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1. 2013年英语一阅读text4是不是太难了点儿





2. 求自考英语阅读1 第4篇文章american social relations的翻译

American Social Relations
Gladys G.Doty Janet Ross

American society is much more informal than that of many other countries and, in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. The American mixture of pride in achievement and sense of “I’m just as good as anybody else.” along with lack of importance placed on personal dignity, is difficult for a foreigner to understand. Americans in general do not like to be considered inferior, and they grumble loudly about inconveniences or not getting a “fair deal.” Yet they do not make a point of their personal honor. As an illustration of the difference between Europen and American reflection in this respect, John Whyte in American Words and Ways gives the following account.
A…[European] professor [visiting in American] was once sent a bil for hospital services which he had never enjoyed. The bill was accompanied by a strong letter demanding payment. It was obvious that a mistake in names had been made, but the professor, thoroughly aroused by this reflection on his character and financial integrity, wrote a vigorous letter of reply ( which an American might also have done.) But in this letter of reply he demanded that the creditor write him a formal letter of apology… for this reflection on his honor. Since no publicity could possibly have been given to the mistake, for mistake it was, most Americans in that sitution, after getting the matter off their chest ( or without doing that ) would have let the matter rest.
An example of the same thing may be that although Americans like to talk about their accomplishments, it is their custom to show certain modesty in reply to compliments. When someone praises an American upon his achievement or upon his personal appearance, which, incidentally, is a very polite thing to do in America, the American turns it aside. If someone should say, “Congratulations upon being elected president of the club,” an American is expected to reply, “Well, I hope I can do a good job,” or something of the sort. Or if someone says, “That’s a pretty blue necktie you are wearing,” an American is likely to say, “I’m glad you like it,” or “Thank you. My wife gave it to me for my birthday.” The response to a compliment seldom conveys the idea, “I, too, think I’m pretty good.”
Likewise, there are fewer social conventions that show social differences in America. Students do not rise when a teacher enters the room. One does not always address a person by his title, such as “Professor” or “Doctor” (“Doctor” is always used, however, for a doctor fo medicine). The respectful “sir” is not always used in the northern and western parts of the country.
Clothing in America, as in every place in the world, to a certain degree reflects a person’s social position and income, or, at least among the young, his attitudes toward society or toward himself. Yet no person is restricted to a certain uniform or manner of dress because of his occupations or class in society. A bank president may wear overalls to paint his house and is not ashamed of either the job or the clothing, and a common laborer may wear a rented tuxedo at his daughter’s wedding.
Yet in spite of all the informality, America is not completely without customs that show consciousness of social distinction. For example, one is likely to use somewhat more formal language when talking to superiors. While the informal “Hello” is an acceptable greeting from employee to employer, the employee is more apt to say, “Hello, Mr. Ferguson,” whereas the emplyer may reply, “Hello, Jim.” Southerners make a point of saying “Yes,sir,” or “Yes,ma’am,” or “No,sir,” or “No, ma’am,” when talking to an older person or a person in position of authority. Although this is a good form all over the United States, “Yes, Mr. Weston.” or “No, Mrs. Baker” is somewhat more common in a similar situation in the North or West.
Certain other forms of politeness are observed on social occasions. Though people wear hats less now than in the past, women still occasionally wear hats in church and at public social functions ( except those that are in the evening ).
In American there are still customs by which a man may show respect for a woman. He opens the door for her and lets her precede him through it. He walks on the side of the walk nearest the street. He takes her arm when crossing a street or descending a stairway. A younger person also shows respect for an older one in much the same fashion, by helping the older person in things requiring physical exertion or involving possible accident.
American surface informality often confuses the foreigner because he interprets it to mean no formality at all. He does not understand the point at which informality stops. A teacher, though friendly, pleasant, and informal in class, expects students to study hard, and he grades each student’s work critically and carefully. He also expects to be treated with respect. Although students are free to ask questions about statements made by the teacher, and may say that they disagree with what he says, they are not expected to contradict him. Similarly, in boy-girl relationships a foreign student should not mistake the easy relationship and flattery that are part of the dating pattern in the United States, nor presume that it means more than it does.
Also, because an American is perhaps more likely to admit and laugh at his own mistakes than one who stands more on his dignity, a foreigner sometimes does not know how to handle the American’s apparent modesty. The American is quite ready to admit certain weaknesses, such as “I never was good at mathematics.” “I’m a rotten tennis player.” or “I’m the world’s worst bridge player.” However, the stranger must not be too quick to agree with him. American think it is all right, even sporting, to admit a defect in themselves, but they feel that it is almost an insult to have someone else agree. A part of American idea of good aportmanship is the point of being generous to a loser. This attitude is carried over into matters that have nothing to do with competition. If a man talks about his weak points, the listener says something in the way of encouragement,or point to other qualities in which the speaker excels. An American student reports that when he was in a foreign country he was completely stunned when he said to a native, “I don’t speak your language very well.” and the native replied, “I should say you don’t.” In a similar situation an American would have commented, “Well, you have only been here two months.” or “But you’re making progress.”
Although Americans are quite informal, it is best for a foreigner, in case of doubt, to be too formal rather than not formal enough. Consideration for others is the basis of all courtesy.

