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发布时间: 2021-03-08 18:01:41


A good friend is one who can help you when you are in trouble. A good friend is one who can laugh with you and cry with you together. A good friends is one who can say no when you do wrong. A good friend is one who can help you in many ways, such as working, studying, life and so on. Everyone needs good friends. With good friends, our life becomes happier and we can live longer.

Ⅱ 用英语尽可能描述一个小孩 describe a child you know 雅思 用完整的句子

The child who I know is very smart and naughty.When I first see him or her ,I realize that he or her must be very clever.Everybody who meet him or her will like him or her very much.

Ⅲ 雅思口语 描述一种颜色,英语的

其实想要有好的英语学习效果,最关键就是外教水平 最好欧美母语 口语纯正很重要 多听一下,比较后就能了解差别,要避开便宜的介格陷阱,不要学奇怪口音 我想英语不是一朝一夕就能学好的 要靠自己平时的多说多练来积累的!找英语学习中心也是可以啦,我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天卞欧美外教口语还行,亲自去体验下吧!我觉得口语这种东西很主观的,这种题目要是只说法律的话,分不会很高很高的,除非专业词汇很到位,非常流利。因为考官也是普通人么,跟他吹牛吹的他觉得有意思,他开心了,分自然就高了。法律这种题目吧,我觉得LZ可以说一个什么法律,然后跟自己身边的小故事结合(故事可以自己编的)。我刚刚有查了一下,什么法律条例最近有通过,看到一个大学生生育权,应该是前几年通过的,这个里学生比较贴近嘛~切题挺重要,但用不着完全切题,因为有的时候切题了,说的就没有意思了。记住,只要老外开心,你说什么都行。然后LZ可以编一个小故事,有关这个大学生生育权的,(胡吹乱吹一番就好)说前几年LZ有个学校非常好的朋友,在大学里刚满了年龄就结了婚,怀了孕却遭到反对不给生,因为大学生当时没有生育权。LZ觉得非常气愤,大学生应该有生育权的,于是对这个大学生的生育权非常关注,发现之后很快大学生现在也享有生育权。LZ我只是现编了一个,就是雅思口语Part就是这么个套路,什么题目都可以照着这个套路来的,关于法律这个题目,你可以在再斟酌一下,我只是随便编了一个。但是这个套路觉对好用的。当年我1岁的时候考了两次雅思,口语一次分一次.。讲的都是跟题目没关系的但是很有意思很邪门的事,最后把老外弄的很开心~还有问题我啦,求分了LZ~~~

Ⅳ 我急需一篇雅思口语的动物类英语范文:猫(是我家的宠物,主要写它的可爱处) 1000字左右


How to Communicate With Your Cat
Scientists have discovered that cats have developed an elaborate communication system with hundreds of vocalizations to tell humans what they want.[1] They know that we are in charge, so it makes sense for the cat to learn to communicate vocally, and to make sure that we understand what they are saying. Cats can also learn to understand what we want them to do by our repetition of words or actions in a consistent manner.[2] In this way, we are able to communicate with cats in a dialogue that takes time and effort to develop but is very rewarding for both.
[edit] StepsRemember that vocalizing is generally not your cat's preferred mode of communication. A cat's "first language" consists of a complex system of scent, facial expression, complex body language, and touch whereas we humans communicate primarily through sound. Cats soon realize that we don't understand the non-verbal signals they send to each other, so they vocalize in an attempt to communicate in our language. By observing which sounds elicit which actions from us, a cat is always learning how to make requests (or demands).[3]
Listen to your cat. If you watch what your cat is doing when it meows, you may learn to distinguish which meows are associated with which requests (or protests) and eventually know the difference between a "let me out" demand and a "give me food" demand by sound alone.[4] Each cat is different and may have its own variations, but some common meows can include:

Short meow - standard greeting.
Multiple meows - excited greeting.
Mid-pitch meow - plea for something.
Drawn-out mrrroooow - a demand for something.
Low pitch MRRRooooowww - a complaint
High-pitch RRRROWW! - anger or pain.
Chatter (rapid teeth-chattering jaw movements) - excitement, frustration (e.g. when prey is out of reach or escapes)
Chirrup (Also called "chirring", a cross between a meow and a purr with rising inflection) - friendly greeting sound, often used by a mother cat to call to her kittens.
Purr - invites close contact or attention
Watch your cat. Since cats are more "fluent" in body language, certain gestures will accompany vocalizations to reinforce their message.

