① 谁会写“中学生出国留学的利弊”的英语作文
我会写,这个题目太像雅思的大作文了,四段式,第一段提出最近内形势,第二段写有容利方面 两个分论点三个论据,第三段写不利方面,两个分论点,两个论据,第四段,总结提出自己观点和意见方案。很简单。我给你写到雅思6.5的水平,用电脑打字时间长些,大概需要50到60分钟。至少给200分
② 为什么要移民澳大利亚 英语作文
thought to migrate to Australia do? Many successful people choose to emigrate.
It is to go abroad.
Looking for new opportunities.
In order to more success. But some people want to change the living law.
A change of scenery.
Seek more freedom. Australian passport without a visa one hundred thirty countries. Although China's living standards improved.
But now you want to travel.
Visa is not right to take. This is also an important reason they want immigration. A third aspect.
There are also some people.
For children.
If you are studying.
Tens of thousands a year tuition would. If the immigrant success.
From high school to college kids to school with the locals can enjoy the same free ecation benefits. My customer service.
Based on this idea a lot of people. Whether you are looking for better opportunities.
Or to train their children.
Immigrants seeking free life.
An effective way to achieve greater success. Immigration Australia can be three kinds of people: the first one is the easiest to study abroad.
Australia finished his degree.
According to Australia's current policy.
It can allow them to stay in Australia.
It is they rely on their own conditions of migrants. The second is the intellectuals.
College graates. More than three years of work experience.
Have a good foundation in English.
English IELTS score of at least the fifth and sixth.
To achieve comprehensive immigration approve score (current 120 minutes). The third is a successful entrepreneur immigrants.
But money can not immigrants.
It depends on whether he has a business background.
They have their own assets.
There is also a management background. Welfare system in Australia: Australia is one of the first countries to implement social welfare system in the world.
As early as 1910 the Social Security system has started to build.
Australia is also one of the best countries in the world on social welfare.
Now you can enjoy free medical care and parental allowances and other benefits to the port after new immigrants.
取得更大成功的一个有效途径。 三种人可以移民澳洲: 第一种是最简单的出国留学。
这是他们靠自己的自身条件移民的。 第二种是知识分子。
能达到移民综合批准分数(现行120分)。 第三种是成功企业家移民。
还有一个管理背景。 澳大利亚的福利制度:澳大利亚是世界上实行社会福利制度最早的国家之一。
③ 雅思写作范文:出国学习的利弊,何时是最佳年龄
④ 移民类的雅思写作考哪些题目
⑤ 雅思写作移民类请求/求助信写法
1、阐述自己的打算以及需要帮助的理由(explain what you are going to do and why you need help);
2、阐述自己需要哪方面的帮助(say what you want him/her to do for you);
3、表达谢意(express your gratitude)。
(20081206) You are away on holiday for several weeks and then hope that one of your friends will look after your home. Write to him/her and in your letter,
lexplain why you need help
lshow where the key is
lexplain what do you expect him/her to do when you are away
该话题要求考生写一封请求信,收信人为自己朋友(属于非正式的文体),主要有三项任务(解释需要帮助的原因;讲明钥匙所在;解释自己不在时需要朋友做什么),需要在主体部分(Main Parts)完成。
Dear Catherine,(称呼)
I wonder if you could spare some time attending to my home while I am away for my annual paid holiday.(写信目的介绍段)
The holiday, as scheled from April 3rd to May 1st,will last around 4 weeks. This thus means that I cannot return until May 2nd, and that is why your timely help is of great significance to me.(任务一:explain why you need help)
Keys to my door are available if you drop in at my company on your way home after work and ask the beautiful slim receptionist called Serena for them.(任务二:where the key is)
When I am on my holiday, you have to take the trouble to feed and walk my German Shepherd "Rain" on a daily basis. Besides, you are expected to water the 3 plants at the backyard at regular intervals. After fulfilling these tasks, if time permitting, please pick up my letters, water/gas/electricity bills and my subscribed newspaper "Financial Times" and then put them into the top drawer of the desk in my bedroom. All these tasks are for certain to lay you a huge burden.(任务三:what do you expect him and what do you expect him/her to do when you are away.)
I would be greatly grateful to you if you could lend me a helping hand at such a critical time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.(结尾段:表达谢意,请求回复)
Best wishes
Helen Y.(落款签名)
You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should
(1) describe the item of clothing;
(2) point which place it would be;
(3) tell the manager what you want him/her to do if find out the item of clothing.
You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should
(1) describe the item of clothing;
(2) point which place it would be;
(3) tell?the?manager?what?you?want?him/her?to?do?if?find?out?the?item?of?clothing.?
You rent an accommodation for a week and you found that there were problems with the accommodation. Write a letter to the owner and inform him or her:
(1) what the problems were;
(2) describe consequences of the problems;
(3) what actions would you want the owner to take to solve the issue.
You have written an article to a magazine about your job, and ask your manager to make some comments on it.
(1) explain why you wrote the article
(2) What have you written
(3) What you would like your manager to comment.
You are going to travel for a week. Write a letter to your neighbour and ask him to take care of your house when you leave. In your letter, you should tell:
(1) what you are going to do;
(2) what you want him to do for you;
(3) what he should do if something happens.