美国的社会比其他国家的社会更加非正式,在某些方面,美国社会的特征就是较少的社会差别。美国式的混合物-个人的成就感、不比别人差的优越感以及对个人尊严缺乏重要性,这些对一个外国人来说是很难理解的。通常来讲美国人不喜欢被别人看成低人一等的,他们也会为自己遭受的不便而抱怨,还会为自己没有得到公平的待遇而抱怨。然而,他们也不是很重视自己的荣誉。在这一方面,为了更好展示欧洲人和美国人的不同反映,John Whyte 在《美国语言和方式》这本书里给了我们如下的描述。


同样的事情我再给你举一个例子,尽管美国人比较喜欢讨论自己的成就,但是他们有个习俗,那就是如果你得到某种赞美时,你的回答要展示某种谦虚。当有人在赞美一个美国人诸如他的成就或外貌的时候,这些话题在美国被认为是很有礼貌的事情,他也不会太在意。如果有人对一个美国人说:“祝贺你当选俱乐部主席”,他会回答“我希望把工作做好”或者诸如词类的话语。当有人说:“你打的领结很漂亮”,而美国人会说“我很高兴你喜欢它”或者“谢谢你,这是我妻子送给我的生日礼物”。所有对这种赞美的回答从来都不会传达这样的含义即“我也认为我挺不错的” 同样的,在美国也很少有那种社会习俗来表现这种社会差异。当老师进教室的时候,学生是不起立的。也不经常在一个人的名字前面加一些头衔,比如教授或博士。(DOCTOR 如果从医药学方面来称呼也是可以的)。表示尊敬含义的SIR在美国北部和西部也是很少使用的。


尽管有诸如此类非正式的东西,但是美国也并不是完全没有习俗来展现这种社会差别意识。例如,但一个人跟他的上司说话的时候,他会用更加正式的语言。尽管非正式语言HELLO可以用于雇员和雇主之间,但对于一个雇员来说,他更倾向于使用HELLO,MR FERGUSON,而上司回答时可以直接回答HELLO JIM。当跟一个年长者或者权位更高的人说话时,美国南方人主张说YES SIR 或YES MA’AM 或NO, SIR或NO, MA’MA。尽管这样的称谓在全美国被认为是一种很好的称谓形式,但是在美国北部或西部,人们还更倾向于称YES,MR WESTON或NO,MRS BAKER。某种表示礼貌的形式可以在社交场合会看到的。尽管现在的人不像过去那么经常带帽子,但是女性在教堂或一些公众庆祝宴会时会带上帽子的(当然这些场合如果发生在晚上就不用了)