tail straight up - happy
tail twitching - excited or anxious
slowly blinking eyes - affection, equivalent of "blowing a kiss"

sustained eye contact is interpreted as being assertive or even aggressive and makes cats uncomfortable; slow blinking communicates trust[5]
wet nose "kiss" - an affectionate gesture when the cat taps its wet nose to you
ears back - alarmed or in a very playful mood, also used when sniffing something they want to know more about
rubbing head, flank and tail against a person or animal - greeting ritual
head-butting - friendliness, affection
face sniffing - confirming identity
ears back and flattened - fearful, anxious or VERY playful (be careful here)
licks you - this could be the ULTIMATE sign of affection. If your cat licks you, your cat may consider you to be a part of his/her family, like a mother cleaning her kittens. If you push your cat away when he/she licks you, they may feel hurt and confused. Your kitty loves you! Or this could mean you have something tasty on your hand!
Talk back. As mentioned earlier, cats are always learning how to communicate with us; the more we communicate with them, the faster they'll learn.[6]

Use a slightly raised tone of voice to indicate friendliness and a lowered tone of voice to indicate displeasure or aggression.[7]
Repeat the same word, sleep or bed, each time you go to bed, and eventually your cat will begin to associate the repetitive word sound with your actions, and may even get to the bedroom before you.
Use the word shower consistently each time you are ready to take one, and eventually your cat may beat you to the bathroom and might even curl up in the sink to wait for you (See picture at right).
If you blink slowly when making eye contact with your cat, they will usually respond by coming over to be petted, as it is a very non-threatening gesture.
Be consistent. For example, a cat often "asks" before invading another's space and a common blunder many pet owners make is to say "no" but pet the cat at the same time. This is very confusing to the cat. Instead, a very quick "no" combined with gently but firmly pushing the cat away from you, without showing affection, will let the cat know that their presence is not desired at this time. Most cats will try 2-3 times to invade a person's space, often from different directions. Be patient when saying "no" to them.

You can also develop a "command tone" to use with your cat when they are doing something seriously wrong. Use a voice that comes naturally to you, that you can replicate easily, but that is also distinct from your everyday talking voice. If you use this voice sparingly, but seriously, then your cat will learn to associate the voice with the idea that they are being naughty.
Another easy "no" command that cats all understand is a quick, sharp, hiss or "spit" sound as is made by their own kind when they themselves say "no".

[edit] TipsTreat your cat with love and respect and they will become a very happy and loving companion and friend. Talk to them softly and watch how they listen. They might respond with a meow or other sound.
With patience cats can be trained to respond to commands, much the same as dogs. You can even teach your cat to shake your hand.
Siamese & Maine Coon cats have been observed to be especially "talkative", while long-haired cats tend to be on the quieter side.[8] But of course, there are always exceptions!

[edit] WarningsThis is not, by any means, a complete list of cat gestures and vocalizations. The feline communication system is surprisingly complex and extends beyond the scope of this article. Consult the sources below for more details, and always pay attention to your cat - every one is different.
Urinating, spraying and maddening (depositing feces in a prominent spot) are often a cat's attempt to mark territory that it feels is being threatened.[9] It may also be an indication of urinary tract or bladder infection, or other serious health issue. If this is a problem, the cat may need to be treated, neutered or spayed, or separated from other cats. Consult your vet.
Urinating or defecating outside or near the litter box usually means the litter box needs cleaning. Clean the litter box on a regular basis.
Never yell at or physically discipline a cat. This only frightens and angers them, and is counterproctive.

Ⅳ 雅思英语作文






Ⅵ 雅思part2描述你想学的一种语言(不是英语)


Ⅶ 如何用英语自我介绍(雅思班)



Because i have been away from English for a long time,i'm so nervous but excited.

I have no knowing about IELTS.
This is a great chance to me to get knowledge of the English skills and have knowing about IELTS.

I hope i can get a lot here and we can learn from each other.
Let's have a happy courses which is helpful to us.

Thanks a lot.


Ⅷ Describe a language you want to learn (except English). 雅思口语话题,求回答(150字左右)

口语就是要多说!一定要多说,这样才能练习你的口语,还有就是多听,练习内你的发音,多读容,不断积累词汇和句子.如果你不开口的话,就算听再多,那也没什么用.一定要多说,多开口,敢开口,才是最重要的!不过你还是淘宝搜索一下 途优英语 可以看一下店内的信用评价和学员评语,的确很好

Ⅸ 一个英语作文雅思的求一篇范文


Ⅹ 雅思介绍家乡的英语作文

已发到你的邮箱去了,大约800 至900词,希望会没有问题,若是满意的话,请不要忘了采纳和加悬赏哦? 祝你学业进步!

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