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发布时间: 2021-03-06 07:48:11


到目前为止, 剑桥雅思共有1-12册,按出版时间命名,一般简称为剑1,剑2....剑10,剑11,剑12。在备回考雅思的过答程中,最重要的一个环节就是做剑桥雅思的真题。真题可以充分模拟雅思考试的难度并让大家熟悉出题的思路,所以考雅思的同学几乎每个人都有几本真题。《剑12》https://www.douban.com/group/topic/104272766/是最接近现在雅思考试难度的真题集,刷题是一方面,但是大家也要打好英语的基础才能得高分。

❷ 雅思写作流程图该怎么写

朗阁名师提醒考生:写好雅思写作流程图,需要注意以下五个方面 一、时态相对单一,主要用一般现在时。 二、经常使用被动语态,显得比较客观和正式。 三、找出流程图的始末点,并划分中间的步骤或阶段。 四、掌握表示“顺序”的连接词(Sequencing Words),用来说明过程的各个步骤和先后顺序。 重点掌握以下几个词。例如,表示过程用"process" 或"procere",过程的各个阶段和步骤可以用"stage"或"step"来描述。在谈到第一个步骤时可以用连接词"At first"、"To begin with"、"In the first stage"等引出。在进入中间的步骤时可以用"Then"、"Next"、"After that"或"The second stage"等,最后一个步骤可以用"Finally"、"Lastly"或"The final stage"。当然,如果有一些平行的步骤也可以用"At the same time"、"Meanwhile"等来引出。 五、对于题目里出现的专业词汇或生词,不认识也没关系,只需照抄即可。 简单地说, 雅思写作流程图的本质其实就是要求学生将图中出现的文字信息用连贯的语言串起来,不需要过多地发挥。 朗阁名师建议同学们考前可以多看几篇流程图作文的范文,例如剑4-剑9以及机经里的流程图例子等等。只要熟悉流程图的特点和写作方法,真正做到有备而来,那么流程图作文对你来说将会是小菜一碟。

❸ 雅思写作流程图到底应该怎么写

1. 图详细+注解详细
1). “名词动用”,如果原图给出了某个词的名词形式,在你的作文中可以将其转变成该词的动词形式。同理,形容词可以换成副词(通常在该形容词后加-ly),副词变成形容词。比如剑桥真题6 Test 3的范文中:原图第二个步骤中的“food”, 作者改成了动词“feed”。
2). 根据“下义词”,找出其“上义词”,比如说“furnace”(熔炉)在“玻璃瓶的回收”之类的流程图中都会出现,我们称之为“下义词”(即含义较具体),而其“上义词”(即概括性较强的表达)可以是“a container”。
2. 图详细+注解简略
这种情况要求考生把图片中出现的、而注解中表述比较简略而省掉的信息运用考生会的表达方式补充出来,尤其注意动词的使用。比如:“玻璃瓶的回收”这一流程中有个步骤是把碎玻璃倒进熔炉里面将其融化,图片画得较详细:一个椭圆形的鼎样容器,上面画的温度计显示融化玻璃的具体温度数值,燃料是用木炭还是煤炭还是天然气……但下面的注解可能只有三个单词:the melting process。显然,我们不可能只用这三个单词描述这一步骤,原因很简单,即考生都熟悉的一个悲剧——图描述完了,字数没写够!遇到这种情况,建议考生用自己的话把图表信息补充完整。
3. 图简略+注解更简略
同样还是以“玻璃瓶的回收”流程为例,其中一个步骤是玻璃瓶被重塑成新瓶子、并注入相应液体产品后,被卡车送到超市,消费者购买并使用。该步骤在原图中只出现了两个名词——“supermarket”和“customers”。实战中有相当数量的考生只用一句话说完了这个步骤(比如:These bottles are transported by trucks to supermarkets, and then they would be bought by consumers.)。这种写法与上面的写法后果是一样的——字数必然不够。笔者建议考生,这类图出现时,首先需要大家根据生活常识脑补出缺失的信息,然后再进行写作。此题目中,正常逻辑如下:
卡车送货到超市——> 工作人员卸货——> 货物被送到仓库——> 员工将货物摆到货架上——>消费者购买

