『壹』 雅思介绍家乡的英语作文
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『贰』 一个英语作文雅思的求一篇范文
『叁』 求一篇雅思的英语作文
Should ecation and healthcare be free of charge and funded by the government, or should it be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services?
The improvement of the life level e to the economic development has led people to focus more on their spiritual life, with their ecation and healthcare inclusive, but who has to be responsible for the cost of ecation and healthcare has been raised onto heated discussion.
Health care and ecation, two of the basic elements in social life, are always in the concern of the public. Some people suggest that the service in these two fields should be paid by the government and be free to the public; while others believe it to be the ty of the people to pay on themselves. As to me, the coverage on ecation and healthcare should be made the ty of the government while leaving some special demands to be burdened by indivials.
Government free provision of ecation and healthcare can demonstrate their responsibility in serving the people. Having fulfilled their obligations to the country in the form of taxes, citizens have the right to enjoy the service in return from the government, with ecation and health care being the two basic ones. Also, as the ty carrier in promoting social development, by guaranteeing the right of ecation and health care, the government are enabled to encourage citizens to make more contributions to the society.
Government’s investment on these two fields is beneficial to ensure social equality. Being free of charge, every citizen can take advantage of these social services, without the worries about being treated unfairly e to their lack of social resources, such as their social status and human network. Besides, this will be helpful to rece the difference between the rich and the poor, at least in these two basic rights, creating a more harmonious social atmosphere.
Admittedly, if the citizens are wealthy enough, or when they demand some special service, or when the government is too limited in its budget, indivials’ sharing some of the cost may also seem to be reasonable. However, rare cases of particular requirements do not represent the general pursuits of the public, and limitation in budget does not free the government of its accountability.
To sum up, government should provide free ecation and healthcare to the public and pay the cost. Only when people are better ecated and healthier in physiques, can the society be more harmonious in atmosphere and dynamic in development.
『肆』 雅思英语作文
『伍』 100分悬赏,求大家帮我看看两篇雅思英语作文,一篇修改前,一篇修改后
你的优势:1, 能够清楚理解题目含义 ; 2, 有一定的逻辑性和良好的思维能力.
你的不足: 1, 应该重点练习并熟悉英文的语句结构,和词汇用法.虽然你有一定的单词量,但是你对他们的用法还不够熟练. 例如:你首段的第一句,就是一个没有主语的重句.还有第二段第一句中的"reap",用在这里不太恰当,因为"reap"的获得是作为努力的成果而获得的,用在这里似乎词不达意.
2, 觉得你的写作方式很原创,一看就知道是你写的.呵呵.因为我个人觉得你的好多话都是你个人临场发挥的.我的建议是你平时能够多读一些文章,熟悉各种词汇和语句的用法,再把你认为经典的收藏为己用.这样久而久之,你的写作自然就有突破.
3, 论证段的语句不要太复杂,尽量简单清晰.如果太复会有很做作的感觉,反而会对论点起到反作用.我看了你的那篇被改过的文章,就好很多.看起来比较顺畅,可读性强,不蹩脚,得6分绰绰有余.你可以将其与你写的进行对比,然后用心去体会他们之间的差别和不同,逐渐改变你的写作习惯.
总之, 写作是练出来的,即使像楼上两位仁兄辛苦的替你改完,不知道对你写作的真正作用会有多大呢,至少我看不到它的效果,(声明:词话绝无冒犯他们的意思). 另外送你一句话,切忌繁冗复杂,崇尚简单明快.因为你想要的毕竟只是 6分而已 - 希望你能取得真经 :)
『陆』 雅思英语作文2篇,要求每篇250字左右。
『柒』 求一篇雅思英语作文~~急用啊!280字左右。
The view of new technology taking place of the old ones.
The new will take the place of the old sooner or later,so in my eyes it is acceptable and normal that the new-born technology has superseded those old ones.In the field of media ,as a matter of fact,more and more people use E-mail instead of writting a letter.Also you could find that newspaper become less popular among the teenagers,they are more likely to surf the internet to get touch with the information around the world.And these days In China the government has already carried out the plan that replace the analog signals with digital signals for TV(模拟信号向数字信号转变).You could also find that more and more people are carrying their own laptops to work,and they just become smaller and faster.In a word, the whole world is moving toward a more advanced level,so it is to the technology.It is a rather good phenomena that more and more technologies are born in this world.So it is a unstoppable trend that the new take the place of the old.I think rather optimistic to this question.
『捌』 帮忙写个雅思英语作文提纲
1.开头。space travel 的确给人类抄带来了很多好处。然而有些人觉得这种研究对我们的日常生活没啥影响。对于我而言,我倾向于同意这种观点。
2.的确是big step,因为有很多bonus——1.了解月球环境,探索未来居住可能 2.探索其他能源
3.However,space travel to the moon的许多发现还处于研究阶段——1.要有practical uses还需要很长的时间和很多的钱。2.现在的daily life其实有很多更现实的问题比如高犯罪率和低就业率,在这些方面,这种太空探索其实没什么用处。
4.的确space travel to the moon对整个人类文明史有很大作用,但是对daily life作用不大。政府需要做些太空探索以造福子孙后代,但也需要出台一些政策解决现有问题。