⑥ 备考雅思:task2的利弊类作文到底应该怎么写
说到雅思写作利弊类话题大家的第一反应就是典型的考试指令“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”或者是“Is it a positive or negative development?” 这种特别直接的提问方式是有助于我们快速定位到题目的答题要领的,但是殊不知在其他的提问方式中,其实也隐藏了很多利弊类的题目。我们先给大家呈现几道相关的题目。
1. More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?
2. News media have become more influential in our life. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. Some people think robots are important to our society, while others believe they are dangerous and have negative effects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
仔细把题目读完之后,我们就会发现其实无论怎么出题,核心内容就是针对某一个特殊主题讨论利弊。但是文章的答题要点是不一样的,第一题是典型的偏向性作文;第二题可以有偏向,也可以中立,甚至也可以一边倒;第三题是权衡的写法(类似于中立)。不管怎么说,我们首要的还是要会读题。本文中,笔者将和大家一起来探讨典型的利弊类作文“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”的写作技巧,希望能给各位考生在后期的备考中有一些帮助。
1. 利弊类作文的词汇储备
a. 优点常用词汇:advantages, positive effects, benefit, merit, important, effective, pro
常用短语:be helpful/useful to; make contributions to; play a key role in; have profound/far-reaching effects on
b. 缺点常用词汇:disadvantages, demerits, negative effects, con, defects
常用短语:cause problems; be harmful to; be detrimental to; pose a threat to; pose a risk to
2. 利弊类作文的段落书写
More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?
a. 题目关键词
1). urban areas这个词很多考生在读题的时候容易把它忽略不看,这是一种错误的读题方法,因为这类词是典型的地点限制词,会对题目的论点把控起到一定的提示作用。它的同义替换词可以是city center或者是downtown, 它的反义词是rural areas, outskirts或者是countryside。
2). security measures或者是anti-crime measures是这道题目的核心词汇,要拿下这一道题目,我们就得进行一定的头脑风暴,想出有哪些常见的安全性措施,例如监控(monitoring systems), 安检(security check), 警察巡逻(police patrols)等。
b. 考试指令的分析
显性的利弊类话题最典型的提问方式就是“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” 这种题目的解题技巧就在于怎么把“outweigh”这个词在文章中具体地体现出来。它的一些同义表达有greater, more than, exceed等。对于这种提问方式,我们一般给出如下建议。
1). 首先我们需要做的就是在文章的比例方面要有一定的侧重性体现。一般如果认为优点大于缺点的时候,那我们在优点这个段落上的字数建议要100字左右,用2-3个论点来支持。而对于缺点来讲,就可以少写一点,字数建议在80字左右,用1-2个论点来支撑中心句。
2). 除了文章长短之外,还有要注意到的就是语气问题。同样的如果认为优点大于缺点的,那我们在表达优点的时候就要使用比较坚定的态度或词汇(should, be supposed to, ought to), 而在表达缺点的时候,语气适当可以放弱(may, might)或者给出一些可行的建议来弱化它的缺点。
c. 段落示范
1). 先是开头部分
In my opinion, the positive effects are greater than the negative ones.
I think there are more advantages than disadvantages.
From my perspective, although there are some drawbacks, the influence can also be beneficial in many cases.
总结一下,上面三句话的核心意思就是想告诉大家碰到利大于弊这种类型的题目,一定要在开头观点部分把它表达清楚,千万不能有模棱两可的情况,不然task response这一块分数就会减少。
2). 当开头基本明确要求之后,就要开始主体段的写作了。正如之前分析的,主体段分为两段,优点和缺点各一段就可以了。先来回忆一下一个段落是由中心句加上几个论点的形式构成的,论点一般推荐2个。
1). 先来写好处的中心句
学生句子:Indeed, having security measures has many advantages for local citizens. (10 words)
教师句子:It is obvious that the installation of security measures in buildings and on streets is an effective means of local citizens’ safety. (22 words)
句子评价:这个句子出彩的地方在于其词汇的多样使用,例如installation这个词,动词变名词的用法在作文中的使用频率还是比较高的。另外an effective means这个短语搭配也不错,是学生句子中的advantages的另外一个表达。使用in buildings and on streets这个介词短语来修饰句子可以更好地和之前头脑风暴中的点相结合,体现内容的充实性。
2). body 1论点的论证(好处段)
a. 室内的措施---监控---起到震慑和提醒作用(与中心句中的in buildings形成一致)
For example, 24-hour surveillance cameras can remind(语气相对比较坚定) the would-be criminals that they have no chance to escape from the supervising(监管) of the police. Therefore, this kind of deterrent(震慑) makes those potential lawbreakers give up evil intension(罪恶念头).(典型的举例论证,37 words)
b. 室外的措施---警察巡逻---能够及时抓住罪犯(与中心句中的on street形成一致)
Meanwhile, the frequency of police patrols(警察巡逻) can stop illegal activities(违法行为), such as thefts and robberies, thus recing the crime rate in open space directly and providing a safe living environment for local citizens. (典型的举例论证,33 words)
3). body 2论点的论证(缺点段)
段落示范:However, what we have to bear in mind is that there are also some negative effects when taking too many security measures in large city centers.(缺点中心句) One of the most worrying effects(重点讲一个方面即可) is that these anti-crime devices may increase(语气词弱化) the fear of crime and people’s freedom and privacy would be restricted or even invaded e to the surveillance cameras installed in many public places. All these may have a detrimental effect on people’s quality of life. (76 words)
4). 结尾段的写法
⑦ 雅思移民类G类和学术类A类写作究竟有什么不同
雅思考试分为学术类(Academic Mole)和普通培训类(General Training Mole)两种。两种类型的听力和口语两部分采用同一试卷,阅读和写作两部分采用不同的试卷,学术类试题比普通培训类试题的难度略高。
考试目的:首先二者之间的考试目的不同。A类(Academic)就是学术类,主要用于留学。G类(General Training)就是培训类,主要用于移民。由于考试的目的不同,考试题型,考试形式上都有略微差异,大家一起接着往下看。
⑧ 求雅思英语作文
If you wanna talk about playground legends, the conversation begins right there. Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell is the legend. You can hear all the stories in the world, but you'll never believe it until you see it. He's done inhuman stuff, unreal stuff.