❹ 雅思流程图一般一年考几次

流程图的几率大约是一年4到6次吧 分布应该在上半年2次或上次可能 下半版年一般大约是2次左右 9月份出权流程图的几率是很大的哦 今年6月18日考试流程图 4月25日流程图 我记得3月考过一次 一般往年9月份和12月份考流程图的几率比较大

❺ 雅思小作文之流程图应该怎么描述

Task:The process of Australian Bureau of Meteorology collecting up-to-the-minute information on the weather in order to proce reliable forecasts.
1. 需要看懂图形之间的顺序,并找到流程的起点和终点。如:Incoming Information→Analysis Forecasting→Preparing The broadcast→Broadcast)
2. 需要理解图形之间的因果关系。如:卫星收集信息为因,卫星图片能被绘制为果)
3. 原则上,所有图片及其图片信息都需要被描述,尽量不要忽略图形。
4. 在文字上,由于是进行客观描述,需要采用大量的被动句式和定语从句。
5. 为了突出顺序性,需要采用大量的连接词进行辅助说明,如At first, Secondly, then, next, after that, finally等。
The flowing chart illustrates the process which is used to collect up-to-the-minute information on the weather by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
4 sequential stages should be required for forecast broadcasting, including information collecting, analysis and forecasting, computer-based preparing and broadcasting to the public.
Firstly, there is an all-around monitoring system based on 3 types of incoming information receivers, namelysatellite in space, Radar on land and Drifting buoy in ocean, all of which ensure a high-level integrity of data sources, geographically.
In phase two, for the purpose of analysis and forecasting, the original data is converted into visible patterns. Specifically, visual satellite photos can be obtained, figures can also be presented in radar screen, and synoptic charts can be drawn by the cooperation of radars and drifting buoys.
The next stage involves computer, which serves to make the preparation for broadcasting by synthesizing and processing the graphic information mentioned above.
At last, weather-forecast results are delivered into the public through different media, from Television to Radio to recorded telephone announcement.