美国人这种表面上的非正式性会让一个外国人迷惑,因为他认为美国人的这种非正式性意味着没有正式性而言。但是他并不知道美国人的这种非正式性会在哪里变成了正式性,比如一个老师在课堂上看起来友好、和善,在课堂上也表现的非正式,但老师要求学生努力学习,并且在批改作业时是很严格和仔细的。而且这位老师也同样希望学生能尊敬他。尽管学生对老师的陈述自由提出问题,而且也可以表达对老师观点的不同意,但是这些学生也不能驳斥老师的观点。同样,在男孩和女孩交往的过程中,一个外国学生也不要对美国人在约会里表现的亲近关系或奉承的话语而误会,不要认为他们还有更深层次的含义。同样,因为比那些经常想保持自己尊严的人来说,美国人非常有可能承认和嘲笑他自己的错误、缺点。但是有时外国人不知道怎么处理美国人这种表面的谦虚。美国人很容易承认自己的某些弱点,诸如“我的数学不好”,“我的网球打的很烂”或者说“我的桥牌打的也是出奇的差”,但是,这个时候对于一个陌生人不能随声附和。美国人认为,承认自己的一些弱点没有什么,即使是运动项目不行,但是如果别人对他们谦虚的话语表示同意,他们认为这是对他们若大的侮辱。美国竞技精神的一部分就是对失败者要赋予同情和慷慨。这种态度从体育竞技中被带入到跟体育竞技一点关系都没有的事情当中了。如果一个人谈及自己的弱点时,听者一般都会以鼓励来回应或指出失败者在其他领域是很擅长的。一个美国的学生讲到,有次他去国外时,当他对当地人说:“我说你们的语言说的不好”,而对方回应到“我也这么认为”,他被当地人的回答惊呆了。当然,在同样的情势下,一个美国人将会回应到“你来这里才刚两个月而已” 或者说“但是你取得进步了”。


3. 英语1四篇阅读多少时间


4. 考研英语一2013年第一篇阅读overdressed is the fashion world's answer to ……中的answer to的意思

answer to

The cow answered to its cowboy's touch.
The child answers only to its nickname.
The directors had to answer to the stock holders for loss.
He answers to the description.
That answers precisely to our need.
The sails are not answering to our pull on the ropes.

5. 2007考研英语阅读1的第四题不会做


6. 求2013英语短文阅读 40篇 的mp3 第一篇是Fall in love with Englis

Fall in Love with English——爱上英语
Hiding behind the loose sty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at sk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60.
His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to studying Englishwell.
The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English.
有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电, 他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。

7. 考研英语一阅读理解的第一部分:4篇阅读20个选项,错几个算好。想上70分这4篇阅读 最多错几个




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9. 积极英语阅读教程1第三单元和第四单元四篇文章的翻译!

为什么做它 ?
住在另外的一个国家能帮助你学习一种语言,和有关另外一种文化。专 你将会以新的方式看世界属,而且学习更多关於你自己的事。 海外的学习也可能在你的将来履历表上看起来很好。今天,许多公司想要一种能说第二种语言或已经在另外一个国家经历生活或工作的职员。
一旦你决定在海外学习, 你必须做一些选择。 为了要选择正确的国家或者学校, 问你自己: 我想要去哪里和为什么? 我想要花多少钱? 我想要在海外学习多久? 我想要住在一个人家,和室友同住, 或独住?
早一点取得你的护照和签证! 在你之前去,学习一些语言, 而且读一些有关你本国的普通的关税。 学会带一些钱和你的信用卡。
在车国外的最初几星期后,许多学生将会觉得有一点想家。他们多数思念他们的家庭,朋友和熟悉的做事方法。 记住:应从容地去习惯新的地方、学校和文化。 当你觉得忧愁或者思家的时候,试着和其他人说话或%D

10. 2013年6月英语四级真题第一套仔细阅读第一篇答案+解析

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