写,虽然与native English writer的文章有一定差距,但比较而言,仍属上乘,值得广大考生认真学习,模仿度较高,不至于曲高和寡,打击考生的信心;第三,不少文章的内容与雅思写作和口语话题密切相关,考生可以从中积累相关论点论据和漂亮的表达
④ 雅思口语part1从什么时候开始读报纸
1.Do you often read newspapers?
read newspapers everyday, to get current affairs and learn more about the world.
2.Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?
I prefer reading newspapers. Cos newspapers can tell us what is happening in the real world, and spreading the advanced knowledge and ideology. By reading newspapers, we can simply move with the times.
3.What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?
I usually read sports newspapers. Cos sometimes I'm busy with my work and study, so I will miss the live matches on TV. But by reading sports newspaper, I can know the process and result of the games.
4.How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?
I got the habit of reading newspapers when I was in high school, 18 years old maybe. The library in my school had several kinds of newspapers and magazines so that as long as I had free time, I’d like to go to read some news about the latest political events, sports and fashion news.
5.Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?)
Yes, I feel that it’s very important for me and other people to know what happened in the domestic and international events.
6.Why do (you think) people read newspapers?
It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to read the political news because they are interested in what happens in the
7.domestic country and abroad, but maybe for others, they just care more about the sports and fashion events.
8.What different types of newspaper are there in China?
Local newspapers cover local news, stories, sales of various categories.National newspapers cover international and national news in business, politics and government policies.
9.Do you care about the news?
Yes, I do. I often use my weibo to read news. It's like a daily routine for me now.
10.Is the news important (to you)?
It's not as important as getting food every day, but learning what's going on in the world is fun to me. So I'd say it's like entertainment, I may not need it every day, but I need to have some at least every other day.
11.What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?
For young people in China, they like reading about celebrities and movie stars. While for elder people, they prefer reading domestic news and international news to learn more about current affairs.
12.Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news or international news? (Why?)
Well, if I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with reading domestic news because they are closer to home, and affects me more; whereas, you know, international news sometimes have nothing to do with my daily life, so I just read the headlines.
13.What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?
Well, I feel that newspaper agents always try to use the bold headings, attractive advertisements, and insights in the article to get the readers’ attention.
14.What influence do you think newspapers have on society?
Well, I guess that newspapers have a great influence on society. Newspapers keep them informed about economy, political activities, science, ecation. Besides, it gives a true and correct picture of the society, country. Moreover, they also help us to ecate people about their rights and ties.
15.Do you think the internet is a good way to get news?
Yes, getting news from internet is a regular source now because it’s very convenient for me to get news from internet such as mobile phone. The news apps in my mobile phone usually send me the most urgent notifications to me so it keeps me posted
16.What sections of the newspaper do you like reading?
I prefer economy news. Besides that, gossip news is also my favorite. I like to read it for relax.
17.Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?
It's latter. Watching TV to get news makes me feel relaxing and comfortable. It's like that someone reads out the content of news for you so that you don't need to think. Plus, TV has pictures and videos to help people get more details.
18.What news topics are your must interested in watching/reading about?
Well, recently, I won't miss one piece of news about flight MH370.1 don't believe that all the people on that plane had died. One of my classmates was on that plane. I hope that they can keep searching it.
19.How important do you think the new is?
Recently, I think it's the most important news, at least in China. There were 154 Chinese people on that plane. We are still keeping searching theplane in the Indian Ocean. I personally hope that we won't find anything coz I hope that they are safe in somewhere in the world .
⑤ 有没有雅思阅读的外刊
雅思阅读的文章一般都来源于国外的杂志报刊:New Scientist、The Economist、National Geographic等
⑥ 考雅思读点什么报刊杂志之类的好
⑦ 训练雅思的阅读可以看哪些相关的书籍、报纸
经济学人,或者时代周刊 如果对政治感兴趣的话就时代周刊,不然就经济学人、
⑧ 关于初学雅思看什么报刊、杂志
不知道你知不知道新奇雅思 我同学在那边上过 那个学校有很多国外的杂志,他们的学员都可以免费借来阅读,当时我那同学就经常借回来我们几个一起看
⑨ 请问什么英文报纸会对雅思的阅读有帮助 沈阳在哪里能买到
⑩ 初学雅思应该看什么报刊、杂志
积累词汇。在平时生活中,遇到新单词,最好养成立刻去查询和记忆版的习惯。建议准备权一本英汉双解词典,例如,牛津高阶英汉双解词典,除了知道单词的中文意思之外,尝试学习如何用英文解释一个生词。另外,我推荐给你一些课外读物和美剧:心灵鸡汤系列(全英文或中英对照),人性的弱点(英文版),美剧Glee, Nikita等。