was by far the best player to come out of Oakland. Demetrius Hook Mitchell is the Bay's most notorious legend. Every cat with at least minimal knowledge of playground ball has a Hook Mitchell story. The tales of his leaping ability are common place. Jumping over cars, bikes and people wasn't no thing to Hook. Before his descent into narcotics hell, Hook was nothing but heavenly. If he'd just kept his head straight, he'd be in the league right now, dominating.
Unfortunately, Hook lives in a prison cell now and in other folks' memories.
Several NBA stars who also grew up in Oakland, including Gary Payton, Jason Kidd, Antonio Davis, Drew Gooden, and Brian Shaw, all of whom played with Mitchell on the streets, and were astonished by his skills, but were unable to help him avoid his sorry fate. They describe his unstable home life and the longing for community that drove him to the streets. Mitchell himself is shown playing prison league games, and is surprisingly still able to play above the rim.
His story, like others, was written on courts between the West and East Bay.
⑨ 求一篇雅思范文 出国留学的利弊
⑩ 雅思写作medical care 的好处和坏处
Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and ecation of its citizens, to what extent to you agree or disagree? 有人认为政府应该给公民的教育和医疗买单, 你是否同意这个观点?
Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and ecation of its citizens, but other people say that it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss the two opinions and give your views. 有人认为政府应该给公民的教育和医疗买单,有人认为这不是政府的责任,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?
1. 公民是纳税人,有享受教育和医疗的权利。政府是人民利益的代表,普及免费的教育和医疗可以换利于民。
2. 教育的发展可以培养更多的高端人才,提高国民的基本素质,增强一个国家在国际舞台的竞争力。
3. 政府的医疗上的援助可以使得很多患病的,同时来自贫困家庭的人得到及时的治疗,这有助于提高政府的威信,以及增强民众的民族自豪感。
1. 政府的财政有限,但是,要解决的民生问题是无穷的, 完全的教育医疗买单会增加政府的经济压力。
2. 对比给教育和医疗买单,政府还要解决更重要的民生问题,例如改善环境和加强基础设施建设,这些更加需要政府经济援助。
1. free higher ecation = free college ecation n免费的高等教育
2. medical care = medical treatment n 医疗
3. popularize v 普及
4. subsidize = sponsor = finance v 提供经济援助
5. provide sb with financial aid v给某人提供经济援助
6. to do sth is highly recommended 做…… 是被高度推荐的
7. it t is the unshakable obligation of the government to do sth 做…… 是政府不可推卸的责任
8. enjoy the basic right of 享受……的基本权利
9. properly allocate the ecational and medical budget 合理地分配教育和医疗预算
10. Advanced ecation is the key factor in promoting the basic quality of a nation’s population 先进的教育是提高国民的基本素质的关键因素。
11. Free medical care provided by the government should be deemed as a returned favor. 政府提供的免费医疗是还利于民的一种方式。
12. …… enable those top students coming from humble background or remote rural areas to receive fine ecation v …… 使得来自贫寒家庭背景或者偏远山区的优秀学生有机会接受精英教育
13. help those ambitious but underprivileged young people to change their fates v帮助那些有梦想但是贫困的年轻人改变人生命运
14. Every indivial could become the beneficiary of a good ecation 任何人都可以成为良好教育的受益者。
15. inject new life into the further development and mightiness of a nation v给国家的进一步发展和强大注入新鲜活力
16. Ecation is the price force of the proctivity 教育是生产力发展的驱动力。
17. Free ecation could cultivate more responsible and law-abiding citizens 免费教育可以培养更多有社会责任感,有守法意识的公民。
18. …… will impose much pressure upon a nation economically v增加了国家的经济负担
19. The government has more pressing social problems that need to render more concerns over 政府还有更多紧迫的民生问题需要优先考虑。
20. to optimize the environment or to strengthen the construction of infrastructure v去改善环境或者加强基础设施建设。