Ⅰ 雅思英文作文(只需150字左右)。要求精辟,有深度。
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Who should be most responsible for children's ecation? Give your opinion and reasons for it. You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Sample Answer
It seems to me that there is a clear-cut answer to this question. Although in the early years of a child's life parents are the principal ecators, that role is soon assumed very largely by the child's teachers. Even elder brothers and sisters, who may give good advice, can never take the place of teachers in molding a child's mind.
First and foremost, teachers know best in terms of ecation. They are professional ecators, and as such they are better equipped with expertise in teaching. It is in schools, too, that children make friends and learn how to act in a socially responsible manner. Teachers know best how to organize, motivate and discipline their students. Furthermore, as children spend most of their time in schools, teachers have more influence on them than their parents do.
Parents, on the other hand, are mostly either too busy to spend time with their children, or are ignorant of the right way to ecate them. This is not to say that parents can shirk (refuse to take) their responsibility for ecating their children. Parenting is an important factor that shapes competency and character formation in children. Failure to take such responsibility constitutes delinquency as parents.
Nevertheless, given the professional qualifications of teachers and the time they spend with their students, it is clear that the overwhelming burden of ecating children falls upon the shoulders of teachers.
Ⅱ 都是图表作文,考研英语2的大作文和雅思作文的难度相差大么
Ⅲ 求一篇英语雅思作文
如: the amount of advertising on TV be increased or decreased?
Nowadays many people discuss whether we need …or not.
Now whether…. has become a very hot debate in society.
As far as this topic is concerned, different people have different opinions. Some people think that ……Others believe that …... I think both views have their reasons.
Recently the ... has been brought into focus ... Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures.
一个paragraph一个idea;避免过多examples, esp personal examples.;段落间的平衡
避免idioms, famous sayings
避免poetic language
Explain your point…then explain it again in a different way
Use “a mix of longer and short sentences”
Ⅳ 雅思作文 雅思作文 英语
Youth is not a time of life
Ⅳ 急求一篇大学(雅思)英语作文!280字左右的!
Technology emerged as soon as human race came into this world and began to fight for surviving. In the early stage, technology served as the implements for human beings to conquer the nature. In the process of struggling against all the menaces of the nature, our ancestors have generalized and accumulated all sorts of experience, and also created a series of technology in order to help the descendents to adapt the environment. This circumstance has been continued until the technology that accumulated by human race are powerful enough to overcome most of the threats of the nature. Then the twofold use of technology began to appear. On the one hand, the technology has made the dominators possible to strive for convenient and luxurious life. On the other hand, the governors also use it to quash the rebellions and exploit their people, even sometime, to fight with other nations. With the advent of the Instrial Revolution, technology began to contribute to the majority of human beings. The great improvement of modern technology has eventually increased the efficiency of people’ life, and also makes it possible for most indivials to possess a large amount of leisure time.
In today's rapid changing society, it is hard to allege that the increasing of people's efficiency and hence enable most of people have more leisure time are the primary goal of technological advancement. As is so often pointed out, modern technology make the relationship between people become more impersonal and aloof. The early initiative handicraft has been replaced by assembly line of machinery, and the works' jobs are always unutterably boring. The bargaining between people also gives its ways to the high efficient trade in the supermarket. So, spectacles above are the primary goal of the modern technology, it bound to raise many persons' unsatisfactory.
Ⅵ 推荐一本英语雅思作文书
Ⅶ 雅思英语大作文11.08.25,求一篇6分左右的范文,谢谢
思写作参考书,我选哪本 在雅思考试当中最让人头疼的可能就是写作了,见过太多的从4.5到5.5挣扎很多次却依然距离6分很遥远的同学,惋惜之余,也在想什么原因导致了这些同学的悲催现状呢。 辅导资料我们并不缺,市面上各种写作指导不下30种。写作理论体系也不缺,什么单边式,双边式,让步式,不一而足。对于一个7分的文章应该是什 么样,大家也是各说各的。虽然有我们有统一的评分标准的指导,但是什么人的解读最有效呢?聪明的同学已经猜到了,当然是雅思考官。考官的标准才是我们唯一 需要遵循的标准。而考官的标准去哪里找呢?毫无疑问,答案在剑桥雅思真题的范文。 我们现在用的最多的复习资料就是剑桥雅思的真题。大作文写作有一个明显的特点,那就是虽然话题多样,提问形式多变,但是常考的话题也就那么几个,从剑桥4-到剑桥8,包括A类和G类文章在内,共有30个题目,基本涉及到了过半数的雅思写作话题了。对于小作文,常见的四种图形--线图,饼图,柱图,饼图--以及两种不常见的图形--地图和流程图--每一种类型在剑桥真题当中都有所涉及。 因而,同学们再准备写作的过程当中首先要做的就是要将剑桥真题当真的9分考官范文做到熟读成诵,熟悉其写作
Ⅷ 求大神解答,英语雅思大作文啊啊
The choice of single or several careers
What is known to us all that to have several careers or ways of earning money will be a new fashion. Opinions vary from person to person.
However I had to admit that it's a new fashion indeed. There's no need to drift with the current in the meantime. That's to say, the styles of making money are various: having a single career, or having several careers. The choose is up to yourself or your character even personal preference.
It seems to me that the person who was concentrated and modest is suitable for having a single career. He will be a nine-to-fiver. Maybe he just need a decent job and just because of the stability and satisfaction. But we're also clear that most of them are quite low in creative proctivity. This is in contrast to who choose the various ways to obtain employment. They always hunt for creative work to realize the value of life even to make choice to have several careers. Most dreams to display their talent and gain a sense of self-gratification. So no matter what happen to them is all possible. They also have a common characteristics which set a stage for their career is that they never stop trying and never give up.
As far as I'm concerned, I prefer to have a single career to realize my dream. My personality are more conservative and never do things by halves. So if I picked a career I will hold on to the last just like I choose a life partner. However, no matter you choose to a single career or several careers ,just keep holding on and you will be sucessful!
Ⅸ 英语作文,要求使用高级句式,高端词汇(雅思水平)不要高考范文那种低水平的,限时明天中午,感谢
Ⅹ 英语雅思大作文求提纲