❻ 怎么写雅思流程图啊在线等啊亲,各种大神求救啊我明天考试。。。



❼ 雅思题型汇总及技巧: 如何写好流程图

一、流程图写作特点及写作要点:很多同学对流程图产生了十分恐惧的心理,一旦考到流程图就会抱怨自己的运气有多糟糕。但事实上,只要把握流程图写作的几大要领,流程图将不再可怕。以下,写作组的专家总结了流程图写作的几个要点供考生参考:1. 找到流程图的过程,起点,终点。2. 找到图上标出的已知动作,如果出现生词,尽量猜测。无词,用自己的语言。3. 按照步骤,分段描述,千万不能省略任何一步。4. 切记!加入流畅合理的表示顺序的关联词。5. 句型以主动为主,搭配被动,以及主语从句(例如:It can be seen from the graph that…)。6. 时态要使用一般现在时。例文分析:【高分范文及深度点评】The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate.(所有的小作文第一句话都要用一般现在时。流程图必备三个词:process整个过程;stage阶段;step步骤)Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of South America, Africa and Indonesia.(开头不能一上来就直接介绍cacao tree,而是通过主题词chocolate引出,否则显得太唐突)【流程图特点之一:介绍过程要使用一般现在时】【流程图特点之二:大量使用定语从句,将有关联的两句话连接。】【流程图特点之三:大量使用被动语态】The tree proces large red pods which contain white cocoa beans.【流程图特点之四:使用一些表示顺序的连接词】when the pods are ripe, they are harvested, the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days in large wooden boxes.(三个句子的并列:“句子A,句子B and 句子C”。)During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown.【流程图特点之五:要适当地添加个别图中没有交代但能从图片中直接读出来的一些内容,否则可能达不到字数要求。但是一定要把握尺度,千万不要加上自己的主观观点,否则会扣分】Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius.After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is not needed for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is proced.【流程图特点之六:一般不需要写总结】【满分范文】The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building instry can be outlined in seven consecutive steps. First the raw material, clay, which was just below the surface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be g up by a digger.Then the lumps of clay are placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whose motion further segregates the bits of clay. Sand and water are added to make a homogenous mixture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut into brick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, several dozens if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are then transferred to a so-called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. First they are kept at a moderate temperature of 200 ℃ -1300 ℃. This process is followed by cooling down the finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber.Once the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final destination, be it a building site or storage.(215 words)【考官评语】Band 9This response fully satisfies the requirements of the task. All key features of each stage of the process are appropriately and accurately presented. An excellent overview is given at the beginning of the response and this skilfully incorporates part of the rubric, changing the grammatical function, to give a brief summary of the whole process. The message is very easy to read, with seamless cohesion that attracts no attention. Paragraphing, linking and referencing are all skilfully managed. The language used is very fluent and sophisticated. A wide range of vocabulary and structures are used with full flexibility and accuracy. Only rare minor ‘slips’ can be found and these do not detract from the high rating.二、雅思流程图的重点词汇解析:表述时间:in 10 daysring the period of 10 daysThe process lasts for up to 10 daysafter 10 days10 days passed until something happened.表示然后:then, next, in the next state, following that, after that, the next step in the stage is ....表示过程:process, procere, formation, development表示步骤:step, stage, phase时间阶段:after a period of …months/days/minutes, ring…顺序连词:first, first of all, in the first stage, initially, to begin withsecond, then, next, alsoafter that, at the same time, in the meantime, meanwhileprior to, untilthe first stage involves … / in the second stage / in the third stage /in the last stage / The next step in the stage is that…目的连词:in order to / in order that; so as to / so that常见动词:proce生产,lay放置,accumulate积累,gather/collect收集,obtain获得,heat up加热,expand膨胀,bend弯曲,turn off关闭,cool down冷却,disconnect断开连接,spin旋转/纺,strike打击, compress压缩,release释放, expand膨胀, move/flow流动, accelerate加速, form形成, press按压, adjust调整, absorb吸收, form形成, process加工, rotate旋转, chop坎, grind磨(碎)/碾(碎),light点燃, burn燃烧, ignite点燃, reflect反光,turn转,starts开始, stops结束,records录音, turns up调高, turns down调低,winds缠绕, unwinds解开,revolves旋转,fold折叠,unfold打开,reverse颠倒/倒转,adapt适应,adjust调整,alter改变,cure治愈,disappear消失,dissolve溶化/解散,exchange交换,expand扩张/膨胀,fade退色,increase增长,promote促进/升职, rece减少,renew使更新/使恢复,renovate革新/更新/修复,replace取代,swell肿胀,switch改变,transform完全改变,vary改变,swap交换,shrink收缩,melt溶解,heal/cure治愈,form/come into being/take shape形成,proce生产,gain/get/acquire获取,evaporate蒸发,volatilize挥发,draw提取,recycle回收,extract拔,absorb吸收,collect收集,meet相遇,be made up of由...组成, be made of由...制成,be made from由…制成, feed on以...为食,depend on/rely on依赖,release/send out释放,sort分类,separate分开,conveyed运送,cut into切成,poured into倒入,heated加热,melted into融化成,flows into流入相关新闻:雅思图表作文常用词整理雅思写作辅导:学习外语写作的三个步骤雅思写作辅导:英文写作的7个注意事项(下)雅思写作辅导:英文写作的7个注意事项(上)雅思小作文开头段和中间段的经典句型模板

❽ 雅思流程图写作怎么写


❾ 流程图雅思 雅思考试都考什么流程图

雅思满分是9分,抄最低分是0分。 其实各个国家和各个学校对雅思的要求都是不同的,像去读澳大利亚,就必须要考雅思,最少要考到5.5分,这是留学这个国家的规定。而像英国或其他国家就不是这么严格。英国的有些大学不一定都需要雅思成绩的

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